Comments 1,261

Re: Reaction: Sony Was Right to Reveal PS4K Prior to E3 2016


I highly doubt the PS4K will be geared towards playing games in 4K (unless they are very simple graphically, think Entwined)........more like improving game performance in 1080p, allowing 4K media use (streaming, movies), and acting as the superior way to utilize PSVR.

Re: Reaction: Sony Was Right to Reveal PS4K Prior to E3 2016


I reckon this is a smart move by Sony......most of the media attention will also be diverted to the actual show next week, so this is a nice way to confirm its existence with minimal impact.

I reckon the actual launch of the PS4K will be rather quiet as well.......unless it's found out that PSVR performance on the base PS4 is abysmal, which would be all-around negative media exposure for Sony.

Re: Sony Confirms 'High-End' PS4K Exists, Won't Be at E3


It's a hard situation , maybe it's best to do a quiet soft launch with the PS4K.......the last thing you want to do is throw away everything you've done to get those 40+ million PS4's sold.

Microsoft 2013 is a testament to how fast the tables can turn if you don't have your ducks in a row.

Re: New Single Player Modes Confirmed for Street Fighter V


Weren't they just saying a month ago that the story mode would be about an hour? I sense some overestimated guessing on Capcom's part.

What they need is the ability to play around six to ten - two round matches against multiple characters, in different backgrounds.

Re: Watch Dogs 2's Protagonist Has a Serious Hackitude Problem


So lame......trying so hard to be trendy.

Honestly I'm kinda turned off on this title, Watch Dogs was decent as a GTA knock off......but if I have to spend 20 hours with some whiney millennial punk hipster in the most hipster city of the United, give me Dishonored 2 or something.

Re: Yooka-Laylee Looks Like Pure PS4 Platforming Goodness



How does this compare to Tropical Freeze even? Which is a traditional 2D platformer (an amazingly good one at that).

YL is a 3D platformer......and it looks wonderful in this trailer, even the Playtonic logo is akin to something Rare would have created.

Re: Learn Why Shenmue Is Held in Such High Regard


Shenmue, and GTA 3, are probably the best two examples of titles that showcase the evolution towards modern AAA game mechanics and open worlds.

Had it on the Dreancast, and although I respected what it was trying to do at the time, it was always a series that my brother loved much more.....I would rather be playing Crazy Taxi or Jet Set Radio.

Re: Review: Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR- (PS4)


Great review!

As somebody who doesn't really care for anime aesthetics, I always found the Guilty Gear franchise alluring for some reason, I suppose it comes off as less cutesy and more edgy. Only recently have I given the series more of a shot.............After the SFV controversy, Revelator is a good showcase of a 2D fighter that aims to appeal to the hardcore while providing enough content to those who aren't seriously invested in the competitive scene. Unfortunately, the series has always been a bit niche.

I'm sure the soundtrack is solid as well!

Re: Feature: The 10 Best PS4 Games of 2016 So Far


DOOM takes my number one spot, from a pure fun factor aspect, I enjoyed it more than Uncharted 4 to be honest (which would be my number 2).

Firewatch, theirs just something about that games setting and atmosphere that really won me it perfect? Not even close.......but has it stayed in my head after better games came and went.....yup. I can still understand why some would not place it in their top 10.

I would also give props to The Following DLC for Dying Light, Far Harbor DLC for Fallout 4, and although I'm still working through it, the Blood and Wine DLC for The Witcher 3.

Re: Here's Your Update on The King of Fighters XIV



On the issue of graphics, your right, it's not a looker......but if you want to compare 13 to 14.......13 used a lot of the same pre-established assets and animations already created for KOF 12.

14 is aiming for a roster of 50 fighters that will be modeled in 3D for the first time, along with all the animations, and somewhere around 14 to 15 stages (again, from scratch, unlike 13) cut em a little slack, SNK doesn't exactly have the resources of Capcom, who went for just 18 fighters (they did a good job with that, but it's not exactly as ambitious).

Re: Here's Your Update on The King of Fighters XIV


@get2sammyb @NamelessAndi

Don't take offense to it, we all love him for his contributions to this site, but good old Sammy has "questionable" tastes at best. As long as he's not the one reviewing the game, I wouldn't worry that much, but it does venture into unprofessionalism at times (I know, I know, he's trying to be edgy and not-boring).

At the end of the day opinions are like a$$holes, everybody's got one.

Re: Here's Your Update on The King of Fighters XIV



Control and balance are not the weak points of the series, to anyone familiar with the past catalog. Control is akin to SF but with two punch / two kick, and more mobility / rolls.

For balance, even if they have 50 fighters, the vast majority of the move sets for the previous characters are of a known quantity, and not a major reshuffling. You could do some cheap stuff in KOF 99/2000 with the strikers, but 2000 was not bad, and after that they dropped the striker assist anyways.

Re: Here's Your Update on The King of Fighters XIV



Nothing against DOA, but it's a 3D fighter,.....SFV, KOF14, although in 3D, are played in a strictly old school 2D manner.

So if you want a 3D fighter, go for DOA, if you want something a bit more old school, you have SFV, KOF14, GuiltyGear Xrd/Revelator or BlazBlue: ChronoPhantasma.

Re: Here's Your Update on The King of Fighters XIV


I think KOF really makes a great alternative to anybody who likes Street Fighter, their's some differences of course, KOF is 4 buttons, SF is 6, KOF is more focused on mobility and chaining specials, in SF you have projectiles, KOF limits projectiles despite having some shoto like characters themselves. KOF fighter designs are usually more stylish and trendy (think C. Viper in SF4) vice SF, who look more like legit fighters, or somehow associated.

Anyways, I think SF and KOF are really easy to get into if you enjoy at least one of the series and your knowledge isn't just restricted to one title, like SF4 (enjoying the Alpha series or Capcom VS SNK helps). Admittedly Capcom has been on the move since SF4, and SNK has been rather poor since post 2000 (besides KOF2003, KOF11, and KOF13, as well as the PS2 remakes of 98 and 2002). But with 14, and the recent corporate change ups at SNK, it looks likes the company may regain it's spark.