Comments 687

Re: PS Now Adding Five Final Fantasy Games Over Coming Months


I'm all for more people getting to experience Final Fantasy on whatever platform or service they use, but I really miss the days of almost daily announcements and a game every year or two. Ever since Sakaguchi left/was fired they seem to have dragged their feet on decisions that weren't necessarily much better than his bad ones.

Re: Soapbox: Don't Let Psychonauts 2 Pass You By


The concept was sold on consoles that were available at the time, if they were aware of new consoles they would have had NDAs to not discuss them. Games are announced on older consoles all the time but get copies for old and new platforms on release.
If it was upgraded to Xbox Series X it should have been upgraded for PS5. The Xbox One owners are in the same boat as the PlayStation owners, if they want the best experience their only limited choice is to buy the Xbox Series version.

If a console manufacturer believes in their platform enough it shouldn't matter, they'll still get money.
It's a different matter for in-house studios that have been created from the ground up, while I think it's still unfair for the consumer at least they've put the effort and money in from the start.

The same also applies for any Insomniac games, or any other previously independent studios as I loath the idea of any console manufacturer buying developers up and keeping them for themselves.

Re: Soapbox: Don't Let Psychonauts 2 Pass You By


I can't speak for everyone else, but I would have bought a Series X if it had enough games that interested me, at the moment one game does not justify that.

It IS a hobby and not everyone has the money to buy every console, even if there wasn't a global shortage.
Some people who are console biased for whatever reason are calling this a 1st party game, it's not, it was conceived and initially financed by gamers who represent both console options and PC.

Doublefine was scooped up while it was late in development.
It's unfair that an equal experience isn't being offered to all interested gamers and also that it's being tied to digital only to try and sell gamepass.

People complaining is how companies know how share prices will react, if enough feel strongly about something then they can choose to amend their original plans, and sometimes that benefits everyone.

Re: Soapbox: Don't Let Psychonauts 2 Pass You By


Double Fine games have been the only games I've bought digitally, to support them to hopefully get a Psychonauts sequel. That said I do find it a kick in the teeth after that to not get the best version released for both Xbox and Playstation.

If you want to talk about settling for an inferior version, I would have been happy to have the game without the Microsoft funded extra bosses etc. As long as everyone was able to enjoy it equally.
But they sold out, and you can bet a third full game won't be available on PlayStation in the future.
With that in mind I sure as hell won't pay £50 for a digital copy.

Re: Death Stranding Details What Its PS5 Director's Cut Offers


I agree, it would be good to go in, fix up old deteriorated roads and ziplines etc. and try out the new toys. But I wouldn't want to fork out for it unless it was a whole new game. Does appear to have deviated from its original idea of encouraging the player to avoid fighting though.

Re: Bloober Team Dismisses The Medium PS Plus Rumours


Good thing I've cancelled my PS+ then. I was mildly interested in this and
Scorn out of all of Xbox's previously announced games and I'm really rather annoyed they get the best version of Psychonauts 2, but that's definitely not enough to justify me buying an X Box Series X, pity, wish they either had more to offer or let Double Fine release a physical PS5 copy of Psychonauts 2.

Re: Soapbox: GTA: San Andreas Is Still an Open World Classic


Honestly, I don't care how well these end up, they've been wringing GTAV to death, and with certain people leaving and suddenly re-doing these it makes me think they're trying to get as much money as they can before they unleash a GTAVI that they already know will fall on its arse because of the current climate.

Re: Abandoned App Patch Drops, Trailer Is the Same as Twitter Tease


Well if it's not a scam, then it's different from the previous trailer as it is actually happening on the viewer's PS5, theoretically they could have any code in there to mess with it later and not play the same way. It's got to have some weird twist like that or what would be the point of having a real-time app over a standard trailer.

Re: Astro's Playroom PS5 Dev Team Asobi Staffing Up for its Next Game


You can still get it for that £40, that extra money doesn't get added into making the game.
Publishers will allow the same budget either way, they still make huge profit at either price.
You're just petitioning to give them extra money for nothing, and it's not like the developers get rewarded and see a bonus if the game price is increased, it just goes to shareholders. 😆

Re: Astro's Playroom PS5 Dev Team Asobi Staffing Up for its Next Game


In the mid 90's the publishers tried to charge up to £80 for some games, and people stopped buying them new and they had to reduce prices, it was still the same AAA titles.

Price does not dictate the quality of the game, publishers have historically tried every now and then to try and push the boundaries to see if customers are stupid enough to fall for it. They need to be slapped down each time, they still make plenty of profit on £40 games so don't help to pedal that misinformation.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Also Release on PS4 This August


Not at all. They should have made the best experience available to anyone just as Sony should in similar circumstances, I disagreed with the exclusivity agreements for Death Stranding and FFXVI etc.
If they want to support the games support them for all and if they have enough confidence in their consoles or infrastructure then customers will gravitate to it on their own merits rather than holding things hostage.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Also Release on PS4 This August


If they really did want to support the game then they should have made it equally available to all and recouped their costs with profit on all formats. Sony should do the same when they choose to buy or support a developer's vision.
If there weren't legal issues stopping them from not releasing to PS4 backers they wouldn't have and if there's a third game it's likely to be ringfenced. If you think that's reasonable then it says enough
I dislike company stooges no matter the master and there's a few on here.

Re: Psychonauts 2 Will Also Release on PS4 This August


They didn't own Doublefine when they were getting money off the public to get Psychonauts 2 off the ground.
Microsoft must have really had to go out of their way to find the loophole that means PS4 backers will get their copies delayed. That's just mean and another example why these companies buying studios or exclusivity agreements to ring fence games and/or release dates is completely anti-consumer.
I really don't understand why people in this day and age support this and act like Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo are like their favourite football team. This behaviour affects us all adversely.

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced at the Square Enix Presents Showcase?


That was terrible, from the phone based nonsense, the lack of more FF XVI info and Life is Strange upgrades instead of a Tomb Raider anniversary announcement it was extremely disappointing, just like the whole of E3 so far. I suppose we have the success of Soulsbourne games and the failure of Cyberpunk, mixed with unimaginative heads of games companies that there's a huge amount of overly serious dark high fantasy games over the next 5 years or so.