Comments 1,261

Re: Hands On: Sonic Mania on PS4 Runs Rings Around Recent Entries



The great games on the SNES, 70% of gamers know about, the great games on the Genesis/Mega Drive, 70% of gamers have never heard about them.

I totally disagree with you that the SNES has a much better library than the Genesis, each has libraries that play to it's own strengths, although people fail to realize this. The Genesis had a much faster CPU, so it excels when it comes to being able to handle a number of sprites at a fast rate (hence you have a lot of shooters and action games, fast moving platformers), the SNES had the superior graphics chips, but a slow CPU, so it did best when playing graphical tricks on slower moving games (like JRPG's, more meticulous platformers, erc)

Re: Hands On: Sonic Mania on PS4 Runs Rings Around Recent Entries



The OG Revenge of Shinobi, along with Shadow Dancer: The Secret of Shinobi, are quite a bit slower paced than Shinobi 3..........that doesn't mean Revenge is bad, because it isn't at all, just that the gameplay is a bit more meticulous and old school. The level design in Revenge ranges from good to somewhat cheap, but it has a nice diversity in locals, and SEGA went off and kinda illegally threw in a bunch of IP's into revenge, you have Batman, Spiderman, Godzilla, etc. So Revenge has this great B-grade cheesiness to it, sometimes you swear the game is taking itself seriously, but than it goes off the deep end (and that's a good thing in this case).

As far as Sonic.......

Sonic the Hedgehog: Great game that still holds up, although it's a bit front loaded as the later levels aren't quite as good / rushed.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2: Very close to a 10/10 game, maybe outside of Metropolis Zone overstaying it's welcome, this title is pretty much perfection.

Sonic the Hedgehog 3: Just a tad bit below 2, the presentation is superior, and although most of the levels in 3 are amazing, some become a bit overly long-convoluted.

Sonic and Knuckles: More or less the same as 3.

****You can also "lock-on" Knuckles to Sonic the Hedgehog 3 in order to create Sonic 3 and Knuckles, which is a massive 2D platformer by any standards, and is more or less the real Sonic 3 (originally Sonic the Hedgehog 3 and Knuckles were one and the same, but Sonic divided the game in half and continued to work on Knuckles in order to get a game out sooner).

Re: Hands On: Sonic Mania on PS4 Runs Rings Around Recent Entries



You should try getting your hands on a repro of the English patch, or a rom of Doremi Fantasy: Milon's Doki Doki Adventure for the Super Famicom, thats a really quality platformer as well.

I would also say that Rocket Knight Adventures for the Genesis is one of the best 2D platformers ever.

Re: Hands On: Sonic Mania on PS4 Runs Rings Around Recent Entries



I very much agree,........except for Super Thunder Blade (ugh)! I actually like Altered Beast, I have no reason why it get's so much hate, for a 1988-1989 game, it was a great technical showpiece.........and while it's a bit shallow, it's still enjoyable.

Re: Hands On: Sonic Mania on PS4 Runs Rings Around Recent Entries


The Genesis library is amazing btw.......what it lacks in JRPG's (btw it easily beats the SNES in tactical RPG's), it equals or betters it in everything else.... (and I love the SNES btw)

Gunstar Heroes, Sonic the Hedgehog 2-3, Dynamite Headdy, Rocket Knight Adventure, Shining Force 2, Thunder Force series, Crusader of Centy, Streets of Rage 2, Castlevania: Bloodlines, Strider, Steel Empire, Phantasy Star 4, M.U.S.H.A., Gaiares, Twinkle Tale, El Viento, Strider, Mercs, Contra: Hard Corps, Shinobi 3: Return of the Ninja Master, X-Men 2: Clone Wars, Wonder Boy in Monster World, Monster World 4, Pulseman, Landstalker, Alien Soldier, Castle/World of Illusion, Disney's Aladdin, Ristar, Mega Turrican................etc, etc.

Re: Buckle Up with DriveClub VR on 13th October



I'm pretty sure the work on Driveclub VR has been completed for sometime, at least the new tracks.........Sony probably just sat on it until PSVR could launch (it smells that way, considering nothing new came after the Japanese tracks and the one city track), despite the closure of Evolution.

Re: Buckle Up with DriveClub VR on 13th October


""It's been described by some major publications as the best virtual reality racing game period"",

Wow, thats a lot of competition anyways, I could care less about the VR version, just give me those track that you've been holding onto for the last year Sony.

Re: TGS 2016: Resident Evil 7 Will Turn Up the Terror with PS4 Pro



Basically all this a ploy by Sony to line up their pockets with another 400 dollars by selling you a new console that offers the bare minimum in an actual noticeable upgrade. After all, they will be selling you that new 500 dollar PS5 come holiday 2018.

At least the Scorpio (I can feel the PS fanboys crying already) offers a next step up in the evolution of the actual hardware, rather than being the bare minimum for another 400 big ones.

Basically, Sony is a bunch of money hungry corporate pigs (as is Microsoft, but they are playing this one smarter for once).

Re: TGS 2016: New Hot Shots Golf Tees Off Next Summer on PS4



Compared to Microsoft, Sony's release schedule has arguably been the worst long ago was a Hot Shots announced for the PS4? C'mom now.

I don't think they have had one fall release schedule go to plan since the PS4 launched, which regardless of your notion on the importance of those months, is pretty pathetic.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Nuka World (PS4)



Hmm, my big gripe is that although some of the characters and quests feel well crafted (say, the Far Harbor vault murder mystery), a lot of it's also uninspired (the main story arc for the base game is rather sloppy in execution, Nuka World is interesting but ultimately rather shallow, etc).

Maybe instead of working on so many settlement building options, Bethesda should spent that time sprucing up the dialogue and thus making you care about these characters / world on an emotional level.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Nuka World (PS4)



I reckon Fallout 4 is a "great" game,......just that sometimes it tries to be an adult-oriented Minecraft / modern FPS at the expense of nailing the RPG fundamentals.

Great games can also be disappointing in some aspects.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Nuka World (PS4)



Far Harbor is better than Nuka World if you want to look at it from a cohesive piece of content. Nuka has some interesting locals but it's pretty lacking when it comes to cohesive depth of characters or quest design.

Not saying Far Harbor didn't deserve the criticism of its technical faults on the PS4 btw, just saying it's better outside of the initial issues. It fixed a lot of the problems found with the main story arc, while Nuka reverts back to its shallowness.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend - Issue 134



lol, I'm envious, I've played through the game multiple times already, but I would do it again to see it in 60 FPS (I've always been more of a high frame rate guy over resolution and texture quality).

I reckon CD Projekt will create some kind of Pro feature, they just seem like that kind of studio.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend - Issue 134



Bloodborne fans are pretty humorous though, Sammy was the same way thoughout most of 2015, he had a hard time giving TW3 it's dues because it was overshadowing Bloodborne in critical claim.

BTW, TW3 > Bloodborne,....

.......but wait, I hear the cries "the combat isn't as good", and my reply is, your right, but your ignoring the fact that one is a huge open world action RPG that focuses on quest design and character interaction, and the other has a much more linear world,.....while differing in being a technical hack and slash with light RPG elements.

It's like comparing Gran Turismo with Burnout.

Re: Feature: Everything You Need to Know About PS4 Pro



I think the tech specs given out by MS speak for themselves.......seriously Push, it's OK to be critical or openly question Sony at times......the guys at NL do it all the time without being overly negative on the big N.

Re: Reaction: Shrewd Sony Looks to Continue Market Domination with PS4 Pro


It was kind of a lame introduction to these new models, but yeah, was suit and tie Sony today.

Agree that this won't affect Sony's sales, but in the longterm, a few more slightly misguided (arguably) choices and it could allow the mantle to return to Microsoft in North America (dunno about the EU, they don't know Halo from Gears outside of the UK).

Re: Video: Battlefield 1 PS4 Gameplay Takes to the Trenches


Really loving this, and yeah, it may not feel like WW1 from a technical - historically accurate aspect,'s a hell of a lot of fun, and the fact that it's not another "me too" modern to near-modern FPS is so refreshing

Thanks for taking a chance DICE, this is great stuff.

Re: Oh God! Duke Nukem Returns to PS4 on 11th October



Right! The Push Square staff has a distinct lack of love for retro and arcade titles, well, at least compared to NL..........and if they do, they don't show it, Ramsey is busy writing his 20th article on Berserk and Sammy is in the corner, sobbing over the next non-playable interactive indie ""experience"".

Hey guys, want to play Streets of Rage 2? Nah......were busy writing about the emotional underpinnings of Life is Strange.