Comments 99

Re: Microsoft Didn't Expect Sony to Ditch 4K Blu-ray Either


Ive got a 4k tv and a 4k uhd bluray player and yes the quality is worth it and the difference is easy to see with the upgrade and image is better than streaming, also call me old fashioned but im still one of those people that like to physicaly own something. I am a massive ps4 fan always have been but il be hounist i think im going for the scorpio this time round, i want a machine that can be displayed at 4k and not just scale upto. I wanted sony to bring out the big guns but they flopped on this one to save on price.

Re: Fallout 4 Named Best Game at 2016 BAFTA Game Awards


Fallout 4 is a great game however, it just lacks the same feeling i got from fallout 3 and skyrim. Im not big on 3rd person views i prefer 1st person but witcher 3 blew me away such a solid game all round and in my personal opinion hands down game of the year. Also i think fallout has played it safe stuck to what its goot at (glitches and all) i thought they would have went deeper like if you killed someone for no reason instead of everyone attacking you his son would try and hunt you down in the wilderness for killing his father or you could adopt a baby or buy a house and rent it out or something just completly crazy. Must say tho the town builder is a big thing and hats of to them for that.

Re: Holy Money Spinner, Batman! Arkham Knight Season Pass Announced


I think every game now is going to have a season pass as standard soon, to milk as much milk from the proverbial cow as possible. this content should be rewarded through time for buying the game, as a thankyou for supporting a companies product.We all know these season passes are pritty crap tbh and its only tiny bits and pieces of dlc such as a gun or double xp half the time anyway.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time to Introduce EA Access on PS4?


@Flurpsel , i understand some people might find this attractive but the bigger picture is they are just trying to squeese as much money out of gamers as they can anyway they can "fact" my whole point is there asking people to pay for things they could do for free and it started with paying to game with friends and the companies all thought they where losing money so now you have to pay to play online on the playstation.This is exactly whats going to happen and why so many gamers are afraid of crap like this. A ps plus account isnt really a choice anyway you have to buy it to play with friends online obv besides a couple free to play games, also what do you think this ea access will evolve over time into?

Re: Review: Borderlands: The Handsome Collection (PlayStation 4)


Missed this on the ps3, so im very happy I picked this up on release. Massive, massive amount of content for the price its bn great. Nearly finished borderlands 2 and thats with doing most side quests and the add on content, have no Idea how long the prequel is going to take but really looking forward to whats to come.

Re: Talking Point: Is It Time to Introduce EA Access on PS4?


This is just a money grab and made to look like a great deal for the gullable, I hope it dies in the greed riddled cesspool it first spewed out from never to be seen by human eyes again. ( please dont support this rubbish, thers no reason they cant offer us this just for signing up to ea and being loyal customers for all the years we have bought there games.)

Re: Rumour: Could Call of Duty: World at War II Be Treyarch's Next Title?


WAW was the start of something amazing (Zombies) and the first black ops followed well. Then they just ruined it by speeding up the game to suit a quick fix croud of skilless gamers and u cant walk in any direction without instant death and the games are just a mindless mess of spray and pray. And guys please dont tell me its for people who want quick games because waw and bops where still quick games for people who didnt have much time (jobs,kids etc) and no i dont need more practice at the game etc ive always had good stats in cods and was 700/10.000 in bf3 in the world leaderboards. I would really love a waw2, that would bring me back to the cods but i really think it would be ruined and would destroy any precious teenage memorys of a time where i enjoyed waw.

Re: Feature: How Has the PS4 Fared in Its First Year?


Ok i voted, d - when it came out all features wern't available to start with just like games at the moment they seem to think its fine to just patch stuff and add things later just to get the sale now! Games where meh and the games i did look forward to just let me down. ps+ i only have a ps4 so it was crap besides - "dont starve" and "resogun" i remember i hardly touched it for months but only started playing again for fifa and shadow of mordor and fifa is crap aswel its only as my friends play it i got it. I do want video chat when im playing games with friends tho so we can see each others reactions when someone gets killed violently or loses etc even xbox one has ways of achieving this.not to say we havnt had a vast selection of different games either but quality over quantity is more important- wii u games have all been solid, ive been quite impressed with it so far over some other games for ps4 ive seen come out.

Re: Destiny Servers Go Offline as the Group Who Took Down the PSN Strike Again


Im going to trade destiny in this weekend, i just dont have time for the kind or grinding that is required of this game, im currently lv 24 but with my family, work and studying everytime i play i want a reward, a feel of progression atleast but i can play this for 3 hours and feel like i am exactly where i was before i picked up the controller, half way between this and diablo loot system would be perfect for this game i think and would have stopped me from getting rid of it.

Re: PS4's Hardware Is No Longer 'Top of the Line', Admits Sony Employee


When ps4 came i was excited as hell! I did expect holographic disks which hold 6tb of information and have bn out since 2006 and 4-8k for games as 4k was already out and 8k had already finished development, i know it eould have cost a fortune but i would have paid it, realistically tho theve made good choices the console as a whole is a great piece of machinery and at a brilliant price i really cant complain but it better only be a 6yr cycle this time i dont think i can handle the lengthy wait and within 6 years this will look bad! Also dont know why no console company has brought out up graded easy to install parts so u can upgrade every year or so and start matching pc's if u have the cash that is lol 😂

Re: One Day, You May Be Able to Play Every PlayStation Game That Matters with PlayStation Now


Well the retro market isnt something i know alot about if im being hounist, i dont really know much about game stop to know if they done that or not, i can only comment on what i see in the uk, alot of big companies went into administration including "game" i believe as people where getting cheaper deals online for games and other things and how everything is digital the console as a thing may be gone after the ones we have now, u could be right they might start focusing more on retro stuff amd have retro stores etc but i think it makes sence money wise to not have to pay rent on a building and not have to hire as many staff, bravia tv,playstation now it all make to much sence just to ditch consoles in the future, i would miss a console tho and game disks as there something that actualy has phisical presence.

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