Comments 99

Re: Gossip Regarding Grand Theft Auto V PS4's Release Date Hints at Delay


I didnt get gtav on ps3 or last of us as i traded it in 5 months before ps4 came out so i could save for it, and well ive played last of us on ps4 and was glad i held out for that and i can assure you it will be the same for gta5, alot of people will double dip for the new gtav cause they all buy the next cod that comes out and thats basicaly the same game everytime.

Re: Talking Point: Is Indie Becoming a Defunct, Dirty Word?


I think a game is a game, if its good, great! I like that it gives the small guy a chance to play in the big leagues and get noticed, havent really liked many of the indies that have came out but atleast thers more options and now and again thers really gd game that comes out. I dont like sony using it to fill up ps ➕ but i can see why ther doing it.

Re: Put This PS4 Footage of Project Cars into Gear


I know what your saying drive club and the crew are more arcade games and this is more of a simulation racer, all i mentioned was that drive club looks like the game to pull me back into the racing genre and then we went on to speak about games that are like drive club as in more arcade like need for speed, drift, and the crew etc.

Re: Put This PS4 Footage of Project Cars into Gear



The crew does look good, i like the idea of the long distance driving but il keep an eye on it and see if it will make my buy list, road redemption does look brilliant and if it got ported over i would buy it on day 1, i just cant see it happening tho

Re: Put This PS4 Footage of Project Cars into Gear



Drive club has made me want to start playing racing games again, cant do rehash after rehash of need for speed or drift anymore, not touched a racing game in about 3-4yrs with the exeption of mario kart, i really hope drive club will show up the rest of the bunch and mayb giv them all the kick they need

Re: Saints Row Dances with the Devil Ahead of Sequel Reveal


The last saints row was basicaly a kids gta, it was wild and wacky and thats great to be able to just have fun! To be honest my own taste has matured alot the last 5-6 years and this sort of game just doesnt do anything for me, hopefully im wrong about this and they bring something more mature but interesting to the table this time around.

Re: Feature: What Are September 2014's Free PlayStation Plus Games?



I am one of they gamers that look at something and can say whether its for me or not straight away,ive been gaming since i could hold a joystick, i know what games make me tick and i know what games i want to invest my money in, indies dont really do it they have some good ideas and they can be interesting but really thats all indies are, are ideas and different perspectives of games and genres,also re hash's of old games and adding some modern elements to it, and people like that and thats fine,my main problem is there to short and not deep enough in my opinion, i prefer games i can get lost in where i am always finding new things to do and new places to go.

Re: Not Even Sony Understands Why the PS4 Is Selling So Well


Microsoft are just the worst for bringing out new policys and angles over the years to squeeze money out the gamer so that cant help them either,thats not including the recent drm crap,they wher the first to implament console gamers to pay to play online,which forced other companies to do the same as they where losing out money,the more servers on xbox talk is all bull they would have already had the money to have these in place anyway,ea is heading down the same money grabbing path and wont be long till other companys have to follow suit and we get screwed out even more money, gaming is going to keep costing us alot more money in the future.

Re: Don't Worry, Crystal Dynamics Considered Your Feelings Over the Whole Tomb Raider Ordeal



I grew up with tomb raider i have great memorys playing it with the family and friends, it is personal to me as it for alot of people,its associated with the sony playstation and was seen by alot of people as a mascot for a long time,i dont mind it being on other consoles, more power to them, ther a company they need to make profits, but to tell people who have put so much of ther hard earned money over the years and made it the brand it is today, to shaft them and say thanks but you can just wait another 8 months or watever because we got a nice paycheck from microsoft is a joke.

Re: Why Won't Sony Allow You to Subscribe to EA Access on PS4?


We all know wher this is going, lets just stop them in ther tracks now, lets choose not to get access..think i might start calling it assexx cause it might b ok at first with a free game here and early access ther and then a few years down the line u get ass f**ked with them charging u this as standard to even play ther games, just say no to assexx

Re: Xbox Chief's Uncharted Adoration Motivated Tomb Raider Deal


I dont think sony are perfect but theve been laying off the dirty tactics, microsoft have just been throwing money at everyone and everything hoping the problems of the xbone go away, ther main fault was just not listning to the game community as a whole developers and consumers on what they wanted said f**k u and theve been trying to change things ever since, trying to get tomb raider as a timed exclusive would be like sony tryn to get halo as a timed exclusive it just makes u look like a d**k.

Re: PS4 Title No Man's Sky Is Probably the Biggest Game Ever Made


I look at this game in such a way as for example -there are 3000 objects and 30 colours then the computer would just ramdomly generate these in different locations and times or not input some and boom its a different planet, thats my take off how this will work so i imagine it will get boring in a few weeks, like how many times can u change ur pin number before its the same pin number again? But its still only the same 9 numbers you can use and 4 digits u input, just guessn thats what this will be like if you get my meaning.

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