Comments 184

Re: Accused GTA 6 Leaker Deemed Unfit to Stand Trial by Psychiatrists


The bar to be assessed "unfit for trial" is high in the UK, often referring to someone with schizophrenia, learning disability or severe, legitimate mania. (sometimes autistic spectrum disorders) The overwhelming majority of people in that circumstance would also not be capable of such sophisticated crime, and not being fit for trial in the UK indicates things such as, not being able to understand the concept of a jury etc.

I'm interested to see the details/how this pans out, and how the US legal system is different.

(DOI - UK Psychiatrist)

Re: PlayStation Showcase Completely Divided Fan Opinion


There were some good looking, undoubtedly AAA games.

The mistake they made was not signposting a lack of first party elxucsives that aren't live service games. That way, there would have been no need to speculate on what studio XYZ was doing, which led to all the hype.

The importance of setting expectations.

Re: Sony's PS5 Remote Play Handheld Will Have Haptic Feedback, Adaptive Triggers



Couldn't really disagree more with the notion that it's "pointless".

Yes, probably not a wise move to be playing Destiny et al, but if you like turned based (and other less kinetic) games and don't want to play on the switch unless you have to, this is IDEAL.

I will be getting both the hardware and the FF Pixel remasters the moment it drops.

Slightly worried the price will be absurd though...

Re: PS5, PS4 Arcade Racer LEGO 2K Drive Sounds Superb, And It's Out Soon


I love arcade racing games.

Nonetheless I was absolutely gobsmacked to see the price of this game and it's very likely I won't buy on that point alone. Think it's a bit foolish to call your racing game AAA when it doesn't look like GT et al.

Obviously, they are banking on the LEGO license justifying the price, so fair enough really from a business perspective.

Re: Sony Concerned Microsoft Could, Knowingly or Not, Sabotage Call of Duty on PlayStation



This is not at all how certification works. They don't play the games when certifying!

They ask the developer to provide a snapshot of the worst violence, gore etc and trust that the developer is being truthful, and certify/rate the game accordingly.

There's no quality control process for third party games as far as I'm aware. That falls on the developer/publisher alone.

Re: Madden NFL Rival Maximum Football Goes Free-to-Play on PS5, PS4


I'm up for it. I love the NFL and enjoy madden but refuse to pay £70 for it annually.

I've taken to giving EA play £20 a year so I can dip in and out of their older sports games, but would sack it off for this.

Hope it gains traction, annualised sports games are an objective financial con now there is extensive access to patching games.

Re: Metal Gear Rising 10th Anniversary 'Event' Teased


Metal Gear super fan here, not so much a platinum fan.

I played Revengeance when it was released and sort of enjoyed it despite the absurd name and all around overarching absurdity (even for metal gear!).

Would be happy to give it another go if they are they are doing something!

Re: Sony Cuts PSVR2 Launch Sale Estimates by Half, New Report Claims


@get2sammyb @Darude84 @Member_the_game

Think people are conflating the price of the hardware and the value proposition of the overall package.

The hardware is objectively not over priced when you consider the sum of the parts from which it is made. However, in my view at the moment there isn't really a catalogue of games that's exciting enough for me to jump in just yet. I.e. there's no point having a £530 piece of hardware if there's not much you're looking forward to playing on it.

I'm looking to get involved toward the end of the year, when there will hopefully be more software and an enticing bundle/price drop.

Re: Gorgeous Indie Game GRIS Given PS5 Version, Runs at 4K 120fps


This game was the the one that told me that this sort of game just isn't for me after trying to like similar titles.

Absolutely nothing against the people that love it and happy when people enjoy any game, but I'm mostly a gameplay and secondarily a narrative guy.

Just one of those that I don't really "get"

Re: AEW: Fight Forever Is Channelling PS2, PS1 Era Wrestling Energy


Can't wait for this, despite being a Sony Pony (without the hostility) my favourite console, pound for pound is probably still the N64.

A big part in that is played by Wrestlemania 2000 and No Mercy, two of my favourite games ever despite No Mercy having a progress deleting bug which meant you had to return the cartridge and wait for a new one!

Haven't watched much AEW (or really any wrestling at all) recently, but still pumped.