Comments 1,261

Re: Guide: The Witcher 3: Blood and Wine Mutation Character Builds



Ramsey has me beat for sure, but I've put in about 250-300 hours into TW3, me it seems like the underwater effects have been improved and a solid amount of textures on the monsters and terrain. I know CD Projekt gave graphical updates to the first two Witcher titles on the PC, so I wouldn't be surprised here.

Re: Talking Point: Was Sony's E3 2015 Presser Really the Greatest Ever?



BAMozzy said:
As I stated in the 'Leverage' article, I really can't see how a game that was originally revealed for the PS3 with virtually identical gameplay that still has not released, A kickstarter for a Sega Dreamcast franchise and a remake of a 20yr old game - all of which seem no closer a year on - even if you like niche Japanese titles, culminates in the 'best' E3 ever.

This is my view as well.....

Re: Talking Point: Should Sony Leverage PS4's Japanese Game Lineup at E3 2016?


E3 may be an American conference, but the audience is global, well, at least North America and Europe.

I think Sony should show off more of their Japanese titles, but for whatever reason Sony also likes to undeserve some of it's more niche first and second party titles.....while leveraging the Naughty Dogs of the world and making sure Ubi, EA, and Activision are happy. Case in point, Ratchet and Clank? The most Sony could do is upload a trailer a few days before the event in far as the main show, it might as well not have existed.

Persona 5 is prime to become something huge, Gravity Rush 2 has a lot of potential (Kat is extremely likable)....and why not show off the The Last Guardian or Ni No Kuni PS4, they both showcase a level of creativity and excellence......but I think your right,....we probably will see very little, if anything from these titles.

Re: Here Comes a New Challenger! Ibuki Blows Up Street Fighter V



The roster was never a sore spot, the core 18 in SF5 are extremely solid (well, I don't care for Fang and Rashid, but still, that's just my opinion, everybody else is great......).

You can have a smallish roster and build a lot of content around that, look at Guilty Gear Xrd, they did it right.

Re: Here Comes a New Challenger! Ibuki Blows Up Street Fighter V



With Ibuki it just looks like they are going for a mid-ground between ninjutsu Ibuki and school girl Ibuki.

Alex, no offense, I dunno, he doesn't look bad, but he doesn't look nearly as cool as the SF3 Alex (the red shoulder scars did a lot in SF3, and the suspenders and green pants take away in 5).

Re: Review: Overwatch (PS4)



Yeah, I would be all over this if it wasn't for DOOM,...........granted, despite the general differences, I'm sure Overwatch provides the superior online multiplayer experience,.........but the atmosphere and gameplay of DOOM is more up my alley.

Re: Just How Bad Is Fallout 4: Far Harbor on PS4?



At the end of the day, it's a bit of a tough choice, I can understand sites like Push giving it a 4, I can also understand sites giving it higher marks.

If you listin to the US GAMER podcast, Kat Bailey gave it high marks, even on the PS4 (she played it on that console),......the girl who reviewed it for Videogamer also said it was still a playable alternative on the PS4 despite the frame rate.

Anyways, Ramsey tends to be a pretty solid reviewer, so I get where he's coming from, but somebody like me, I found it playable, and enjoyable, despite the hiccups.

Re: PS4 Controller Selected Best for PC Gaming



The D-pad on the DS4 kinda sucks to be honest, especially if your retro gaming on your PC, it's just not the best option (the build quality is fine but the design is not the best).

Just my two cents, outside of that the DS4 is a solid choice.

Re: Unlock Bonus Relics in Uncharted 4 Multiplayer This Weekend



Honestly, I think you guys sometimes do a somewhat poor job of picking and choosing what to cover and what to ignore wholesale. Your layout and community is superb, but reporting the news or new releases? It's hit or miss. You guys should also look at retro titles and cover snippets of Sony history. Look at NintendoLife or PSLifestyle for inspiration........ (skip your sister Xbox site though).

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Uncharted 4 Holds on to the Top Spot for Second Week Running



Yeah, I know about those GCN titles, it just baffles me that Nintendo can't just make a vanilla sequel. For Star Fox, stop trying to force in gimmicks within the franchise......just make a proper sequel to 64. For F-Zero, just make a new F-Zero game!!! Take GX, adjust the difficulty, give it online and better graphics, etc. What's so hard about that?

Yet, Miyamoto will get his new Pikmin game......

Re: Japanese Sales Charts: Uncharted 4 Holds on to the Top Spot for Second Week Running



Your looking at it the wrong way IMO......they are in the top 10 on a "regular" basis.....maybe they aren't the hottest selling, but it's no longer odd to see a western game, or a couple of them, in the top 10........that's a feat onto it's own. As far as DOOM, maybe the Japanese don't have much if any nostalgia or ties to the franchise like we do.

Re: TMNT: Mutants in Manhattan Runs at 30FPS on PS4, Lasts Around 3 Hours



I diagree again, come on, it's an Activision tie-in! You know it just had to be made on budget and in time. I'm sure if you were like, "Hey Platinum, take as much time as you want....". They would make something stunning, instead, this is a Activision led cash grab.

Stop putting all of the blame on Platinum!

Re: Talking Point: Could Sucker Punch Really Make Spider-Man for PS4?


Can I do a Talking Point!!!???

Will Push Square ever write a article on KOF 14 or Guilty Gear Revelator?

( ) No, why would you when Street Fighter V articles generate 5X the number of clicks?

( ) No, not until Sub12 stops whining about it like a compulsive little girl.

( ) No, I don't even know what those games are, insert random T Swift gif and mention how you love the Dreamcast.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)



I think it's the fog.....there are times late in the DLC where the fog has mostly dissapated to a large extent, and it runs noticeably smoother. I think the problem is just on the PS4.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)



That's fair enough for sure, I just don't want people to completely skip this experience and not ever give it a go........ignoring performance, I think I enjoyed what was on offer here more than you, and I would reckon it's essential for anybody who liked Fallout 4.

Is the performance unacceptable in spots, yes it is, it OK to give it a 4 due mostly to those issues, yes it is, you review what you have and this is Bethesda's Far Harbor a very good piece of DLC, that baring the performance, would be recommended to any Fallout 4 fan?.......IMO, yes, without a doubt.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)


I can understand the poor reception due to performance, I get it....


This is also a superb piece of DLC that outshines the main game in a couple of areas. Wait until it gets patched, I would advise for a decent portion of the audience, but overall this shouldn't be missed by anybody who enjoyed Fallout 4.

Re: Review: Fallout 4: Far Harbor (PS4)


I would give Far Harbor a 9 after I completed it yesterday, if performance is a sticking point, it's more like a 7 or 6.

If you really enjoyed the baseline Fallout 4, give this one a go...........the quest design and moral dilemmas, for the most part, are superior to the original story arc.......the map design and atmosphere was solid as well. As far as the framerate, it is unacceptable, but the game is still playable. Bottomline, if you love Fallout 4, play it, you'll enjoy it. If your a casual fan, skip it until it gets patched.