Comments 70

Re: PSN Name Change Rumour Is a Load of Nonsense


I would actually prefer to lose all my trophies.

I would love to have a nice fresh start trophy wise without losing my purchases.

There is a nugget of truth in this even if the context is wrong.

My friend got his account banned for having a questionable username and even contacting to support they offered to change his name and let him keep his purchases but he would lose all his trophies. This was in 2011.

Re: Poll: Do We Still Need Review Scores?


I like review scores but I would prefer if they were more in depth like they used to be in 90s mags. A score for graphics one for sound and one for story then another for gameplay then a total combined score.

Re: Soapbox: Why I Love Shenmue


These two games are easily in my to 5 of all time.

The first is the only game I've been able to play on an almost annual basis since release.

I like the second but I feel the faster pace loses a lot of what made the first special.

Roll on Shenmue 3!

Re: E3 2018: The Last of Us' Fantastic Factions Multiplayer Will Return


I still play the mp every chance I get. In fact it's the sole reason I bought the remaster.

This game is the only one that I think battle royale would actually be a natural for for as its essentially what the survival mode was just on a smaller scale.

I hope they don't change too much as its near perfect at it is. Maybe add infected but that's it.

Re: Soapbox: I Miss the Mystery of Video Games


I really miss the good old days I remember going out on a Saturday to the local second hand market and getting a few Megadrive games.

The rest of the trip was a nightmare other than stopping for dinner as I could read the manuals. I loved the character bios and backstory that was in them.

I fondly remember getting mortal kombat ii and there was a few loose pages of lined paper with the fatalities in the case.

It was like a freebie!

Re: Guide: All PS4 HDR Compatible Games


@get2sammyb ghost recon wildlands has hdr and I'm pretty sure the original knack does too. As for tvs definitely check out the Sony xe9005. It's fantastic.

I have a xd8305 which is alright but lacks local dimming so it loses some depth on dark scenes.

Re: Hands On: Skyrim VR Looks and Plays Great with PlayStation VR


@get2sammyb I started playing this last night and after ten minutes of do it seemed to default to being crouched or about 2 feet tall. The only way to fix this was to restart the game but it did this again after about ten minutes.

Have you experienced anything like this? I looked at the controls and there doesn't seem to be a crouch button so I'm a bit lost unless it's a tracking issue but every other game has been flawless.

Re: Game of the Year 2016: #10 - Titanfall 2


This was one of my least favourite games of 2016 the campaign was ok but only about 3 hours long and too easy. The multilayer just didn't grab me at all. However I got it real cheap on black Friday then trades it in for more a week later

Re: Guide: The Best 4K UHD HDR TVs for PS4 Pro in 2016


@FantasyMeister thanks for your thoughts on it. I already have a 4ktv but it's a fairly old one that only supports 4k yuv420 I've been checking out sets like crazy the last few weeks and it's so overwhelming.

The lgs are harder to research due to the fact that there's no reviews of them to be found unless it's the oled models.

Thanks again

Re: Live Streaming Gets a Lot of Love on PS4 Pro


@kyleforrester87 of you have Amazon prime you can snag watch dogs 2 using prime now. It lets you choose 2hr delivery in the UK.

It's hilarious how many people got their pro a few days late but this early. Amazon really need to sort their service out.

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