Comments 656

Re: PS Plus May 2019 PS4 Games Announced


I let my membership lapse last month. I’ll wait for Sony to give me a reason to renew. Honestly, I think all the online memberships between the three companies are bad deals unless you play online games.

Re: Soapbox: 7/10 Is a Bad Review Score? The World's Gone Mad


It’s not baffling at all. Everyone has time and money constraints. People are disappointed this game doesn’t fall into the top bracket of AAA games, so are worried about wasting time and money on it. That’s normal IMO and nothing new. Back in the 90s we all wanted our hotly anticipated games to get above 90%

Re: Soapbox: Mortal Kombat 11's Devs Have Missed the Point of the Loot Box Discussion


@themcnoisy FUT is really annoying online. So many games i would have won if my opposition didn’t have a superstar player. Early on they made it easy to to get Eden Hazard through their Squad Builder game, if you paid to get all the necessary players to unlock him. Seriously frustrating because loads of people online had him, and here was I with Danny Wellbeck and Alex Iwobi and other unfashionable players... They make it very tempting to spend money...

Re: Animated Arcade Game Cuphead Skipping PS4


I’m more interested in Rare games like Banjo being back on Nintendo. Also, i’m surprised Nintendo allowed MS to invade the Switch with it’s achievement system. I thought they were against that kind of thing.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 256


God of War PS4. This game is great but took me a while for my brain to get used to the controls. The amount of times I ran up to enemies smashing square and triangle only for nothing to happen, was very frustrating and made me yell expletives. But i’m used to it now, and it probably does make me more deliberate when using the shoulder buttons, which I guess is what they were going for.

Re: December 2018 NPD: PS4 Pipped at the Post by Smash Bros and Switch


The Switch is a very powerful handheld, and Sony isn’t in the handheld business anymore. Between that and Nintendo’s library of exclusives, it’s a very tempting proposition. Not that I value it above my PS4, but it has made me fall in love again with handheld gaming since the Vita withered away.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 254


I think i’m going to try and go back the Red Dead tonight. Even though I find the open world gameplay and mission structure boring, i’ve heard so many good things about the story that I need to know what happens. I am after all invested in Arthur, Dutch and the gang. Like the sag in the middle of a series, I need to power through to get the emotional pay-offs in the season finale.

Re: Game of the Year 2018: John's Personal Picks


@TheArt the emergent gameplay is good, but I wish it counted for more; you don’t really need to engage with that stuff. The meat and potatoes of RDR2 are riding on a horse while listening to voiceover, Max Payne 3 shooting, and cut scenes.

The open world stuff, camp stuff, survival, hunting and documenting are more interesting than the actual game IMO.

Re: Sony: Our Players Demand Single Player Games


Uncharted games are good and absolutely worth finishing. It’s a 3rd person shooter with stealth, climbing, fighting, and puzzle solving as well. Nothing revolutionary, but solid enough gameplay. Much better than taking turns to attack, cast a spell, or heal, as if that represents any kind of challenge or satisfaction whatsoever.