Comments 225

Re: Sony's Open to Acquiring Additional First-Party Studios


My list
Also they can merge with Nintendo and Nintendo take over the handheld side and Sony the home side and have a new smash game with sackboy and ratchet and insomniac can make a Mario game and naughty dog dose zelda. Might as well buy insomniac and naughty dog too.And we can have a gaming renaissance period.

Re: Now Sony's Asking Which PS2 Games You Want on PS4


They should have cross play with the vita
Jak and daxter 1-3
Ratchet and clank 1-3(1 released same day as the remake)
Sonic mega collection
How about them all and with PSone with cross buy and play with the vita and lets add PSP games too while we at it.

Re: Soapbox: Why the Industry Is Getting Greedy (And How to Stop It)


Here is how to have limits on console and game developers
1. Have DLC cost limited to 9.99
2.Do not have DLC ready upon release the limit is 60 days after game release
3.all physical DLC(skylanders etc.) Can not go over 14.99 also must be no shortage of the content.
3B.also physical DLC must be ready on game release if needed.
Digital games
1.All digital bought games via a game store is the same thing as a physical copy and I forever owned by the buyer. games must go down in price when the physical game dose too.
3.if a quick sale is on the digital game but not the physical is allowed
4.all digital games must have a physical copy at a store via. a code or physical media.
Physical media
All stores that sale games must have all consoles currently in production and have a minimum of 5 games.
All games digital or physical must be completed and bug free without mandatory online single player.
All game makers must make games for each console in each gen. and must be made on the weakest console and ported to a stronger console and the company must make 3 games per year for each console.
All console makers must make a home and a handheld console each generation.
If any company dose not follow these rules are subject to a 1-150 billion dollar a year fine.
Next no smartphone or tablet is not to have any games made for it.
No more arcades unless a console is in the market.
Sega must make a Dreamcast 2 and will sale 10 million units or more.

Re: Sony: There Will Be Surprises at PlayStation Experience


At least one PS vita game also one cross platform game for PS3,PS Vita and PS4 and PSVR.PSVR price and release date with game reel.And indie reel for PS4 and Vita.And Nintendo comes on stage and Zelda U is renamed and coming on the PS4 in 2017 along with NES,SNES,N64, game cube classics on the PS4 and GB, GBC,GBA and cross buy and play for the psp and PS vita with ps4 and ps3.The last part is wishful thinking.Here is summery
PS3 and PS4 NES,SNES,N64,GB,GBC,GBA,Game cube. Cross play and buy above below is home only with remote play with the vita DS and Wii U(must have PS vita to play)More wishful thinking that will not happen.