Comments 1,849

Re: New GTA Character Casually Outed by Voice Actor


i doubt it's gta 6.

with all the rumors going on for a planned 2023 release why would rockstar produce a trailer now?

i know gta v got a teaser all the way back in 2011 but that game was planned to release in 2012 before the delays.

Re: Abandoned App Patch Drops, Trailer Is the Same as Twitter Tease


this whole thing is just so poorly done.

they even deleted the twitter posts about the patch being delayed because it was fixed,instead of just tweeting that it was fixed.

it's almost as if hassan is the only person on that team.

the weird thing though is how they got nuor to make that video. did they just believe him and accepted the money without seeing any game or does he have a game he showed them,but is just so poor at marketing it.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Will Return to the PlayStation Store on the 21st June


@Luigia if it was a plus game,i think sony would have waited until july to release the game instead of doing it june 21st.

though i think they won't have it be full price though. maybe that is part of the deal between sony and CDPR? have it back online but only at a reduced price. ofcourse i'm just wishfull thinking here.