Comments 56

Re: For Months, It Was 'Impossible' To Get Batman: Arkham Knight to Run on PS4


Don't think there has been ONE games this generation without a day one patch, and most ps3 ports have also needed a patch, must being like 3 to 6 GB, pretty lame o if you ask me, I'm done playing 65 bucks for an unfinished game, ps4 being sold next week to unlucky customer who I work with, hope he had internet, as that's the only way to fix these unfinished games, peace ✌ out

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: The Devil May Cry at These PS4 Numbers


You don't have to intice anyone, you tell developers like Microsoft did with original Xbox and Nintendo did with game cube, you can keep making games for them, but we are not making anymore games or controllers for them, it was successful, as they were smart enough to push the newer system, Sony doesn't seem to know how to make things succeed, gay book thing, move and vita, way to hold on to the past and fail Sony

Re: Batman: Arkham Knight's Day One PS4 Patch Is Bigger Than Bane


Yet another current gen unfinished garbage that needs a day one patch, if it's day one, hold another week and actually put out a finished game, if this continues, this is the worst generation by far, as I don't think there's been a this generation game without a day one patch or maybe a little later in order to make game feel like you spent your 65 bucks was worth it, horrible

Re: E3 2015: Final Fantasy VII's PS4 Remake May Not Be Exactly How You Remember It


And this is why they never wanted to do a remake. One announcement and all the crying, it's not the same, it's different, it will NEVER live up to the expectations of the fans. After it comes out everyone will be crying that they ruined the best game of all time, which everyone's played like a thousand times, how many times do you want the same game to come out? I think they are smart to change it, but retarded to make it, if you want ff 7, then play the original one, if you want something different, then play the new one. Here comes the crying

Re: E3 2015: Why Didn't Sony Show More Morpheus During Its Presser?


Just like move, the retard book thing and vita, this is already dead in the water before it got out, that's why, if you want something to succeed, you have to let people know ALL about it, and don't stop supporting it six months after it comes out, why doesn't this company learn from its own mistakes, also there 1200 dollar I pod, are you serious 💣

Re: Prototype 2 Is Probably Getting a Re-Release on PS4


Next generation, won't buy the ps5 until year for or five as every ps4 game will be ported to it, why did I even by into the ps4, should've kept my ps3 instead, 400 buck ( plus the games again) to play old ps3 games, thought we were in the next green already, may end up moving to pc

Re: E3 2015: Embrace Your Inner-Retro with PSone DualShock 4


Make the sticks rubber tougher for God's sake, started peeling off early on, Xbox one controller still hanging on after about a year, and that's handling my ten year old son playing it more than I play the ps4, such poor quality Sony, also why is the touch pad generally a start button, lame, where's the originality at Sony, also a light bar I never use but can't turn off, again, lame, as it eats the cap out of my battery, least micro crap didn't try and fix something that wasn't broken and ended up breaking it more

Re: Gran Turismo 7 to Park Up on PS4 Prior to 2017


If every car isn't premium and we get cars were it looks like someone threw a bucket of midnight black paint on a dark stormy night, all over the interior, count me out, honestly, how many people have driven all 1200 cars? Way to many and it's ridiculous, lower the count and go ALL premium, quality over quantity would be a real good racer

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