Comments 1,048

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 372


My plan was yakuza 0 and ratchet and clank but I beat yakuza 0 two days ago and I beat ratchet and clank while writing this.
Thinking about infamous 1, judgment or borderlands 3. Also the deponia collection was free on the epic game store so maybe that.

And like always more shiny breeding/hunting in pokemon shield.

EDIT: I decided on a replay of octodad: dadliest catch and infamous 1.

Re: Oh, Okay! PS5's Deathloop Looks Freakin' Rad


“ at least we have one more game to enjoy before the team’s forever locked in Xbox boss Phil Spencer’s first-party lair”

We still have no clarity on the ghostwire: tokyo deal that bethesda had with sony and in case of indiana jones we don’t know if disney and lucasfilms studios required that game to be multiplatform regardlass of Microsoft owning bethesda.

Re: Feature: Our Most Anticipated PS5, PS4 Games of 2021


I’m super excited for hogwarts, ratchet and clank, yakuza 7, persona 5 S and final fantasy 16. Tho I vowed to not make the same mistake that I did when the wiiU and ps4 where new and use all my gaming budget on new games monthly but rather wait for sales and used.

Re: Random: This Guy Has Five PS5s


There’s one youtuber called morgz that bought 100 ps5’s. The video was mass disliked and ratiod so I’d say justice was served but mass disliking actually helps the youtuber.

Re: Gal Gadot, Brie Larson to Present at The Game Awards 2020


@L3GTRIGA TBH more and more celebrities added to stuff are actual lifetime gamers. Henry cavil, brie larson, tom holland etc are all known to be gamers and have been since their youth.

EDIT: henry cavil is known to be a PC gamer and pc elitist. Brie larson is known to be a nintendo fangirl and very active on the switch. Tom holland is a late millenial bordering gen Z so him being a gamer shouldn’t even be weird.