Comments 184

Re: Disgruntled PS Plus Premium Members Can't Downgrade for Black Friday Discount


In response to some of the other comments, this is absolutely newsworthy as personally I was scouring the comments to see if I could downgrade.

I'd have 100% downgraded if I could but fully understand why they don't let you. Not just the loss of income, but someone would probably dig out the numbers on how many people downgraded eventually, which would be terrible optics.

Re: The Award-Winning Outer Wilds Is Now Available on PS5, Free Upgrade for PS4 Owners


I'm just so glad to wait for almost all games now, both before buying and playing.

Downloaded this when it came to the subscription service, the mood hadn't hit me yet to play it, and now I get the PS5 version.

So many great games now that there is always a host of critically acclaimed experiences on the backlog, that you can play as and when they become available as part of a subscription service.

Re: Reaction: Sony's Struck State of Play Gold Not Once, But Twice in a Row


I didn't think it was "really good" personally, and voted OK in the poll. I didn't feel it was all that slick and found it to be a bit incoherent.

Think I'm bringing in some bias about consistent disappointment at no Bloodborne and no MGS remake though.

Wasn't a huge amount for me personally, but also can't see how anyone could say it wasn't at least OK, and better than expected given the rumours before.

Re: Soapbox: I Really Miss E3


I agree with the sentiments put forward in the article.

I absolutely loved E3, but acknowledge that it isn't necessary.

As someone who plays 90%+ of their games on PlayStation, it has been a slow death for E3 since Sony withdrew, meaning I wasn't as disappointed as I might have been when it came to an end.

I'll always regret that I was never able to go.

Re: Next Gran Turismo 7 Update Includes Another Three Cars



I came to the game late, and just have s-10 (0.092 off at the moment!) to finish the skill based trophies, at which point I will start in the others.

Have they given any indication about the frequency at which legendary cars will be available, and is there anywhere to keep track of when they come up? Or just best to periodically check PSN profiles?

Re: Video: Why Prey Is Arkane's Best Game


Side note.

People have called both Dishonoured and Deathloop "sims" in this thread. I'm really confused, doubting myself and all that.

Either I don't know what you can call a simulation or the others don't.

Having said that Greek/Norse mythology Sim God of War is a favourite of mine, closely followed by post apocalyptic robot dinosaur world sim, the horizon series.

Re: Pay for PS5, PS4 Platinum Trophies Is Rampant on PS Store Right Now


They should definitely be doing some quality assurance and it absolutely devalues the system.

Really easy to solve. Disable auto pop for different versions and have a minimum time requirement that the majority of gamers wouldn't be able to plat the game in. 4 or 5 hours perhaps.

I've got a couple of garbage time plats out of curiosity, the classic...My Name is Mayo and Slyde. But I had to have a 6 hour long shower because of the shame after.

I tend to look at what platinum trophies have, rather than quantity.

Re: Embracer Group to Buy Multiple Square Enix Studios and IPs in Huge Acquisition


Sorry to be a bit contrarian but I think the price is ok-ish. Although this does suggest their financial situation isn't that great after a few big fiscal flops.

$300 million for mostly dormant or lost their way IPs seems reasonably fair to me. They are also probably unhappy with Crystal Dynamics after the Avengers game (although you could argue it was weird they made it in the first place).

Sony paid less than $250 million of the entirety of Insomniac. But the counter argument is nonsense like $1 billion for Sumo Digital.