I like it so far. It's a big shame it didn't launch with a Team Deathmatch or regular Deathmatch though. I just want to fire this up to shoot around. All objective based modes that are included now are frustrating as people hardly play objectives.
For me, it was like Dark Souls without the jankiness. Don't get me wrong, jank is what gave Dark Souls it's soul (no pun), but the whole experience is so smooth. Also due to the many quality of life features the LoP has straight out of the gate. Definitely one of my favorite games this year!
First, the campaign is trash and I do not condone these business practices.
But.. after playing the multiplayer I can conclude there is no snappier and more fluent FPS on the market than this. Even if competitors make a serious attempt to create something equal or better - the bar has been set pretty high gameplay wise. Multiplayer is in a good place, and Zombies with the new extraction twist is fresh and well received, too.
Considering how little time they had, Sledgehammer delivered on both of these modes (which is what their target audience wants anyway). They did drop the ball on the unlock system though, which is overcomplicated.
Despite the horrible campaign, the multiplayer seems to be in a very good place and the new zombies format is well received. Those modes have obviously been their focus. Seems they are delivering where it matters.
Not defending these practices, but people are a bit too quick to sling mud at Sledgehammer, who seems to have done a commendable job.
I love it. The only thing I don't like is that they hide crucial weapon upgrades pretty well, forcing you to systematically scour every inch of the level. They are much too powerful to ignore, so skipping them doesn't feel right.
The Gameboy version gives me the creeps. I remember playing it as a boy, not having the faintest idea what I was doing. Had kind of an eerie atmosphere.
Also, I hate browsing through the sale page. 75% are DLC addons for 0.99c. I had to scroll through so many of them before I reached some proper games again. They should really create a separate tab for it.
Still no good deal on Dead Space. Sad. They only ever give a discount on the deluxe edition where you still end up paying the full price of the regular version.
I don't care much for the regular missions but I LIVE for the boss fights. Hard as nails. It feels fantastic when you down a boss with a few HP left after an hour of trying. It's Armored Core until you reach a boss... then it's straight up Dark Souls.
In the end I got most of my moneys worth with RE8, GT7 and Synth Riders. I also play Les Mills Body Combat a couple of times a week. It's the only thing I still play, really.
I dunno man. I kind of want to play this but I know it will consume me. I remember when Diablo 3 came out, I didn't want to do anything else and my life practically went on-hold... I was 'lucky' they had a meager launch with not much reason to grind on once you've beaten it on the highest difficulty. Diablo 4 seems to be fleshed out much more, including a roadmap with content that will allow you to play for like a decade if you wish. It's literally an endless grind that is designed on keeping you around.
Games like these are like digital drugs and I don't think I want to commit to that at this stage in my life. I can't as easily put it on-hold as I did previously.
I believe it's a good game. I just don't like open world games and the gameplay footage I've seen so far looks like my ultimate nightmare. I won't be able to rest until I've seen every inch of the map and can't cope with the thought that would take half a year.
@ChrisDeku @themightyant Eventually Returnal ended up in the PS Plus Extra catalogue. I'm guessing that a developer also gets a bag of money for that? So next to the copies sold, they make profit from that too I can imagine. Either a one time fixed sum, or a small 'royalty' for each download or PS plus Extra subscription or something.
They need to establish a stready stream of AAA-games for the coming years. They're already killing it... if they can make that happen, they will be unstoppable.
Reminds me of Alien Swarm, a game released for free on Steam. First time I see this game... if there are different classes then I'll be very interested. Especially co-op with other players!
This review sold it to me. I do love myself some roguelite and have an embarrassing amount of hours in Hades and Returnal... I don't even want to mention Binding of Isaac.
All my experiences with PSVR2 have been great, but am still looking for something that has high replayability. I hope this might be it. Will buy it this weekend when I have more time.
I always cringe at 'collectors' of these things. They represent everything wrong with blind consumerism: cheaply made, mass produced plastic junk that is sometimes artificially made rare to increase prices. To think that people throw their hard earned money at this...
I did the basement section of House of Beneviento last night and experienced moments of pure, distilled panic and fear. People who played the game will know what I'm talking about.
This episode would have made much more of an impact if I hadn't seen the huge banner on the Pushsquare frontpage with Joel meeting Tommy... including the word 'REUNION'.
Seriously, why would you do this? Be more subtle with spoilers.
80 euro is quite steep, damn. Not going to pre-order since I have a local toy store that doesn't really await release dates... usually am able to get it a day or two early.
Gameplay looks extremely sluggish. Almost as if it were part survival horror. Glad they went with the adrenaline inducing gameplay and continued that route with Eternal. The freedom and mobility that meat hook gives makes it even hard to go back to the 2016 Doom.
Comments 81
Re: Astro Bot PS5 Controller Announced, Pre-Orders Start 9th August
Re: XDefiant (PS5) - Solid Shooter Does Little to Stand Out, But Still Has Potential
I like it so far. It's a big shame it didn't launch with a Team Deathmatch or regular Deathmatch though. I just want to fire this up to shoot around. All objective based modes that are included now are frustrating as people hardly play objectives.
Re: Top-Down Phenomena Vampire Survivors Confirms Platinum Trophy on PS5, PS4
This game is oh so addictive.
Re: Poll: How Do You Feel About All of the Xbox Multiplatform Rumours?
Who would have known that the disastrous 2013 E3 conference by Don Mattrick set off an irreversible downward spiral to where we are now.
I would like to have more games for my Playstation 5 of course. But competiton is always good. I'm afraid Sony will start resting on their laurels.
What I'm truly curious about is if this opens the door for Gamepass on Playstation.
Re: Game of the Year: #7 - Lies of P
For me, it was like Dark Souls without the jankiness. Don't get me wrong, jank is what gave Dark Souls it's soul (no pun), but the whole experience is so smooth. Also due to the many quality of life features the LoP has straight out of the gate. Definitely one of my favorite games this year!
Re: God of War Ragnarok: Valhalla Announced, Free DLC Out Next Week on PS5, PS4
This better contain some story element, preferably with a cool twist that sets the stage for the next proper game in the franchise.
Re: Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League Is Getting a Closed Alpha Test Very Soon
Thanks for the warning.
Re: Sony Says PS Portal Wasn't Designed to Make a Profit
I commend Sony that they keep sticking their neck out like this. Also with the PSVR2. I'm really enjoying it still.
Re: All The Game Awards 2023 Nominees Announced, Baldur's Gate 3 and Alan Wake 2 Lead the Way
Voted for Alan Wake 2 in all categories it was nominated for. Phenomenal game.
Re: A Whopping 80% of Modern Warfare 3's Physical UK Sales Were on PS5, PS4
Going to play devil's advocate here.
First, the campaign is trash and I do not condone these business practices.
But.. after playing the multiplayer I can conclude there is no snappier and more fluent FPS on the market than this. Even if competitors make a serious attempt to create something equal or better - the bar has been set pretty high gameplay wise. Multiplayer is in a good place, and Zombies with the new extraction twist is fresh and well received, too.
Considering how little time they had, Sledgehammer delivered on both of these modes (which is what their target audience wants anyway). They did drop the ball on the unlock system though, which is overcomplicated.
Re: Maligned Modern Warfare 3 Developed in Just 18 Months, Staff Required to Work Nights and Weekends
Despite the horrible campaign, the multiplayer seems to be in a very good place and the new zombies format is well received. Those modes have obviously been their focus. Seems they are delivering where it matters.
Not defending these practices, but people are a bit too quick to sling mud at Sledgehammer, who seems to have done a commendable job.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Alan Wake 2?
9 out of 10.
I love it. The only thing I don't like is that they hide crucial weapon upgrades pretty well, forcing you to systematically scour every inch of the level. They are much too powerful to ignore, so skipping them doesn't feel right.
Re: God of War's Next PS5 Game Could Be Revealed Before the End of the Year
I'd love to see a story where Atreus goes through a rough time, and follows early Kratos's footsteps. Becoming a relentless god.
Or this game being a gateway into other mythologies. I think other religions have their own gods of war. I wonder what their deal is.
Re: Yes, Alan Wake 2 Will Make Proper Use of PS5's Pad
For Windows, does anyone know if you need to connect the DS with a wire to get haptic support, or does it work wireless as well?
Re: Iconic NES Platformer A Boy and His Blob Scoffs Magical Beans on PS5, PS4 This Month
The Gameboy version gives me the creeps. I remember playing it as a boy, not having the faintest idea what I was doing. Had kind of an eerie atmosphere.
Re: Massive PS Store Sale Wants You to Play PS5, PS4 for Longer
Good tip, thanks!
Re: Massive PS Store Sale Wants You to Play PS5, PS4 for Longer
Also, I hate browsing through the sale page. 75% are DLC addons for 0.99c. I had to scroll through so many of them before I reached some proper games again. They should really create a separate tab for it.
Re: Massive PS Store Sale Wants You to Play PS5, PS4 for Longer
Still no good deal on Dead Space. Sad. They only ever give a discount on the deluxe edition where you still end up paying the full price of the regular version.
Re: What the Hell Does This Cyberpunk 2077 2.0 Secret Even Mean?
Wasn't it heavily implied that Ciri visited Night City when she was travelling through realms? Would certainly be cool to have a connection.
Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Armored Core 6?
I don't care much for the regular missions but I LIVE for the boss fights. Hard as nails. It feels fantastic when you down a boss with a few HP left after an hour of trying. It's Armored Core until you reach a boss... then it's straight up Dark Souls.
Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra, Premium Price Increases Announced by Sony
Would it have been too much trouble to also list the Euro price in the article?
Re: PS5 Is Now Trending Ahead of PS4 Life-to-Date Sales in US, Despite All the Stock Setbacks
There is no war.
Re: Rumour: God of War Ragnarok DLC Expansion Deep in Development for PS5
Not sure how I feel about this. I always named GoW 2018 and Ragnarok as examples of complete games out of the box that do not need DLC.
I'd rather have their efforts on a new game entirely.
Re: Another Six-Month Apple TV+ Free Trial Available Now on PS5, PS4
Came here to post this. Foundation is fantastic. Up there with Silo.
Re: Feature: PSVR2 Three Months Later - The Good, The Bad, and The Worrying
In the end I got most of my moneys worth with RE8, GT7 and Synth Riders. I also play Les Mills Body Combat a couple of times a week. It's the only thing I still play, really.
I never even finished the Call of the Mountain.
Re: Poll: Was This Sony's Best PlayStation Showcase Yet?
Personally the RE4 PSVR2 preview made me very happy, since RE8 was one of the best gaming experiences of my life. Other than that pretty meh.
Re: Deliciously Evil Diablo 4 Gameplay Is Worth Selling Your Soul For
I dunno man. I kind of want to play this but I know it will consume me. I remember when Diablo 3 came out, I didn't want to do anything else and my life practically went on-hold... I was 'lucky' they had a meager launch with not much reason to grind on once you've beaten it on the highest difficulty. Diablo 4 seems to be fleshed out much more, including a roadmap with content that will allow you to play for like a decade if you wish. It's literally an endless grind that is designed on keeping you around.
Games like these are like digital drugs and I don't think I want to commit to that at this stage in my life. I can't as easily put it on-hold as I did previously.
Re: Miles Morales Crosses the Spider-Verse, Winds Up in Fortnite
How does this even work... does Sony pay Epic to feature in Fortnite or the other way around?
Re: Random: Final Fantasy 14's Yoshi-P Couldn't Stop Playing Zelda During PS5, PS4 MMO's Test Stream
I believe it's a good game. I just don't like open world games and the gameplay footage I've seen so far looks like my ultimate nightmare. I won't be able to rest until I've seen every inch of the map and can't cope with the thought that would take half a year.
Re: Mortal Kombat 11 PS5, PS4 Fans Can't Believe the Game's Been Filled with Hogwarts Legacy Ads
It's not like the game needed extra advertisements. Strange decision... hope they receive some good backlash.
Re: Returnal Dev Has Expanded Workforce for Next PS5 Project
@ChrisDeku @themightyant Eventually Returnal ended up in the PS Plus Extra catalogue. I'm guessing that a developer also gets a bag of money for that? So next to the copies sold, they make profit from that too I can imagine. Either a one time fixed sum, or a small 'royalty' for each download or PS plus Extra subscription or something.
Re: Feature: Net Yaroze - Sony’s Fascinating First Foray into the World of Indie Game Development
@Bentleyma I played that! It came on a demo disk.
Re: Sony Estimates Record-Breaking 25 Million PS5 Shipments in the Coming Year
They need to establish a stready stream of AAA-games for the coming years. They're already killing it... if they can make that happen, they will be unstoppable.
Re: Preorders Begin for Aliens: Dark Descent as New Trailer Shows Off Real-Time Tactical Combat
Reminds me of Alien Swarm, a game released for free on Steam. First time I see this game... if there are different classes then I'll be very interested. Especially co-op with other players!
Re: Resident Evil 4's PS5, PS4 Sales in the UK Leave Xbox to the Los Ganados
There is no war.
Re: Best PSVR2 Games
So far I spent most of my time with the Light Brigade. It's the only game that keeps pulling me back. Together with RE8 it got a 10 from me.
Re: Poll: We Want You to Rate Your Favourite PSVR2 Games
RE8 is the only 10 from me
Puzzling Places, GT7 and The Light Brigade got a 9
Pistol Whip, Thumper, CotM and Pavlov an 8
Re: The Light Brigade (PSVR2) - Solid Rogue-Lite Doesn't Need to Reinvent the Wheel
This review sold it to me. I do love myself some roguelite and have an embarrassing amount of hours in Hades and Returnal... I don't even want to mention Binding of Isaac.
All my experiences with PSVR2 have been great, but am still looking for something that has high replayability. I hope this might be it. Will buy it this weekend when I have more time.
Re: Pavlov VR (PSVR2) - A Must-Buy for PSVR2 Owners
Pro-tip: as long as there is one bullet in the chamber (when you reload half a clip i.e.), you don't need to cock the gun.
Re: Funko Pop Tossing Over $30 Million Worth of Stock into a Landfill
I always cringe at 'collectors' of these things. They represent everything wrong with blind consumerism: cheaply made, mass produced plastic junk that is sometimes artificially made rare to increase prices. To think that people throw their hard earned money at this...
Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great
I did the basement section of House of Beneviento last night and experienced moments of pure, distilled panic and fear. People who played the game will know what I'm talking about.
Re: Classic Dead Space Lullaby Trailer Gets a PS5 Remake in Pleasingly Symmetrical Move
I would love a VR version of Dead Space. Imagine cutting limbs in first person!
Re: Poll: Was The Last of Us - Episode 6's Reunion Worth the Wait?
This episode would have made much more of an impact if I hadn't seen the huge banner on the Pushsquare frontpage with Joel meeting Tommy... including the word 'REUNION'.
Seriously, why would you do this? Be more subtle with spoilers.
Re: God of War Ragnarok Gets 3-Hour Trial on PS Plus Premium
A nice feature for the three people that have yet to play it!
Re: Poll: Did You Buy Hogwarts Legacy?
I just can't commit myself to open world games anymore. I'm too much of a completionist. Skipping.
Re: NieR: Automata Community Left 'in Shambles' After Discovery of 'Impossible' Door
I love this kind of stuff. Please keep us posted Pushsquare!
Re: Where to Pre-Order God of War Ragnarok Collector's and Jötnar Editions for PS5, PS4
80 euro is quite steep, damn. Not going to pre-order since I have a local toy store that doesn't really await release dates... usually am able to get it a day or two early.
Re: New Gameplay Footage of the Cancelled DOOM 4 Shows What Could Have Been
Gameplay looks extremely sluggish. Almost as if it were part survival horror. Glad they went with the adrenaline inducing gameplay and continued that route with Eternal. The freedom and mobility that meat hook gives makes it even hard to go back to the 2016 Doom.
Re: Spider-Man Games Could Have Been Exclusive to Xbox
I love stories like these. Like the publishers that turned down Harry Potter.
Re: Random: The Original, Ugly Sonic Movie Model Is Starring in a Film After All
My god, the creepy old Sonic still baffles me. What were they thinking?