Comments 1,261

Re: Gamescom 2016: Ubisoft Goes Hard with PlayStation VR


Good on Ubisoft.......but I feel a distinct lack of hype around PSVR for a system thats about to launch. I think the Rift and Vive kinda took some of the mystery away. I think it's clear that VR is here to stay, but it's far from thr be all - end all that some were touting it to be.

Re: Bethesda Still Working with Sony to Get Fallout 4 Mods on PS4



Excuses? Although I praised Far Harbor for its gameplay content, I did say Ramsey was justified in his opinion that technical matters were the overriding issues for him. For me personally, the quality of the content would not have justified a 2, and looking at the other critic reviews of PS4 Far Harbor, I'm not the only one. But that's fine either way.

I think this should be looked at in a different light, it's literally the first time somebody has tried to bring over PC mods to the console ecosystem, and from the sound of it, it would work if it wasn't for Sony installed security measures that were not a issue (or perhaps not known about) when previously working on Fallout 4.

You guys act like Bethesda has a vendetta against Sony, and yeah, Bethesda deserves blame for prior screw ups......but obviously they don't have a personal mission to piss off Playstation owners.

Re: Bethesda Still Working with Sony to Get Fallout 4 Mods on PS4



Unforseen technicalities may be a possibility when trying to infuse PC created mods onto consoles for the very first time.

Maybe Bethesda should have hired you and then they would have had the smarts to forcast the error before it happened! Ohh wait, Bethesda just hates Sony, yup, that's it....

Re: Bethesda Still Working with Sony to Get Fallout 4 Mods on PS4



I've heard it has something to do with the Sony propitiatory sound chip within the PS4 that acts as some sort of safety mechanism against piracy, which makes it difficult, or impossible, for the PS4 to read the Fallout 4 mod files that originated on the PC (at least correctly). XB1 doesn't have that feature, hence, no problems.

Re: The Time Has Come for PlayStation VR Sizzle Trailers



Sony really does nothing well outside of designing the base home console hardware and making sure it has strong software support.........which deserves a round of applause for sure (looking at your Nintendo)........however, they screw up pretty much everything else.

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Ditch PS3, Vita Support for PlayStation Plus?


Yes, it's time to drop the PS Plus support for the PS3 and Vita, in the EU and NA....

However, I don't know if Japan has an equal to PS Plus? (I don't think they do)........but if that's the case, you may want to keep that going for a bit longer, at least another year or two.......the PS3 seems to be almost dead in Japan (but still healthier than in the west), and the Vita is still going rather steady.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Vault-Tec Workshop (PS4)


Fallout 4 is still a great game, but I can't help shake the feeling that Bethesda developed the game with the hopes that it would become the "mature" Minecraft.

The settlement creation is nicely implemented,......but it feels like it was done at the expense of story and quest design..........Far Harbor did a decent job of trying to put more balance back into the game.

Re: Sonic Sprints onto PS4 in Two New Games



It's obvious that the games had to be made with the limitations in mind, what I mean by "love" look at something like Irem titles, obviously they aren't as gorgeous as say Ori, but they have very much their own unique charm built within the confines of the limited hardware, and that can be appreciated.

Maybe it's the graphical artist aspect of yourself that kinda makes it hard to appreciate modern-day throwbacks to retro aesthetics instead of pushing modern boundaries.

Re: Sonic Sprints onto PS4 in Two New Games



To be honest, by some of your comments made in the past, you seem to hold little value for retro games or aesthetics (maybe you lapsed for a long time?, maybe you just don't care for that period?, - it's your prerogative either way). Yet, I think your in the minority with this one.

Whenever I play 8/16 bit, and some of the more advanced arcade games, I often find myself just appreciating the artistry that went into them. Do they look like Rayman Origins? No..............but the imperfections of the pixel art is part of the beauty, you can tell someone crafted this with love.

Some of the more advanced 2D sprite games, like Darius Gaiden or the Street Fighter 3 series have more visual appeal IMO than 95% of the whole PSN library.

Re: Jury's Out on Juri in Street Fighter V on PS4 Next Week



SF has always been a good mix of fighters that tend to look the part (IE, actually combatants or mixed-martial artists), and oddball designs like Blanka or Necro, which you either really love or hate.

KOF has the "cooler" designs, not any better per say, but the emphasis is on style / fashion.

Re: Feature: The Best Games on PS4 - Summer 2016 Edition



I played it through completion with another "chirping buddy"........and although I can kinda see the acclaim, it honestly didn't do much for me at all, I found it disappointing and kinda up its own a$$, and although we may be in the minority, I know others who have similar viewpoints on the title.

But hey, if it left a big enough impact on some players that they would put it in their top 5, so be it, who am I to say.

Re: Hands On: Is King of Fighters XIV on PS4 Worthy of Its Royal Title?



As far as re-releases? They will probably emulate the PS2 version of Samurai Shodown Anthology for the PS4...

But yup, Shodown will probably be next. I don't think they want to release one of the classic, more prestigious KOF's, and potentially eat into KOF14 profits.....give it some breathing room.

Re: Hands On: Is King of Fighters XIV on PS4 Worthy of Its Royal Title?



Neither had been confirmed, but there has been a number of SNK employees hinting at the possibility that Samurai Shodown is next in line (during the last year or so).

They have stated that they would like to revisit Garou (IE make a sequel)......but it seems to be more on the backburner compared to a new Shodown.

Re: Hands On: Is King of Fighters XIV on PS4 Worthy of Its Royal Title?



It's up on PSN now.

I honestly don't think the models are that bad, especially when you see them in game from a 2D perspective.

I think the biggest knock would be some of the stages, the Mexican one looks great, but the abandoned church and Neo City could use some more detail / animations for sure.

Re: Hands On: Is King of Fighters XIV on PS4 Worthy of Its Royal Title?



Nah, I think the Push Square staff is just a bit salty after giving this game little to no chance (which is a shame since it seems to be going against the grain of anti-consumer practices).

Is it a looker? No, does, but Mai look like Mai, Kyo look like Kyo, and Iori look like Iori, yes. KOF 13 was built upon the sprite work of KOF 12 (which was poorly received and had a small roster to boot) they had two iterations to make it right. KOF 14 is going for 50 fighters and a good load of stages (rendered for the first time in 3D), so like I said before, give SNK some slack.

Most importantly, it plays well.

Re: Hands On: Is King of Fighters XIV on PS4 Worthy of Its Royal Title?



I reckon the character models have made a pretty good transition from 2D to 3D IMO, they look as they should in terms of art's the lack of detail that's pretty blunt. That being said the gameplay is pretty much classic KOF, which is what I wanted.

I'm not really that concerned about the netcode to be honest, KOF13: Steam Edition was released after the console ports and SNK seemed to have learned their lessons with that iteration (it had pretty solid online), so I'm not really that skeptical.

Re: Capcom Is Trying to Make Street Fighter V Less Mind-Numbingly Tedious



Yeah, KOF14 looks like a PS3 game, the actual art direction is solid, all of the fighters look good in their transition to 3D, but the title as a whole is lacking detail.

That being said, they really nailed the feel of old school 2D KOF gameplay, and presentation wise, it also has the KOF energy, so I'm extremely happy about that. The game feels like a throwback in the fact that you payed 60 dollars for a complete package, it's not trying to nickle and dime you.