Comments 270

Re: Soapbox: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Is a Better Game to Watch Than to Play


@AlexStinton disagree on the ballistic ballet: once the side doors open, you can run upstairs and spam the mounted guns. Doesn't make the section more fun, mind you, but it's hardly a puzzle.

Also, having replayed the first part of that encounter about fifteen billion times, I saw the scripting becoming painfully apparent. Then it boiled down to trial and error, as most of the game does.

Re: Soapbox: Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus Is a Better Game to Watch Than to Play


Wow, you must have written this article while reading my mind or something!

Totally agree on everything. I want to like this game more than I do. It needs SERIOUS rebalancing. The part after meeting up with Grace was the first (seemingly insurmountable) chore that made me wonder what I was doing wrong; the courthouse was the second. I have since set the difficulty from 'hurt me plenty' to 'not too rough', but it doesn't seem to matter much. How can there be THREE extra difficulties above 'hurt me plenty'? Full health and armor already get picked away in literal seconds.

I never had this problem in New Order, so something must be different. I sincerely hope they patch Colossus, because right now, it's a major disappointment.