Comments 656

Re: Soapbox: I Miss the Mystery of Video Games


It was almost lucky dip back in the day. Even games that had big reputations like Chakan or Alien 3 would turn out to be crap, and you would have spent £40 on it, which would be a whole month's earnings from your paper round. I think kids don't realise how much this industry is based on snake oil. Nowadays people expect every game to be good!!!

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Racing Games


@doctommaso I don’t think so. DriveClub is a shallow racing experience compared to GT. DriveClub is basically obsolete. I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone over GT.

Re: Will Twisted Metal Ever Come to the PS4?


@get2sammyb PS3 Twisted Metal was great. You could play the whole story mode with couch coop, and the online multiplayer was a refreshing change from other deathmatch games. Car combat games are still cool IMO.

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Sweeps Nominations at DICE Awards 2018


@KingSandyRavage So how do you populate your friends list? You're naming games that are a long way off. All you've seen of those games is a logo. Donkey Kong County: Jungle Freeze is not the best platforming game ever made. First of all, it's a Donkey Kong Country game...

Re: Horizon: Zero Dawn Sweeps Nominations at DICE Awards 2018


@KingSandyRavage Nah. People still want powerful games consoles under their big screen TVs. The Switch is going to have a difficult second year anyway. Nothing special coming out, and they need to fulfil their promise of an online service, and you know what Nintendo is like when it comes to online. They still use friend codes!!!

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 Games


@Cpt_Price GT Sport isn’t even one of the top 50 best PS4 games of 2017, how can you expect them to represent it here? Racing games suck. Also Sleeping Dogs rules! Much better than GTAV!!!

Re: Soapbox: After the Vita's Failure, Why Do People Now Want Console Games on the Go?


Nintendo's cadence has been a lot better with the Switch than Sony's was with the Vita. Switch came out with a 10/10 Zelda then it had games like ARMS and Slaptoon 2 in the near future with the clincher of a 10/10 Mario game coming out in the same year. Zelda and Mario shift units, and when they come out in the same year for a brand new console, it's bingo.

Good article by the way. I've been thinking along the same lines.