OT: I will be all over this trilogy, with apologies to the originals on my Vita. It was always a great comfort game for me and it's just so well made. Technologically advanced for its day as well
Speaking of things being almost identical: I watched some early let's play-footage and this seems more like a simple uprez than an honest remaster... Leave it to EA to try and get your money with minimal effort, I guess.
@sketchturner The boring part is what I've read as well (from people who played it). Pity, because I love the aesthetic AND I love getting little gems on physical format... Time for some let's plays.
Seeing how the altered jump timing and weird hitboxes in Nsane Trilogy were JUST off enough to spoil the entire experience for me, I don't know if I want them to remake CTR...
@viciousarcanum Well excuse me very much for chiming in, but if you want to support the franchise, but don't want EA to have your money, there's not much else you can do, right? Can't have both, that's for sure.
All these PS2 reports have framerate issues if you're in Europe. Something with converting the original ntsc-signal to our pal-standard, even though that's not even required anymore on lcd-tv's.
Gunplay and damage feedback are utterly broken and the game is worse for it: pure trial and error all the way though. I adore New Order and Old Blood, but New Colossus will be getting me some store credit soon. Finished it yesterday and my god, what a chore.
If you liked the cutscenes better than the game... you're one of us!
@AlexStinton disagree on the ballistic ballet: once the side doors open, you can run upstairs and spam the mounted guns. Doesn't make the section more fun, mind you, but it's hardly a puzzle.
Also, having replayed the first part of that encounter about fifteen billion times, I saw the scripting becoming painfully apparent. Then it boiled down to trial and error, as most of the game does.
Wow, you must have written this article while reading my mind or something!
Totally agree on everything. I want to like this game more than I do. It needs SERIOUS rebalancing. The part after meeting up with Grace was the first (seemingly insurmountable) chore that made me wonder what I was doing wrong; the courthouse was the second. I have since set the difficulty from 'hurt me plenty' to 'not too rough', but it doesn't seem to matter much. How can there be THREE extra difficulties above 'hurt me plenty'? Full health and armor already get picked away in literal seconds.
I never had this problem in New Order, so something must be different. I sincerely hope they patch Colossus, because right now, it's a major disappointment.
Make it cheaper (yes, even cheaper than the old price) and let me keep the monthly games even if my subscription runs out. I know that's contradictory, but it wouod be a show of goodwill that goes a long way if you want me to subject myself to a horribly confined online service.
You know what doesn't have microtransactions? Vectrex. So I already have a fallback strategy in case this new guy, let's call him Not-Andrew, decides to screw things up.
Keep in mind that this is the same company that said Kinect would be the future, so there's really no telling what constitutes "complicated" in their book anymore.
Saw the first 45 minutes from Youtuber Theradbrad last night: I am not a fan. So much derivative gameplay systems! Horizon tall grass stealth, RDR horseback riding, cavern traversal a la Tomb Raider reboot... It doesn't seem to have any original ideas to it.
Oh, and the whistling to lure braindead enemies towards you is still there. No. Just no.
Comments 270
Re: Outrun Inspired Horizon Chase Turbo Races to PS4 on 15th May
@Futureshark Magical Sound Shower is the only sensible choice.
19.99 is too expensive for a polished phone game imo, so if it's any good, I'll wait for a sale.
Re: Hands On: Guacamelee! 2 Brings Mexican Madness Back to PS4
I will most definitely get this. POLLO POWER!!!
Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Racing Games
How about that onslaught of arcade racers that has been teased or announced lately? Most notably, but not limited to, Onrush and Grip.
Re: Spyro: Reignited Trilogy Finally Announced, Glides onto PS4 in September
OT: I will be all over this trilogy, with apologies to the originals on my Vita. It was always a great comfort game for me and it's just so well made. Technologically advanced for its day as well
Re: God of War PS4 Pro Bundle Announced
Oh my, that is one ugly Playstation.
Re: Legendary Shmup Ikaruga Rated for Release on PS4
Played it on Gamecube and 360, but I just don't have the patience for it.
Re: Poll: What Do You Think About Remasters?
I just want awesome classics to look and perform their best.
Re: Onrush Isn't Quite the PS4 Arcade Racer You're Expecting
Everything about this feels forced. On a related note: have you seen that announcement trailer for GRIP!!?
Re: Burnout Paradise Remastered PS4 Trophy List Speeds Online
@get2sammyb Finding those last two gate smashes, though... Been forever stuck on "398/400".
Re: Burnout Paradise Remastered PS4 Trophy List Speeds Online
Speaking of things being almost identical: I watched some early let's play-footage and this seems more like a simple uprez than an honest remaster... Leave it to EA to try and get your money with minimal effort, I guess.
Re: New Burnout Paradise Remastered Trailer Heightens the Hype Ahead of Launch
I can pop this in my 360 right now and play it without giving EA anything for their "remaster". Seems to be just an uprez, so forget it.
Re: Soapbox: I Miss the Mystery of Video Games
Everything in this article plus demo discs! Ahh, to be young again...
Re: Massive Kingdom Come: Deliverance Patch Doubles the File Size of the Game, Report Says
@ShogunRok "we likely won't have a full review for launch"
Well, that's to be expected when you first have to download a 'patch' this ridiculous.
Re: Owlboy Physical Edition Spreads its Wings on PS4 in May
@sketchturner The boring part is what I've read as well (from people who played it). Pity, because I love the aesthetic AND I love getting little gems on physical format... Time for some let's plays.
Re: Crash Bandicoot to Score a New Game in 2019
Seeing how the altered jump timing and weird hitboxes in Nsane Trilogy were JUST off enough to spoil the entire experience for me, I don't know if I want them to remake CTR...
Re: Feature: The Promising PS4 Games of February 2018
Yeah, Colossus on day one, never played it. Owlboy maybe: reading a lot of polarized opinions on it.
Re: Burnout Paradise PS4 Remaster Listed by Yet Another Online Retailer
@viciousarcanum Well excuse me very much for chiming in, but if you want to support the franchise, but don't want EA to have your money, there's not much else you can do, right? Can't have both, that's for sure.
Re: Sony Granting Refunds to The Crew 2 PS4 Pre-Orders Following Delay
Don't ever preorder.
Re: Burnout Paradise PS4 Remaster Listed by Yet Another Online Retailer
@viciousarcanum Then wait till you can pick up a used copy.
Re: Sony Boss John Kodera's Twitter Account May Have Been Fake
@Rudy_Manchego Last time I checked, Bill Clinton was still POTUS, so I tend to agree with you.
@kyleforrester87 I don't even know who you are anymore! Then again, I never did, so no harm done.
Re: There's Another Licensed PS4 'Pro' Controller Out Next Week
Licensed or not, if a peripheral has another brand than it says on the console, I don't need that garbage.
Re: Dynasty Warriors 9's Open World Mission Structure Shown Off in New Gameplay
The world? I thought LOVE was a battlefield? Source: Pat Benatar
Re: What Happens When You Show Shadow of the Colossus to a Kid?
Yay, I never played it! But first I have my first ever run through of Okami scheduled...
Re: LawBreakers Publisher Blames PUBG for Poor Sales
What a great attitude to have: "We messed something up, so it's somebody else's fault!"
Re: Guide: How to Stop Ads Being Added to the PS4's Home Menu
This insultingly short guide feels like an abbreviated version of something more in-depth and comprehensive. Please publish the full article.
Re: GT Sport Update Adds New Single Player Campaign, 12 Cars, More for Free
Will the singleplayer get reviewed?
Re: Hands On: Suplexing Sinister Spirits in Guacamelee! 2
I just need a physical release to get properly hyped.
Re: Sony's Sending Out Free PS4 Themes for the Holidays
So if there's no email whatsoever, does that mean I'm on the naughty list?
Re: Deus Ex Developer Eidos Montreal Moving Towards Online Experiences
I'm a single player only guy, so screw this move.
Re: PS4 Firmware Update 5.03 Does Exactly What You Expect
@NintendoFan4Lyf You mean UOTY?
Re: Sony Details the Mini PS4 Controller
Wired? What is this, 2002?
Re: PSX 2017: MediEvil Rises from Its Grave with a PS4 Remaster
Crash Team Racing and Spyro. I'll be good for a while with those.
Re: Trio of Jak & Daxter Titles Launch on PS4 Next Week
All these PS2 reports have framerate issues if you're in Europe. Something with converting the original ntsc-signal to our pal-standard, even though that's not even required anymore on lcd-tv's.
Re: Deals: PS4 Pro Scores Another Temporary Price Drop in the UK
I'd like the white one for this price, please.
Re: Guide: New PS4 Games in December 2017
Don't forget Horizon Zero Dawn: Complete Edition on December 6th. Will be getting that and Okami.
Re: Fancy Shooting Some Stuff? You Can Try Wolfenstein II on PS4 for Free Right Now
Gunplay and damage feedback are utterly broken and the game is worse for it: pure trial and error all the way though. I adore New Order and Old Blood, but New Colossus will be getting me some store credit soon. Finished it yesterday and my god, what a chore.
If you liked the cutscenes better than the game... you're one of us!
Re: Gran Turismo Sport Scores Traditional Single Player Campaign for Free
So how long until the physical 'complete edition'?
Re: Witcher Dev Says Cyberpunk 2077 Will Have 'No Bullsh*t', Following Multiplayer Assumptions
I just called 911 to report shots fired. I laugh at EA's pathetic hoop jumping with their empty, half-hearted BF2 promises.
Re: Review: SingStar: Celebration (PS4)
I loved SingStar on PS2. Don't remember two player being too few to have fun.
Re: Review: The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR (PS4)
@get2sammyb Any other game, no. But for VR yes, because camera control is vastly different there by definition.
Re: Review: Cat Quest (PS4)
Not a cat person, so count meowt.
Re: Review: Need for Speed Payback (PS4)
Sorry, didn't mean to yell there. I just miss Burnout.
Re: Soapbox: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Is a Better Game to Watch Than to Play
@AlexStinton disagree on the ballistic ballet: once the side doors open, you can run upstairs and spam the mounted guns. Doesn't make the section more fun, mind you, but it's hardly a puzzle.
Also, having replayed the first part of that encounter about fifteen billion times, I saw the scripting becoming painfully apparent. Then it boiled down to trial and error, as most of the game does.
Re: Soapbox: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Is a Better Game to Watch Than to Play
Wow, you must have written this article while reading my mind or something!
Totally agree on everything. I want to like this game more than I do. It needs SERIOUS rebalancing. The part after meeting up with Grace was the first (seemingly insurmountable) chore that made me wonder what I was doing wrong; the courthouse was the second. I have since set the difficulty from 'hurt me plenty' to 'not too rough', but it doesn't seem to matter much. How can there be THREE extra difficulties above 'hurt me plenty'? Full health and armor already get picked away in literal seconds.
I never had this problem in New Order, so something must be different. I sincerely hope they patch Colossus, because right now, it's a major disappointment.
Re: Sony Bundles PS4 Pro with Five Games and Matches Xbox One X's Price
Time for Microsofts retaliatory strike, something like: "One X does what Pro don't". It will be a battle for the ages!
Re: Housemarque Canning Coin-Op After Commercial Flops
So singleplayer arcade games will be replaced by online only multiplayer 'experiences'? RIP Housemarque.
Re: Sony Wants to Make PlayStation Plus Even More Attractive to Members
Make it cheaper (yes, even cheaper than the old price) and let me keep the monthly games even if my subscription runs out. I know that's contradictory, but it wouod be a show of goodwill that goes a long way if you want me to subject myself to a horribly confined online service.
Also, free cloud saves for everybody!
Re: Sounds Like PlayStation's New Boss Is a Fan of Microtransactions
You know what doesn't have microtransactions? Vectrex. So I already have a fallback strategy in case this new guy, let's call him Not-Andrew, decides to screw things up.
Re: Microsoft Says Single Player Games Are Becoming Complicated
Keep in mind that this is the same company that said Kinect would be the future, so there's really no telling what constitutes "complicated" in their book anymore.
Re: Round Up: Assassin's Creed Origins PS4 Reviews Unwrapped Ahead of Release
Saw the first 45 minutes from Youtuber Theradbrad last night: I am not a fan. So much derivative gameplay systems! Horizon tall grass stealth, RDR horseback riding, cavern traversal a la Tomb Raider reboot... It doesn't seem to have any original ideas to it.
Oh, and the whistling to lure braindead enemies towards you is still there. No. Just no.