Comments 277

Re: Sony Is Acting Unfairly Against Xbox in Japan, US Congress Members Say


Wow, so many people getting upset. Let's not pretend Sony is an angel. They have been doing shady deals for years to hurt their competitors. They brought this on themselves with trying to block this merger. Now their dirty laundry is going to be exposed. When you have both sides of the aisle (Dem & Repub) looking into this, watch out. This should get interesting, especially with Jim Ryan testifying under oath before Congress.

Re: UK Regulator No Longer Concerned About Activision Buyout's Impact on Console Competition


@Snake_V5 Comments to your statements:

PS Plus has better quality Games than Game Pass. This is just silly. It shows me you never have seen what is on Game Pass,

PlayStation has better quality and more exclusives than Xbox. I would say many more exclusives but not necessarily better quality.

PlayStation is more popular than Xbox. The US is about even but not everywhere else.

PlayStation has sold more than Xbox. Yes they have by a lot and is a true testament to Sony's marketing, games and influence. However, MS's long term strategy is not console sales.

PlayStation has bigger install base than Xbox. Yes, almost double. However, this does not include PC's. In the end it doesn't matter to MS as their install base will include console, PC, Mobile, streaming, etc.

I am not sure about the reasoning for your comment because it is facts everyone already knows.. I am assuming you are just upset that it is more likely now that ABK and MS will merge and you need to feel a sense of importance knowing you own in your eyes the #1 console? Remember, it is ok to like other things. No one is going to think less of you or at least I would hope not.

Re: Vampire FPS Redfall Was in Development for PS5, But Was Canned After Xbox Buyout


Word of advice to all. If you want to play future Bethesda games, buy and Xbox or PC. Simple as that. Stop being salty. To those that say Sony only buys studios that they have "cultivated" over the years, the same is true with Microsoft and Bethesda. The relationship existed long before Bethesda starting releasing games on the PS. Remember Morrowind, an Xbox exclusive? Remember all the games Bethesda released on PC well before consoles? Who invested in Bethesda then? They have had a long history together just like Sony and many of the studios they bought. The acquisition made sense from a business standpoint. If you want to play Sony first party titles, buy a PS. And in regards to Microsoft and ABK, bring it on. More competition is better for all gamers. For many of you it seems you want only a PS and everyone else to fold. Why I have no idea. There is life outside buttons with shapes on them. And it is ok to like other consoles and games made by competitors. No one will think less of you.

Re: Best RPGs on PS5


Really strange list. It doesn't even make sense. HFW was really good but #1, come on. Demon's Souls but no Elden Ring? What about GOT?

Re: Yes, Sony Helped Optimise Final Fantasy 16 for PS5


@mvhess As I did on the other site, I have changed a few words for you again:

Sony is just throwing tremendous money at huge companies, with established multiplatform big hitters (to lock in exclusive content and block games from Xbox and other platforms). Microsoft nurtures studios as well. The reason they were able to buy Bethesda for the price they did is because Bethesda wouldn't be the studio it is without Microsoft's investment and trust for many years before they became multiplatform as evidenced by PC games and Xbox exclusives. Sony is using third party studios to help make some of its flagship titles such as Bloodborne, Final Fantasy and Silent Hill 2. Microsoft also has support studios. I have Playstation Plus Premium and I appreciate the value as I missed the PS4 generation and PS released a lot of great games that I can play. I just feel like Microsoft is laying the groundwork to makes games available to many more players than before and Sony is still bullying competitors and 3rd Party developers to maintain its position at the top.

Again, I hope that helps.

Re: Analysts Expect PS5 to Extend Lead on Xbox Series X|S in 2023


@Amnesiac understand. But people need to open their eyes and understand that having competition is better for all gamers, whether it is on PS, Xbox, Switch or PC. Or other platforms. They need to understand that one’s self worth is not predicated on owning one platform because they perceive it to be better.

Re: Analysts Expect PS5 to Extend Lead on Xbox Series X|S in 2023


Yea for PlayStation and the fanboys. I hope it makes you all feel better about yourself. That feeling of owning the #1 console definitely adds to your self worth and feeling of self fulfillment. Congratulations!! Seriously, stop being a bunch of posers. Competition makes all of the games better. Wanting one console to dominate is not a good take. Open up and breathe. I know it is hard. Having a competitor will only make it it better for all gamers.

Re: God of War Ragnarok Cleans Up at DICE Awards, Elden Ring Takes Game of the Year


The difference between GOW and Elden Ring just comes down to playing each game. If you enjoy cinematic sequences that take up half the game, then GOW is for you. If you enjoy just playing a game and finding its secrets and lore without the cut scenes and over the top cinematic crap, then Elden Ring is for you. For me, there is no contest here. Just because Hozier sings a song doesn’t make it a better game. Elden Ring is an an absolute masterpiece. Probably one of the best ever. GOW, although good, does not come anywhere close.

And HFW should have won over GOW in several categories.

Re: PS Plus Essential, Extra Games for March 2023 Announced Early


For anyone that has not played Immortals Fenix Rising, do it!! It is a fantastic game with a great art style and music. Although many reviews compared it to BOTW, I saw very little similarities. In fact, I like it better than BOTW. Be prepared for the Ubisoft open world formula map though.

Re: PS Plus Extra, Premium Get 17 More Games Next Week


What about Sackboy and Rachet & Clank? I just finished HFW about a month ago as it came packaged with the PS5. Great game and in my opinion much better than the first which was also great. Those that have not bought the game and subscribed are in for a treat. Play HZD first though if you have not played it.

Re: UK Determines Xbox's $69 Billion Activision Buyout Could Harm Gamers


Sony is like Apple. Pumping their arrogance as the premium brand. Let’s pay $1000 more for a TV because it is a Sony and has the name at the bottom of the TV. Jim Ryan only cares about revenue and profit. He is a scumbag and his only job these last 6 months has been greasing the pockets of regulators around the world. He seems to be doing a good job at this point though. I wonder how much money he promised to these regulators? As an American and I say to all you Brit’s, why would you want a Japanese company controlling the narrative here?

Re: Sony Is Successfully Attracting Non-PS4 Owners to PS5


I am part of this group. I bought the PS5 in August. I didn't buy anything from the last generation. But I also am lucky enough to own the Switch and a Series X. After reading the comments in this thread, I am not sure why people pump their chests when one console is in the lead over the others. Does the gratification of owning of what they perceive to be the "best" console really make people feel that better about themselves? It is just mind baffling to me. I just do not understand this logic. All three systems are great in their own ways despite sales numbers, games, etc. All three systems doing well is best for everyone because in the end we are all gamers.

Re: Activision Blizzard Exec Says Last of Us HBO Proves Microsoft Acquisition Should Go Ahead


If you are trying to win over regulators this is not the tactic I would use. Such sensationalism and drama in the statement. She does have a point though. With that being said, Jim Ryan is doing the exact same thing but only behind closed doors, lining the pockets of regulators, crying that COD owned by MS is a Playstation killer while raising prices of consoles, games and keeping content from all platforms including PC.

Re: Game of the Year: Best PS5, PS4 Open World Game of 2022


Elden Ring is definitely number one for me. I have to say though I am playing through Forbidden West right now. Despite an Ubisoft type open world with markers, quests, etc and a huge glut of things to explore (too much really), I just cannot put it down despite it being a grind. The graphics and music are great. I really like the game play and fighting. I even think it is better than the first one. It is a really good game that has me hooked. I do want to finish it soon as I have The Witcher 3 waiting in the wings.

Re: Poll: Are You Playing The Witcher 3's PS5 Upgrade?


I bought the complete edition about a year ago for $8.99 in the Microsoft store and I have waited for this update to come out. $8.99 is a steal!! I started playing it last night after the update came out on the Xbox. The only problem is I am in the middle of Forbidden West so I guess I will have to go back and forth between the two if I can. Looks like I am going to be tied up for awhile.