Comments 277

Re: Talking Point: What's Next for Xbox Games on PS5, PS4?


@Jay767 Dude, you need to chill out. Your blind loyalty to a box is really off putting. You worship PlayStation like it is a god. We are all gamers. Liking one over another does not elevate your status in life. Leave Honest Hick alone. Like him, I own all consoles and own a PC just because I love gaming.He is not an Xbox fanboy. He is one of the most level headed posters on all sites.

Re: Looks Like Netflix Exclusive Valiant Hearts Sequel Is Coming Home to PS4


Article author, it is ok to mention that this is coming to Switch and Xbox. You can say the names of the alternative consoles in your article. I don’t think many will be offended as they own one, two or three of them.Every other site mentions other consoles that games are coming to.not this one though. Why is that?