Comments 466

Re: Poll: Can a Game's Brutal Difficultly Put You Off Playing It?


Yes. I like souls games but I mainly like them if I can use a glitch to get lots of op and make me op or mods then I enjoy it more and not super annoyed when I die and lose everything.
Although weirdly I really liked wo long.

I don't mind a harder difficultly if I'm on new game plus and games in general when getting trophies or whatever like the plat on resi games and last of us and all that or the odd mil sim

Re: UK Video Game Retailer GAME Will Reportedly Stop Stocking Video Games


What's even the point of keeping GAME around doing this.
I haven't really brought physical since early Xbox one and ps4 gen so I get why it's happend but i still got the odd game here and there on disc and still liked going into there to have a browse and abit of a chat with people that also liked video games.

I always really wanted to work there back in the day as well 😅.

Re: Poll: One Year Later, What Are Your Thoughts on Final Fantasy 16?


I thought it was OK when it came out and still think it's OK now. An alright action adventure game that really didn't look or feel like a FF game, side missions were abit rubbish, world was 🤷 the combat was meh, wasn't really intrested in the story and personally I've never had any interest in playing it again.

It was also really easy.

Mabey when it comes to Xbox or PC I'll give it another go

Re: Sony Is Allegedly Pulling PSVR2 Funding, Report Claims


End of the day why would you get a psvr 2 when yoh could just get a meta quest 2 for half the price or 3 for the same price then not need a ps5 and have access to loads of games and media in general

Personally I haven't played any game where I've preferred it in VR and really bad motion sickness

Re: PS5 Fans Beg Sony for a More Fulfilling Livestream in the Aftermath of Xbox Show


@CrackmanNL except FF7 isn't a PlayStation Game and won't stay ps5 exclusive. HD2 PlayStation helped abit but it's not a PlayStation studios game and the player count has tanked alot even by live service standards and the whole stupid needing psn for it.... but still going well so that's fine.
Concord hasn't clapped anything and I'd have thought the one from valve will probably be better and more successful because valve 🤷.

Personally I'm not even vaguely interested in Astrobot but saying GOTY contender already is a massive stretch..

Re: Many, Many More Major Xbox Games Are Being Plotted for PS5


Yay another comment section with people thirsty for the downfall of Xbox and it's dead platform and no ones intreasted in the games. Yay for Sony having a monopoly on consoles because they care about the gamers 😂😂.

Anywho 🤷 Xbox is still my main console and any first party game or anything that launches day one of gamepass Xbox all the way everyday.
Ps5 for the odd exclusive if Sony puts something more out.
PC for everything else and now I've got GFN PC has basically become my main platform. Can't wait to build myself a master race PC because more and more what the point in playing on consoles that struggle to get 30fps 4kish or 60fps at any resolution that. Along with all Sony games will be coming to PC

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


@OldGamer999 even though your 100% people need to try and convince themselves that they know best what to do and Microsoft are wrong and them and gamepass are evil which will fail and bring the industry down with it.

Meanwhile Sony is the guiding light of goodness, hope and hugs and can't do wrong because their truly one of the people, one do the good guys because they care.

Not the fact neither company dosnt give a toss about you and only wants to make as much money out of each customer as possible.....

Re: Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live-Action Trailer Revealed


I'm looking forward to it. Even though Mw3 really was a cash grab the MP wasn't to bad although not as good as mw2 because of the massive TTK also cheaters on PC but I always get cod every year just like alot of people do.
Hopefully got a good zombie mode as well and would like to see dmz come back or something like dmz but just AI.

Being on gamepass is a big old bonus as well so hoping the rest of the cods come it as would like to play the campaign on them again as alway enjoy the cod SP.

Side note it's funny people on here desperate for the downfall of cod, gamepass, Xbox and know the ins and outs of how a multi trillion $ company decides to spend their money and long term plans 😂😂