Comments 141

Re: Xbox Has Allegedly Insisted It Won't Stop Making Consoles, As PS5 Port Rumours Mount



You absolutely can't even if your company is worth near 3 trillion dollars. People seem to forget or misunderstand the trillions is the share value, (what it would be to buy out ALL of MS shares) and the people who own those shares want returns on their investments as they don't have those trillions. A CEO is responsible to increase profits for their shareholders, if the gaming division isn't pulling much profit then those shareholders will get noisy.

In another note as microsofts gaming division becomes larger they will also be increasing their expenses. 3 triple AAA games developed in house might keep gamepass profitable but since the acquisition spree I doubt that £13 sub is generating much profit.

Re: Rumour: Sony's Allegedly Cut PSVR2 Production Plan by 20% in 2023


I'm starting to wonder if people even know what a realistic total sales number for this headset to be considered a success is. Most games that are considered successes on PS4 only sell around 5 million copies, I would assume that if VR2 gets at least half that over its lifespan that would be a success. Anyone that things this thing is a 10mill 20mil product is just outright delusional and calling it a bomb because it doesn't or won't hit those numbers is just stupid. Honestly I'd say it'll be a modest success if it hits at least 2.5mil.

Re: Resident Evil Village (PSVR2) - An Even More Intense Version of a PS5 Great


This is one of those times where I can honestly say I'm next level when it comes to reloding pherhaps maybe the whole game seeing as im breezing through my first ever re8 playthrough on hard-core with no VR antisickness features like damn I didn't think anyone was struggling (with weapon placement reload at least, tip: you can also avoid the slide pull back if you reload early. The shotgun imo though is the easiest and most fun to reload anyway. Pretty sure I have clip that I could make into something but I have no idea how to add it here.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@Luna-Harmony Sound should already be coming out of the TV as well so I'm not sure what going on sorry I can't help with that for sure.
However if I may, I can suggest an alternative at the moment, when wearing the headset go to settings>sound>audio output, then scroll to the bottom you should be able to see an option called sidetone volume, turn this on to a level of your choice. Sidetone volume uses the headsets microphone to playback audio from the area around you so you can hear people etc while playing or watching, I use it so I know if someone wants me or enters my room.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@NEStalgia Yeah GT7 is reprojected 120, from 60.
Interesting that you mentioned the earbuds being a better fit and I honestly agree, they're lighter and less obstructive, the pulse 3DS however do fit fairly well (for me anyway) but I feel the bass is better with the pack in earbuds. Makes me wish I could use my Bluetooth earbuds (xm4's). I find it strange that consoles can't use them when even the switch can lol.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@neonpizza I think only the more basic games are 90-120fps I can't fully confirm but the game im playing at the moment is Jurassic World aftermath, it may have stylised art, but the motion is buttery smooth miles better than RE8 and COTM and the resolution appears to be running native to the headset.

Have you played the Native PS5 versions of the spiderman games? They literally have a toggle for motion blur, so I immediately turn it off but at least the devs give it as an option.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@neonpizza pretty sure the motion blur is a non-optional setting in horizon that the devs implemented and I'll be honest I absolutely hate it, the reprojection and frame rate dips are very distracting but thats a problem with software NOT hardware. I'm sorry to say but your misinformed in the oled vs quest 2 display. The quest 2 uses a LCD and is therefore not CRT level regardless. The blur your referring to is called response time in the Display space of which OLED is the superior display type vs LCD (you can research that yourself) I think you already mentioned it but the chromatic aberration is an inherent flaw of fresnal lenses vs pancake so your pretty much spot on in that regard. I always mention this to others but if you find software that runs at 120hz or 90hz natively you find it much more pleasing than horizon or GT7.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@Luna-Harmony You can in cinematic mode you can even enable a setting which locks the audio to one point but if your actually using the headset for VR games then you shouldn't be and I really really wouldn't recommend doing so as, it will probably cause some nausea and/or disorientation.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@notbrianblessed02 I 100% was not, don't be so insecure. When it comes to VR the personal experience matters hence its about what YOU want and what YPU experience, for eg, vision between individuals can be different so your going to have a different experience or the headset might be ill shaped to your face and so on. I'm not going to say to someone if they don't like something keep it. if you don't like something that IS a valid point I was respecting your opinion. My original comment was to highlight this difference between people and I even agreed with the reprojection muddying the image at no point was I dismissive.

Edit: Just noticed the guy ignored me and I've gotta say, wow what a snowflake.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@Max_the_German Some games look sharper than others in some way, likely due to image reconstruction techniques but as @dschons stated some images won't. Its important to note that the only real solution would be very high res microdisplays like 16k but no hardware exists at the moment to even output that res natively so it'd be a waste.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@notbrianblessed02 hey as long as they don't send me the one you've returned in exchange for mine I'll be happy. Tbf I hate the reprojection in horizon (and pretty much any game that has it) but there are other games such as jurassic world aftermath and pavlov that look fine to me. But hey if those two games were enough to make you return it, its your choice i guess.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


@theheadofabroom My hairs very long, I'll either let the front-band sit on my fringe or just move it out of the way (does stick better i'll admit). Gotta admit the newer design doesn't slide as much as the old one so it stays in place fairly well at the back, before it was best to just tie hair up above the band as it would hold it in place.

Re: PSVR2 Early Adopters Are Struggling to Find the Sweet Spot


Although I'm returning mine for a new one (damn you purple splodge!!!) Pull the scope all the way, loosen the headband then while the scope and headband is loose put your face into the scope completely and move it around until you find the sweet spot. Hold the scope in place with one hand and tighten the headband with the other, then push the scope as usual to your face until very very snug. Lastly tap the scope button again and it should move to the immediate next position where it shouldn't be too tight.

Edit: I've decided to point out, some games like resi 8, may have a bit more blur to them due to reprojection and that they may NOT be running at the native resolution of the headset. We've all probably seen the performance 60fps 1080-1440p modes of flat games VR is no exception. Will need a PS5 "Pro" to sort that out.

Re: PSVR2 Sense Controllers Aren't Working for Some Early Adopters


I have a weird issue involving a purple splodge in my headset, its not massive but it looks like their is some debris inside somewhere refracting some light its noticeable on the home screen just below the centre point of the lens, does anybody else have this issue? In bright scenes it's not really visible but in medium and dark scenes its very noticeable. Such as the flashlight area and grayish wall of jurassic world aftermath.

Re: Out Today: PSVR2 Brings Next-Gen VR to the Masses


@Friendly first off, the valve index is a technically inferior headset to VR2 especially in the screen department now, the only spec it has over psvr2 is its FOV of 130, and technically higher refresh of 144hz both arguably minor especially if your considering the meta quest 2 which only has a FOV of 90. If you want graphically superior games from index you'll need a big PC due to the lack of optimisation in PCVR and I love index tbf but it is what it is.

Your opinion has many valid points tbf after all its what you want at the end of the day. But when viewed from a "I want to play VR as a startup" vs the quest certainly offers more value vs PS5 but I think that VR2 is more aimed at people who already own a PS5 mitigating the cost somewhat. I'll ask but do you already own a PS5 or are only interested due to VR2?

Lastly quest 2 or 3 it won't matter when using them standalone their games will most notably always be more limited in the graphics and scale department (at least for about another 10 years) just because its a mobile SoC. Make no mistake however meta is very important to VRs future offering affordable entry level VR to the Space.

Re: PSVR2 Review: Is It Worth It?


@FuriousMachine walking dead saints and sinners also works quite well seated, it has a dedicated crouch button (well at least it does in the OG psvr ver). Its also one of the best VR games imo

Re: PS5's PSVR2 Outperforming Monster PC Rigs, Is the Pinnacle of Virtual Reality


@claytortot213 its just highlighting the power of optimisation, the PC VR space doesn't really have ultra optimised games largely due to development tools and drivers etc being all over the place. Think of it this way if how a game runs was a pipe then the pc version is dirty with some blockage. The PS version has a nice clear pipe therefore better performance. If you notice the dev says its just outperforming, not that the PS5 is more powerful.

Re: PS5's PSVR2 Outperforming Monster PC Rigs, Is the Pinnacle of Virtual Reality


@KaijuKaiser Sadly no. The wording is ambiguous as well as it could be a way of covering their asses by saying its not a separate version of the game. But currently it just seems to suggest some VR content, could be a mini game lol. Kinda of whish they would add RE7 VR support as well for VR2 but if they're going to do it I'd imagine they'd change the controls and that would take a bit of investment.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


In terms of buying one I think this is something that many would pay for in installments like they do with the PS5 console itself. The fact that's its only being sold on PS direct and not amazon etc isn't going to help. In all honesty I didn't think VR 2 would sell even 1 mil in its first year let alone 1 quarter. An yes I've got mine ordered as well.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@NEStalgia The original VR headset sold about 5 million and Sony considered it a success, it also launched late mid cycle. Its clear that sony are finding money somewhere from these headsets and are willing to push it. But given that many have struggled to even buy a PS5 potential customers are going to be ruled out for a while.

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


Its funny how this has descended into those who think it should be much cheaper (highlighting ignorance of the tech involved and its cost) those who say bloomberg are chatting crap. And those who are defending the product quite funny honestly. But its clear that some wanted this to fail straightaway and others can't release that this is a dualsense edge type situation.

Re: How Devs Are Massively Upgrading Their Old PSVR Games for PSVR2


Its annoying to me how many people have demanded that its lazy and looks unsupported because BC isn't a thing with VR2. BC only works if the game can translate 1:1 with no visual/UI changes thats all its ever been. Take astrobot for example, how would it work without tracking a DS4, the dualsense doesn't have the large lightbar and VR2 has no way to track it as far as I'm aware. The pack in controllers are a pair with a different button layout, which controller would be the main one for the zip line? Sometimes people just don't like to think.