Comments 247

Re: PS5 Is a Long Way Away, Or So Sources Say


I think reveal will happen somewhere around 2020 and launch maybe 2021. It's only been a year and a half since I bought my PS4 and I'm still very happy with it and it's not even pro. I'm always late to the party so PS5 to me is like 2023 or something.

Re: Talking Point: Is PS4's September Starting to Look Way Too Crowded?


I'm mainly interested in seeing how Spider-man does review-wise. Maybe even going to buy it later if it does to Spidey what Arkham series did to Batman. Not a fan of superheroes in general but a good videogame is a good videogame. Otherwise none of those titles interest me.

After the borefest that was RDR I'm not bothered by that series either.

Re: Review: Far Cry 5 (PS4)


The setting seems interesting but I think I've had enough of the Far Cry formula for now. Will buy when it's a tenner or something. Played Watch Dogs 2 recently and really enjoyed it. Ubi tried new stuff there and I think it really paid off.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 209


Finished Torment: Tides of Numenera couple of days ago and played through Metro 2033 in three days I think and now I'm messing around in Watch Dogs 2. Think I'll put some hours into that. I'm one of the few who moderately liked the first one and the sequel seems slightly better.

Re: New SOMA PS4 Update Adds Safe Mode


I enjoyed the game as it is (was) and don't plan to play it again anytime soon. I don't see any replayability to be honest. Got all the achievements and I can't really forget the ending so no need to play it again. Great game tho and this mode makes sense.

Re: Soapbox: I Miss the Mystery of Video Games


I think I didn't finish most games back in the days because of the insane difficulty, language barrier and sometimes the horrible (and mean) decisions the developers made just to mess with you, the player.

I still miss those times. To be 7 years old and dreaming of being a "video game tester" and now basically anyone can "develop" one's own game if you're ready to read some Unity tutorials. The magic is gone for sure but times change.

Re: Feature: 5 Ways the PlayStation Store Must Improve in 2018


There are problems with every version of the shop. I think that is your problem right there. The console version is nice to look at but clumsy. The app version is a mess. Browser just seems a bit off. I don't really like to use any of them until I'm completely sure which game I'm purchasing.

Paying is a chore as well because in PS Store my PayPal doesn't work for some freaking reason and I'm forced to login to my online banking thingy and input all the passwords and whatnot every single time.

Sigh, just make it good, alright... It shouldn't be an issue in 2018.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 200


I'll try and finally finish Wasteland 2. I was about to finish it but it decided to crash the 100th time before I got to finish the last enemies.

In the evening I'll continue RE7. Just got past a certain chainsaw affiliated fight and I love the game so much.

Maybe some Black mirror for me too

Re: Review: The Evil Within 2 (PS4)


I kind of expected this. The first one was like one part awesome and one part awful. Still a decent game. Maybe I will check this out but like @get2sammyb said, there are too many great games right now. I just can't justify spending my time playing a half baked game even though it's my favorite genre.

Re: Soapbox: Open World OCD - How Too Much Content Can Ruin a Game


Funny times we're living when games are "too big". Given that many classic games from the 80's and even 90's can be beaten in 20 minutes.

But it's reality now. We've had bigger and bigger games after the whole open-world thing and many times I see myself hesitating when starting a new game, just because I know it will take lots of time and probably some pointless wandering just because you can. While I was blown away back in the days by the titles like GTA3, I've slowly started to enjoy linear structure more.

I still enjoy freedom in games but then it must have something else to enjoy as well. This is a tricky subject and an important one as well.

Re: Batman Voice Actor Says No More Arkham Games Are Planned


I'm usually not interested in games that are based on superheroes or TV series' or whatnot but Arkham games are really good. Only missed the first one. Origins was kinda mediocre but it wasn't a Rocksteady game after all. Arkham Knight was great but I think Batmobile didn't bring much to it unfortunately.

And whereas I'm a fan of bleak visuals, these games tend to be too dark at times. Usually that happens with indie horror titles and not open-world games.

Maybe it would be best to move on but I wouldn't mind another one. Great series.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 185


@Matt_Berial 1984 is an amazing book. In my all-time top 3 with 2001: Space Odyssey and Childhood's End, both from the same genious Arthur C. Clarke.

And to answer the question at hand, Elite: Dangerous. Probably gonna play that for the rest of the year. Probably gonna get the Horizons add-on as well once I have learned all the basics well enough. After a couple dozen hours I think I'm already ready for that but I'm still happy with my courier/pioneer status. Being a huge fan of astronomy, this game just delivers all I can ask from a game.

Those who play Elite, does Horizons bring enough content to justify the price or should I just go with vanilla? Appreciate any comments about that.

Re: Review: Resident Evil: Revelations (PS4)


Yeah, this was made for 3DS and it was a thrill both technically and gameplay-wise. Wii U version I didn't even finish, just wanted to check it out. NOT going to triple dip

Still find the "Valkoinen mökki" place funny since it's Finnish and has nothing to do with anything

Re: Review: The Surge (PS4)


I was kinda looking forward to this but I kinda saw this coming too. Shame. The gameplay I watched seemed always boring but many of my favorite games do seem kinda boring until you pick up the controller. Bargain bin, here I come.

@stevejcrow You're right Reminds me of those early Mega Man cover art catastrophes.

Re: Here's How Resident Evil: Revelations Looks on PS4


I think this was always meant to be played on 3DS. Even the Wii U version felt a bit off and I didn't even finish it. Don't mind it being on every freaking platform though I just prefer the original which blew my mind to be honest.

Re: Round Up: Mafia III Takes a Bullet or Two in First Reviews


I never thought I'd say this but I start to prefer linearity over "open-world". It was awesome back in GTA3 days but now it's just getting dull. Xenoblade Chronicles X was awesome and I kinda enjoyed Watch_Dogs and Assassin's Creed 4 but open-world is becoming the new FPS. It was cool but now you need something more :/

Re: Video: Red Dead Revolver PS4 Readies Us for Redemption 2


Red Dead Redemption was kinda disappointing to me. I liked the overall atmosphere but otherwise I think it's hugely overrated. Bully I liked and would really like to see a sequel. All in all, Rockstar to me is one of the most overrated developers out there. And 2K as well.