Comments 687

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Showcase Event Deliver?


I never thought the online games had the proper Final Fantasy vibe, this looks just the same and not much improved from FFXIV considering it's a single player PS5 game....unless it's not, which I fear is what it and also that wizarding world game unfortunately looks like too.

Re: Talking Point: Did the PS5 Showcase Event Deliver?


That was awful. FFXVI looked like a bad cross of FFXIV with Witcher 3 with 5 year old graphics.
Resi VIII looked ok, but it's another old IP along with loads of others (Abe's mates still doing same stuff they did on the psone) also too many remakes. Very depressing.

Re: Control PS5 Upgrade Controversy Worsens as Owners Accidentally Get Free Access to Ultimate Edition


I saw this earlier.
I really hope it was the case that 505 had relented and meant to gift previous purchasers with both The Ultimate Edition now and then later the upgrade for the PS5.

As in: that they wanted to at least get some good PR from it, so had some kind of embargo to announce it later, but some chuckle brother hit the upgrade switch early and then reset it afterwards. If that's the case, they're not having much luck no matter what they do.

Re: Chinese Action Game Black Myth: Wu Kong Is Attracting a Lot of Attention


That's not full price it's an artificially inflated price.
Thankfully not true anyway.
For instance in the 90's the cost of games went through the roof due to similar greed. I remember Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 at £80 odds for example. People stopped buying new games as much until the prices eventually returned to normal.
Publishers and retailers need reminded every few years that the games industry is healthier when games are a reasonable price allowing customers to buy more titles in a year

Re: Marvel’s Avengers Trailer Proves Sony Aren't the Only Bad Guys


I think it's totally fair assessment. The whole point of the intro is to get you interested in the game and it's pretty awful with clunky controls and a camera you're constantly fighting. It doesn't get much better after that and I'm sick of loot nonsense already after only just catching up on my games backlog to find loads of games doing it.

Re: PS5 Games Could Cost $10 More Than PS4


Ugh I noticed they were doing with the new Crash Bandicoot at £54.99 on Amazon, just so they could bump it up by another tenner.
Not gonna fall for it again after paying for Mortal Kombat 3 for £80 odds and then the ultimate version came soon afterwards. Back to taking the preverbial and I want no part in it.

Re: The Last of Us 2 Petition Demands Dramatic Story Alterations


'Salty' 'Cry babies' 'Snowflakes' etc.
I can't stress enough how sick I am of people on either sides of arguments clogging up comments on articles using repetitive cliched internet buzzwords.
Be it games, politics or whatever else, both sides seem to think the insult was made exclusively to mean the type of people they're arguing against and never them.
At least use original insults and not copy other phrases in a kneejerk fashion, it doesn't make anyone look particularly intelligent.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Agree with PS5's Approach to Generations?


Yes, as long as it's not the weird bendy armed bad art design that is usually the case with games at the start of a generation. That really irks me, environment looks great but character design always looks 2 generations old. I don't know if developers get told to tone things down and pace things out across a consoles lifespan or not, but normally the first few games look pretty bad.

Re: PS5 Fans Are Panicking Over Backwards Compatibility


I know it's greedy to want it to do everything, but that's what made the original batch of PS3s so great. They played CDs/DVDs/BDs and PSX/2/3 games, that was exactly what I wanted, and also why I was so disappointed with PS4.
Ideal solution - in my mind - would be the equivalent now for PS5 whilst also supporting Now and the various digital options for people who don't like to retain physical media, best of both worlds.

Re: Poll: Do You Like the Final Fantasy VII Remake Ending?


I don't understand, why do you all like it? Squenix seem to have tried....for a bit. It was ok until it got to seventh heaven. Then all that typical Squenix filler stuff.
Has no one else noticed they relegated the original music to random areas? Or those stupid remixes. The rest, the awful composer from FFXIII? The expanded stuff? Embarrassing. That Speed Demon character, exactly what's been so bad about FF games since FFXII!
Admittedly, I'm not far in but I don't think it'll get better.