Comments 684

Re: PS Portal Still Going Strong, Demand in USA Exceeds Supply


Well probably ok if you're subscribed to a decent internet provider and have a decent WiFi hub.
But to people like myself who aren't, it's disappointing they didn't implement it working on a local level without going through a Wi-Fi Network.
It seems like they just threw it out there to sell as many as they can and then abandon it as they have with so many other peripherals as they have in the past.

Re: Jim Ryan Retires as PlayStation Boss in March 2024


He said years and years ago: paraphrasing "If I can sell you the same game multiple times, then I'm doing my job" I hated that mindset then and hate it more now.
Look how much of the games now are remakes and remasters, even aside from the fact they charge stupid prices for straight up ports, when before him they had backwards compatibility.

Re: In a Shock Twist, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Will Have Music on PS5


I don't know how anyone else feels about this, as I haven't seen anyone else talking about it. But it feels disrespectful to Uematsu in regards to the music.

If it's the same as REMAKE then it's mostly ditching his iconic tunes, to only have them appear almost as pisstake rearranged extras.

I don't know if the new composters were instructed to do this or it came from them, but it feels like they mocked his style of composition in REMAKE.

Yes, he had relatively simplistic arrangements compared to modern fully trained composers, but they actually did their job and resonated with the players, I doubt the new tunes will in 20+ years.

It just makes them come look like elitist snobs who didn't want to sully their CVs with doing proper arrangements of the work of an untrained composer.

Re: Final Fantasy 16 Devs Considered Hybrid Combat System, But Craved Something 'Complete'


It's clear that FF has a long history of being mostly turn based.
It's also clear that Square Enix lost their way following Sakaguchi leaving, and have been chasing trends since then to try and catch up to them instead of driving them.

The person is expressing their opinion, regarding a good background of the games being a certain stylist choice that lasted for a long time.

The people behind it have chosen to deviate from that to get widespread sales and emulate western games.
What is wrong with disagreeing with that and also thinking it's a wrong direction for the game series?

Re: Horizon, The Wire's Lance Reddick Has Passed Away


Only knew him from the Horizon series and I'm playing Forbidden West at the moment.
It seems by all accounts he was a good guy, really good to his fans and it came out of the blue. Really sad when someone goes before their time, but even much so if they were a good force in the world.