Comments 81

Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?


Who would have known that the disastrous 2013 E3 conference by Don Mattrick set off an irreversible downward spiral to where we are now.

I would like to have more games for my Playstation 5 of course. But competiton is always good. I'm afraid Sony will start resting on their laurels.

What I'm truly curious about is if this opens the door for Gamepass on Playstation.

Re: Game of the Year: #7 - Lies of P


For me, it was like Dark Souls without the jankiness. Don't get me wrong, jank is what gave Dark Souls it's soul (no pun), but the whole experience is so smooth. Also due to the many quality of life features the LoP has straight out of the gate. Definitely one of my favorite games this year!

Re: A Whopping 80% of Modern Warfare 3's Physical UK Sales Were on PS5, PS4


Going to play devil's advocate here.

First, the campaign is trash and I do not condone these business practices.

But.. after playing the multiplayer I can conclude there is no snappier and more fluent FPS on the market than this. Even if competitors make a serious attempt to create something equal or better - the bar has been set pretty high gameplay wise. Multiplayer is in a good place, and Zombies with the new extraction twist is fresh and well received, too.

Considering how little time they had, Sledgehammer delivered on both of these modes (which is what their target audience wants anyway). They did drop the ball on the unlock system though, which is overcomplicated.

Re: Deliciously Evil Diablo 4 Gameplay Is Worth Selling Your Soul For


I dunno man. I kind of want to play this but I know it will consume me. I remember when Diablo 3 came out, I didn't want to do anything else and my life practically went on-hold... I was 'lucky' they had a meager launch with not much reason to grind on once you've beaten it on the highest difficulty. Diablo 4 seems to be fleshed out much more, including a roadmap with content that will allow you to play for like a decade if you wish. It's literally an endless grind that is designed on keeping you around.

Games like these are like digital drugs and I don't think I want to commit to that at this stage in my life. I can't as easily put it on-hold as I did previously.

Re: Returnal Dev Has Expanded Workforce for Next PS5 Project


@ChrisDeku @themightyant Eventually Returnal ended up in the PS Plus Extra catalogue. I'm guessing that a developer also gets a bag of money for that? So next to the copies sold, they make profit from that too I can imagine. Either a one time fixed sum, or a small 'royalty' for each download or PS plus Extra subscription or something.

Re: Best PSVR2 Games


So far I spent most of my time with the Light Brigade. It's the only game that keeps pulling me back. Together with RE8 it got a 10 from me.

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