Comments 869

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@rastamadeus ah I see your point sorry. I think was I was trying to say was that you can find exclusive experiences on the other consoles which would make then fly out of shops. Sunset overdrive, the order, last of us etc
The other two consoles (in my opinion - only own one) offer a bit more than the Wii U and I wish it wasn't so.

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@JaxonH Good points and they will stick with it I am sure. The problem I see is that the games are keeping the current owners happy but not drawing new players in. It is a hard place for them to be in I am sure. The last Kirby gane I played was made of wool and it was so easy XD. Maybe I can love it at some point but I am happy with my current set up with my "new" Gta V and new Far Cry. It is a really pity that they did not end upon the Wii U along with other great titles too.

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@Savino I have lost a lot of faith in Nintendo tbh. I refuse to pay nearly £300 for a console that has very little to offer (unless you like 1st party Nintendo titles). Don't get me wrong there are some titles I would like to play but I cannot justify buying it. It is a big investment for something that has an unclear future. After Smash Bros what is next? A "new" Zelda? A "new" Mario? At least with the PS4 I get chance to play titles like GTA V and Far Cry. If it was, let say, £180-£200 then maybe I would get it but to be honest I would rather buy food for the month. I would like to say these points over on the sister site but have you ever tried to say you dislike the Wii U over there? No thanks.

Re: Ubisoft's Latest Patch for Assassin's Creed Unity Is Its Biggest Yet


What I think has happened here is that during development they ran out of time for submission (because this can take a while to go through). So instead of delaying it, they presented the game as was and started to work on bugs for the day 1 patch. They are not the only ones who do this. GTA V has a day one patch. Common practice.

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@get2sammyb Single digits - damn that is bad but I have not seen this yet. I do agree on this point that sometimes it can be unplayable but hitting this magical 60fps (standard) seems to be killing some games. All games suffer from this - heck carry out the duplication glitch on Minecraft so you have over 1000 dimaonds on the screen at once. You are living a stop motion world there!
They should have a target of 30fps and only then see if they can boost it. If not, keep it as it is. I do not agree @Gamer83 that the current consoles cannot take 60 fps. It is down to the devs to sort this out.

ANy way back to GTA V - why is it not the 18th yet?

@Gamer83 I know people with PCs that cost twice that amount and still have frame rate issues. And Ubisoft should be sued by Sony for lower the quality of the PS4 version as the other versions were low quality - this I agree on.
Also Far Cry 4 looks amazing! Elephants!!

Re: Round Up: Grand Theft Auto V PS4 Reviews Extort Super High Scores


@Gamer83 I am still yet to see this "major" frame issue that Unity has to offer.
Yes it is 2014, but do we really need to hit 60fps? No, no it does not. As long as the game is fun that is all that maters. Games should not be pushed to one side due to frame rate issues.
Game; an activity that one engages in for amusement
I just enjoy playing my games after a hard day at work. Period.

Re: Talking Point: Is This Gaming's Most Disappointing Ever Year?


@eLarkos Still makes no sense as on the SEN you can stream Music, Video and Games. If anyone was going to do it first it would be Steam. They lead the way in future gaming needs. Do not worry though, you will be able to do that soon. In the end it is all about cost - why spend so much on developing a system when it may not make money.
I have heard that you might be able to play PS4 games on your PC via Bluestacks

Re: Talking Point: Is This Gaming's Most Disappointing Ever Year?


@eLarkos I am not sure what the point is in this statement? PS Now is a streaming service. Itunes, Google Play etc are store fronts. Remember, you are streaming PS3 games with Now. Imagine if they brought that the all phones? It would be amazing! Heck, you can already remote play on phones! The future!
Streaming is the future and Sony are investing heavily as we speak - they just need to sort out their price plans as they are silly!

Re: Out This Week: Assassin's Creed Unity, PES 2015, LEGO Batman 3


@Bad-MuthaAdebis really? Nothing on this list sparks a little interest? Come on Lego Batman 3 is out! It has Lego Adam West! What more do you need in life?
Seriously what do you play? :-S Everytime a post goes up for a game you are in the comments expressing dislike to it. Not having a go - I just cannot think what you would like?

Any way Pushsquare where is the Lego Batman review?!

Re: Round Up: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3 Reviews Aren't Claptrap


@Tasuki I hope that 2K see that people want to play it but because it is on last Gen they will be skipping it. Thinking about it I may be missing this one now as I have way too much to play on the PS4 and I do not think I am missing too much. If I want my Borderlands fix I have 2 on the vita

Re: Round Up: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel PS3 Reviews Aren't Claptrap


See my biggest issue here is that my PS3 is in my daughter's room being used as a Netflix Machine. I have it on my rental list for sure but may find it hard to get access to my PS3! I have so many games to play at the moment and I really feel indifferent about this one. I really enjoy the Borderland titles but like @Boerewors says - is it a little too late? When I first heard that it was coming to PS3 I honestly thought that I would be buying it day one but I have not touched by PS3 in months, so why would I now? Espically with all the great titles I currently have on PS4 I might as well wait until the Ultra Super Game of the Year edition.
Agh, first world problems eh?

Re: Review: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (PlayStation 4)


@get2sammyb WHAT!!?? You do not like LOTR........ Get Out!
Ok ok ok, for me I love it as I love the world of Middle Earth and I love Batman/Assassins Creed. So as you can imagine this game is getting high scores for me. For a non fan you have nothing to loose really. The story is new to the Middle Earth lore and from what I have read it can become very weak near the end. Aslso if you enjoyed Batman or Assassin's Creed you will really enjoy this. Plus the nemesis system is just brilliant!