Comments 247

Re: Netflix Is Reportedly Producing a Resident Evil TV Series


Can't be worse than the movies. Right...?

No, seriously, the movies aren't THAT bad but hardly resemble the RE universe apart from the CGI ones. A series could work but it has to be something that lasts. I mean, there's not that much to work with if they choose to follow the (I love the series but let's be honest here) awful storylines of the games.

Re: Stellaris Brings Sci-Fi Grand Strategy to PS4 in February


The thematics appeal to me but I too get overwhelmed with all the choices. The same reason I never play chess: I know there is a perfect move to be made but it can take me an infinite time to figure it out so I just go with a seemingly random choice.

Maybe I will check this out or maybe not. We'll see.

Re: Poll: What's Your Most Anticipated PS4 Game of 2019?


RE2 is the only must-have to be honest. Metro Exodus I'm keeping eye on. It's just the overly linear gameplay of the series that kind of puts me off. The monster designs aren't too thrilling either.

Days Gone should've released some years ago to truly excite me. Far Cry I will check out.

All in all, nothing too special unfortunately.

Re: Game of the Year 2018: #8 - Shadow of the Colossus


Great game. Had some frustrating moments but overall 10-/10. The Last Guardian on the other hand... Couldn't make myself continue after some cumbersome hours. Awful controls, god-awful camera and the relationship between the useless main character and the beast just didn't appeal to me at all. I have a clumsy cat IRL.

Re: Street Fighter V's In-Game Ads Are the Latest and Greatest Gaming Controversy


Oh, I just remembered the Mario Kart Mercedes endorsement. Didn't download the free cars and it kinda made me sick to see that stuff appear out of nowhere. In some games it can add some realism even but mostly I'm against this kind of stuff. If I want to see ads I download pretty much any game from Google Play. Paid games should NEVER have ads. Even promoting your own add-ons like the Horizon DLC on the title screen somewhat breaks the immersion.

Re: Round Up: Just Cause 4 Reviews Forecast Sunny Skies


I didn't finish JC3 although it was really fun until it wasn't anymore. Just causing mayhem is a lot of fun but when you're forced to do it over and over again to proceed with the story it kinda gets old. And the world was soooo big that it sort of worked against itself. Nice couple of hours and then I never touched it again unfortunately. Spend more time with Mad Max though which I assume has the exact same game engine.

Re: Sony Showed Gran Turismo Sport Running in 8K at 120 Frames-Per-Second


I'm still blown away if a game can do solid 60 on 1080 so this seems pretty far away. I personally prefer great art direction and effects over resolution. Also textures are sometimes forcefully degraded when they pursue better fps. I think it's almost stupid to raise the resolution at this point when there's still so much to work on other departments.

Re: Alien: Blackout Trademarked Ahead of The Game Awards 2018


Isolation was so very very good that I can't be but excited about the future of the franchise. A shooter sounds worrying but we'll see. If it's as classy and true to canon as Isolation was it might be great. Maybe they're going for something like the first two movies were, first a sci-fi horror and then equally great sci-fi action with horror-ish vibe.

Re: Review: Call of Cthulhu (PS4)


Even as a horror fan the Lovecraftian legacy doesn't appeal to me too much. On the other hand, I've already played most horror-ish games and 6/10 is not a negative review to me for a game like this. Probably gonna check it out, at least when the price comes down. Like, way down.

By the way, did you guys review that one game, "Hanwell"... something, I think? I'd like to know if that's a proper game or just some Unity assets someone put together.

Re: Soapbox: Can You Truly Appreciate a Game with Walkthroughs?


I sort of have a time limit for being stuck. When it starts to feel like I'm wasting my precious time I look it up, as specifically as I can to minimise the effect of "cheating". It rarely happens and it makes me feel slightly disappointed with myself. It's quite common that I was on the right track and maybe even tried the correct thing but something just went wrong. Nowadays I'm not too hard on myself though.

Re: Review: NHL 19 (PS4)


@get2sammyb FIFA is kind of popular too but people don't go crazy over it like they do with NHL. Hockey is the big thing here, the country being in the north and all.