Comments 1,987

Re: Astro Bot Is the 'Biggest' Game Team ASOBI Has Ever Made


@FinneasGH That’s how I felt with Astro Bot Rescue Mission, easily one of the PS4’s greatest games.

It brought back all the memories I had playing Mario 64, realising that it had changed the way we play platformers.

That VR game was mind blowing.

A massive shame a lot of people will never get to play it. Saying that, a lot of people will have never even heard of it.

I was watching a video about the new Astro Bot a couple of days ago, and the guy said people have been demanding a full Astro Bot game and now we finally get one that isn’t just another Playroom. Shocking the amount of people that don’t even know Rescue Mission exists.

Re: A Lot of PS4 Owners Have Yet to Upgrade to PS5


How many are younger people with hand-me-down old consoles playing free to play games like Fortnite, with little to zero knowledge of anything beyond that?

I can’t imagine there is much more than 50 million so called mid/hardcore gamers.

Re: Helldivers 2 CEO Praises 'Willpower' of Community in Sony Showdown


@DennisReynolds Off topic slightly, but regarding the false info/location stuff, I had the opposite with Steam last year. I hadn’t used my account in about 5 or 6 years. When I tried to log on, it had clearly been hacked, my avatar was some blonde woman and the language was set to some Cyrillic text. After a few days or speaking to them, they finally gave my account back but refused to change the country. I said that’s crazy as I am British and have bought all my games on that store front and have a British bank account. After a week of back and forth, they refused to change it, so I had to create a new account. I think the terms and conditions are determined by the support person you end up speaking to. Haha.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing Sea of Thieves on PS5?


Played it for about 3 or 4 hours at release and maybe an hour a few years later. I’m tempted to try it again as I keep hearing it’s nothing like it was. But if I did, I would try again on Game Pass, I definitely wouldn’t buy it.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 521


@JamieO No worries about a reply, you don’t have to respond at all! Haha.

Yeah, we have been getting some decent stuff over the last few years. Still a bunch of weird ones I haven’t heard about in years, That 90’s Racer was the reason I bought a Wii U. Still waiting. Haha.

Victory Heat Rally is another, I swear that was coming out years ago.

Played the SNES version of Top Gear the other day. Couldn’t believe I remembered the soundtrack like I only played it a day earlier. Classic stuff.