Comments 917

Re: Reaction: PS Stars Is Overdue Yet Appreciated, But There's Lots of Room to Improve


I can see the appeal of the missions as it makes you do tasks that you may have not done before but... this is Sony. If history tells us anything, if something is nothing moving quick enough for them, they will drop it fast.
I still think that the digital collectables where NFTs at one point (especially with the idea that there will be one item for the first person who Plats a certain game) but they did a U-Turn after the first announcement.

Re: PS Vita's PS Store Says Content Is No Longer for Sale


@Uncharted2007 lol, what was your original comment? From reading through the comments it seems you said it has the worst library of games?
It probably was something a little different as it was removed but if not, shame on PS for removing the comment. šŸ¤£

Re: Bethesda Title Dishonored 2 Leaving PS Now on 1st June


Erm, this is not the first Bethesda game to be removed with short notice. Evil Within was removed without notice and Evil Within 2 was removed shortly after. Wolfenstein II was an ongoing access game at one point, but again, that has gone. It does also say on the PS Now website "Games included in PS Now are subject to change at any time". I think it has happened to other games in the past but cannot remember off the top of my head.
I know that site does not show the kill date for the game but it also had FF15 on the list over a month after it was removed.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Sets a New Record with 2.8 Million Digital Sales in June


@Col_McCafferty Is there a need for that? They had an opinion on the game and as humans, we are entitled to that. Not every one agrees.

I myself did not fully enjoy the game as I felt the story was really poorly told, mainly the second part and it is not because I dislike the character you play as before any one says that (getting sick of that comment).
I can sort of see why some (mainly the majority) enjoyed the story but for me, it just did not click. The only character I really felt sorry for was Alice šŸ˜…

Graphically it was great along with the game play. But the masterpiece part of this game, for me, was the sound design. I have never played a game like it where the use of sound was spot on.

It is a strange case with this game. it is the only game I can think of where having a negative opinion is 'wrong'? Very strange...

Re: Feature: Replaying and Re-Reviewing The Witcher 3, Five Years Later


Tried to play it 3 times and could not get into it. Story was slow, characters were bland and the combat was sluggish. The worst thing is, when ever I bring this up I am seen as a mad man who hates everything and when I ask why they think it is so good, the only answer I get is that it is soooo good. Madness!

@Col_McCafferty it is over rated, IMO and no one has ever convinced me otherwise, other than telling my it is good and I should play it (see above)
All entitled to our own opinion - I believe that the Bioshock series is a master piece but others think it is over rated. That is fine & I respect their opinions.

Re: Poll: What Review Score Would You Give Final Fantasy VII Remake?


I am at chapter 8 and have not played it for a few days as I became a little bored.
It feels rough around the edges, the joining of the story feels off and there are more cut scenes than game play early on.
For a game that has been so long in the making, it feels like a rushed product. It is a 6/10 But that is my opinion at the end of the day.
Either way, this is not the master piece we were expecting šŸ§

Iā€™m on Pro @ILikeStake and there are some really nasty blurred textures