Comments 184

Re: Elden Ring's Platinum Trophy Stat Is Shockingly High



Yeah man I thought it was a bit of a joke and so out of place. Like suddenly putting a top down shoot em up in the middle of Gran Turismo or something, why is it even there? And why would a catacomb be designed that way?

I found it rage inducing and like you say, just kept rushing it and failing. I regret leaving it till the end (even left it last out of the three endings) as it was such an anti-climax and took the shine off the game a bit.

I'd say 30 - 40 attempts for me too. And then when you do it... WHY WOULD THE FLOOR NOT JUST BREAK FROM A GREATER HEIGHT ANYWAY!?!?


Re: Elden Ring's Platinum Trophy Stat Is Shockingly High


Got the platinum and it was indeed easier than other souls games, mostly because you can more easily over level yourself, and you don't need additional playthroughs as long as you save scum.

Aside from trying to beat Melania as a distance loving sorcerer, the hardest part of the game was genuinely the platforming for the Lord of Frenzied Flame ending for me!

However, anyone saying that it is an "easy game" in the comments is just engaging in full scale douchebaggery. Relative to almost all other video games, it is a tough game, especially consindering we know a lot of people are new to the genre.

Quite possibly just a triumph of open world design that people are more keen to explore as much as they can and get the trophies.

Great game.

Re: Lillymo Games Cooking Up Perils of Baking Remake for PS5, PS4



I get your point, but the studio also gets an unfair lack of coverage because Colin has a completely misappropriated reputation/bullseye on his back.

I think Push Square are the only outlet covering it, presumably because Colin loves Push Square and reps it all the time, I mean that's what led me here originally.

So, I do think it is reasonable for fans to adopt a "buy no matter what" mantra with his games. Having said that, Habroxia 2 was legitimately one of the best 5 games I played last year, and I'm looking forward to this game off the back of that.

Re: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Leaving Role Once Microsoft Buyout Is Done, Says Report



Ah OK, sorry mate, I see that now.

Another disappointing thing is the sham sense of morality these big corporations show. E.g. Phil Spencer insinuating they may not work with Activision again due to the allegations, then annoucing they are buying the company within 6 weeks.

They don't care at all, money talks, although I'm sure there will be some nonsense spiel to frame it differently.

Re: Activision CEO Bobby Kotick Leaving Role Once Microsoft Buyout Is Done, Says Report



Think you missed my point, I'm passing no comment on sympathy and all the rest of it, I don't really care about that side of things other than to say I hope everyone who has broken the law/acted inappropriately faces justice. Just making comments on the fiscal side.

If he has shares, which I think it does, there will be no agreed parachutes payments etc, he will just get whatever they paid per share x the number of shares.

It is many billions, and they have paid 50% above the recommended share price, as for as I'm aware.

Re: Will Call of Duty and Other Activision Blizzard Games Come to PS5, PS4?



Think it is the only way for Sony now. It could be that if you had the XBOX version of Gamepass you get the games a bit earlier, or that the subscription fee is less.

I'd still remain a Sony man if I was paying £10/month for access to all their first party games and another £10/month for the theoretical delayed Microsoft game pass.

Re: Microsoft Buys Call of Duty Publisher Activision Blizzard


Monopolies are obviously bad for business. I suspect there will be competition law after this as others have said.

For those saying they don't play Activision games.. that's fine neither do I. But the overwhelming majority of gamers aren't people looking at PushSquare, they are causal players and COD is so, so massive.

Sony have got to make all their 1st Party games part of their new PS Plus/Now package. Not sure they can afford a behemoth like Square or Rockstar.

Re: PSVR2 Guide: Everything You Need to Know About PS5 Virtual Reality


I was excited for this, but that was with the expectation that I'd have access to a more user friendly way to experience older titles, a lot of which I already own via PS Plus.

If there is no backwards compatibility, my interest will change to close to 0 at the starting price point.

Think this is a terrible move by Sony, and will alienate a lot of big time gamers/PS fans like myself and impact the success of the unit.

I understand it wouldn't be an easy thing to do, but they just need to find a way to make it happen, as Microsoft have done in back-compat situations.

Re: Game of the Year: Push Square Readers' Top 10 PS5, PS4 Games of 2021


I just don't understand how highly regarded Rift Apart is. A pleasant and tight game for sure, but inferior in almost every way to the 2016 game, with lots of unimaginative boss recycling. Can't see how the "charm" carries it to game of the year.

Although, all opinion of course.

It would probably sneak into my top 10. But undoubtedly the best game this year to my eyes is Returnal.

The best game I've played since Bloodborne.

Re: Game of the Year: #2 - Returnal


Sensational game that I'm still thinking about now despite the plat pinging months ago.

Assumed it would be #1 on here, the honour must be going to Deathloop. I haven't played that but have played guaridans of the galaxy, which hasn't been listed and is not close to a top tier GOTY contender, in my opinion.

Re: Not Everyone Had the Fortitude to Finish Returnal on PS5


I've been playing games for 30 years and Returnal is Top 10 all time for me.

I thought it was difficult for sure, especially by modern standards aside from a self stlyed souls game. However, it wasn't too hard in my opinion, and I actually found that the balance they struck with character and gun progression combined with increasing skill through practice was perfect. Persistence very much required though.

Such was my love for the game, that I subjected myself to the platinum even before they changed some of the RNG.

For me, it was the best game I have played since Bloodborne, and I'm really sad it doesn't have a wider audience.

Re: Talking Point: Is Sony Being Stingy with PS5's First-Party Pricing?


I don't really think of things in the same way the article frames them. It isn't that I'm buying less, I'm just waiting a few months now.

It has become increasingly clear, in my opinion that you should only buy a game at launch if you have maximum hype, as within a few months it will be sub £50, or less.

There are so many games now, there isn't much need to pay full price. Unless you're a Nintendo fan, then the word "sale" won't be in your vocab.