Comments 184

Re: Poll: Do You Like Metal Gear Solid Delta's New Graphical Style?



Don't doubt anyone's right to an opinion, passionate or otherwise. And I'm on here because I share the same passion, obviously.

I just don't understand how you get to the opinion some are offering. It's a remake, twenty years, and three generations down the line. The atmosphere is going to be different by definition. Beyond that, I don't think it's possible to draw the conclusions people are drawing from the limited exposure thus far. I'm not convinced of much of anything about the game yet, other than it doesn't seem like overt dud/disaster. (Although it still might be!)

Think it's also worth mentioning that the site ran an article yesterday saying they thought it looked sick, and in this very article they are surprised by some of the backlash. (Which is too strong a word but you know what I mean).

Re: Poll: Do You Like Metal Gear Solid Delta's New Graphical Style?



Stand by the point completely, I could have maybe said partially maintains a PS2 aesthetic, but that wouldn't have made much difference.

I can't see the logic in being critical of the art style in a AAA remake (of this nature) in this way.

The point of contention, if that's the opinion, needs to be with there being a remake in the first place - which is absolutely not what people are saying (unless I am mistaken, which I might be!)

Metal Gear is my favourite series, I'm looking forward to the remake, but accept that it will probably be different in many respects.

Feels a bit like negativity for the sake of negativity...

Re: Poll: Do You Like Metal Gear Solid Delta's New Graphical Style?


Find the critique slighty bizarre actually. Not sure what the expectation would be... A remake of a 20 year old game that somehow maintains a PS2 aesthetic?

That seems like an exercise in futility to me.

My only comment is that Big Boss' face is going to take a bit of getting used to! Seems altered, rather than remade.

Re: PlayStation's Push for Live Service Games Hasn't Been Going Smoothly


I'm not interested in live service games because I'm both 'hardcore' and therefore an eclectic gamer, and don't have the free time of a 13 year old.

Having said that, if this is what they are interested in, as sort of eluded to in the article, they need to tap the resources and brains at Guerrilla. This studio has proven to be the most adaptable of all the top tier Sony studios.

In that respect, they have the special sauce. (Saying that even though I personally find Horizon to be overrated)

Re: PS Plus Extra Game for November Revealed Super Early



I agree. The Gamepass model is also objectively fiscal suicide (unless you're a massive corporation with limitless funds), so their model is unsustainable and bad for the industry, in my opinion.

This model of smaller games Day 1 is much more sustainable.