Comments 687

Re: Horizon, The Wire's Lance Reddick Has Passed Away


Only knew him from the Horizon series and I'm playing Forbidden West at the moment.
It seems by all accounts he was a good guy, really good to his fans and it came out of the blue. Really sad when someone goes before their time, but even much so if they were a good force in the world.

Re: Widespread PS3, PS Vita Issues Preventing Fans from Downloading Games


Thanks for the help with that.
It's a fat 80 gig model, I stupidly allowed Sony to send me one to replace my original fully backwards compatible 60 gig one after it totally died a month after launch.
It might be too much for me to handle some of the more technical ones, but as I have a lot of recordings on there and playlists, I might see about getting a professional to look it over if there's a chance it can be saved.

Re: Drums Rock (PSVR2) – A Pretty Fun, but Uneven Experience


Well it sounds closer to something like beat saber than anything to do with drums which is the intended experience.
With the issues of bad collision detection and lack of properly licenced tracks it sounds poorly made.

Maybe a pair of those novelty drums sticks that make sounds when you shake them along to tunes the player actually knows and likes, might be an equivalent if not better alternative for some 😀

Re: Poll: Did You Buy a DualSense Edge?


I've 2 launch day controllers and regularly have them plugged into a speaker when I'm playing on a monitor, I've never had that problem with either of them. Maybe I'm just lucky.

Re: Forspoken Continues to Divide Opinion Following PS5 Demo


I wasn't that interested in the game until I played the demo, they could have said to hold square to use the grapple magic and it is a bit rough, but I found it very enjoyable and completed it.
Granted Frey and Cuff butt heads and she comes across as overly snarky, but she's supposed to be young and overly confident and I'm sure both characters will improve along the journey and become much less irritating after a bit.

Re: Silent Hill F Revealed by Konami, But Who Knows What It Is


Fair enough, would have been happy enough with a film, but considering how horrific Higurashi can be it would be interesting, they might be throwing everything at the wall and see what sticks in this day and age, psychological horror or just plain nasty stuff.

Re: PS Studios Malaysia Working on Top Secret PS5 Games


Since you like Alundra so much:
Loved the game when it came out, rented it loads, got to a weird dungeon puzzle I could never solve, called the helpline (expensive) tips never worked.
Thought it was a glitch in that copy.
Bought another pre-rental at a totally different place, same thing.
Ended up buying it for ps3/psp/vita, but have never played it again in case the same thing happens.
Sound familiar, any tips?

Re: PS5's Bonkers Dev Kit Looks Like an Alien Space Craft in the Flesh


I remember when the design leaked, thought it looked cool and still do.
When the retail was shown I loved it and I'm still happy with it.
That said I'd previously had a weird head spin with the PS4 and bought a white drive cover and controller, even though I used to hate any tech that was white previously.
So oddly eased myself into the idea in advance.😀