Comments 270

Re: Hardware Review: PS Classic - A Nostalgic Nineties Novelty


"The results aren't pretty but it's perhaps worth maintaining perspective: these types of articles are extremely thorough and the average player shouldn't really be deterred by them."

Why even defend Sony on this!!? An attitude like that is why someyhing like Fallout 76 could even happen nowadays: companies aren't held accountable for their blatant cost cutting anymore. Disgusting.

Re: Round Up: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Reviews Are Hot, Hot, Hot


@KidBoruto While it is nice of you to concern yourself with what I am missing out on, when you put the word 'ideals' in double quotes like that, I can't help but get the feeling you don't take me quite as seriously. It feels almost like I offended you in some way by disliking the way this game is released. Do you work for Activision or Toys For Bob? If you don't, I will ask you to respect my "ideals", instead of questioning them when they are not exactly the same as your own, thank you very much.

Re: Round Up: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Reviews Are Hot, Hot, Hot


@KidBoruto I don't care about downloads, though I understand people with bad internet would.

What I care about is preservation. If I own a physical copy, I expect to own the full game. If the current version PSN gets axed or whatever in the future and my PS4 or hdd dies after that, I can probably never get to parts 2 and 3 anymore.

Example: I had DLC for Splinter Cell Chaos Theory on OG Xbox, then OG Live got shut down, then my harddrive died. I replaced the drive, but my paid for DLC is gone forever.

This network doesn't have eternal life, nor does my PS4, and knowing that Activision made a conscious decision to not go with bigger/more discs, thus ensuring that even the hardcopied software has a much more finite life than it could have, made me decide to not reward them with a purchase.