Comments 1,261

Re: Poll: Are You Enjoying Uncharted 4 on PS4?


Best gameplay of the series, but I don't feel like it's as good as The Last of Us, and arguably Uncharted 2. There are times where the game overstays it's could have used about two or three hours cut off, or at least some further considerations on the pacing.

At the heart of it, the Uncharted series is mechanically a rather simple third person shooter, there's just really not a lot to the gameplay, and that's not a knock, it's fun as hell......but due to that simplicity, I feel like Naughty Dog games needs to strive for the perfect tempo to keep you moving along. Usually they hit that high mark, but there are times where they fall a bit short.

Still my GOTY so far, an amazing title that deserves all the high praise, it's just not perfect.......but it's as close as your going to get in many regards.

Re: Is PS4K Scheduled to Launch Before October?


The launch of PS4K right around the sametime as PSVR will probably relegate PSVR to something akin to the Sega CD. Just saying, I think after the Occulus and Vive launch, VR hype has slightly disapaited, and although PSVR had more of a chance than anything else to capture the mass market, the PS4K on top of that (which will probably be the optimal platform for VR anyways) will also hurt it, at least in the near term.

Re: Poll: Are You Enjoying Uncharted 4 on PS4?



It does provide a lot of context, but perhaps they could have cut down on some of the dialogue and platforming. It should have been half as long at most. It's an amazing game, but I think the slow start is a legitimate complaint (not a deal breaker whatsoever though, not even close).

Re: Poll: Are You Enjoying Uncharted 4?


Yup, an overly slow start (should have began with Nate doing his regular job and everything before being quick exposition or something).

Overall, amazing game, well worth all the praise. GOTY so far.

Re: April 2016 NPD: Dark Souls III, Ratchet & Clank, MLB 16 The Show Up Top for PS4



lol, I share your same thoughts.....I had a Wii U till early 2015 (bought it at launch).......but the system, and it's multitude of peripherals was borderline obnoxious. That's why I love the PS4, it's doesn't do anything to offend the game player (simple and fast UI, one great controller that does everything, compact hardware design).

As for the Dreamcast, I would argue that it had greater first and third party retail support than the Wii U (in quantity, you can argue quality).

Re: April 2016 NPD: Dark Souls III, Ratchet & Clank, MLB 16 The Show Up Top for PS4



Well, the first half of 98 the Saturn still had some solid releases, Panzer Dragoon Saga, House of the Dead, Burning Rangers, one of the Saturn Shining series games......but by the second half of 98, it was cobwebs. In terms of pure sales though, the Wii U is still doing better by a good margin, your right about that.......but if you cancel out indie releases, the Wii U looks almost as bleak in a modern aspect.

Re: Here's What You Can Expect From DOOM's Action-Packed Single Player Campaign



Not everyone, just the majority, lol. When people think Doom or quintessential Id FPS's, they do not think Doom 3.

How are these 80's style games btw, the FPS as we know it was born in 92 and 93, not on the Atari 2600.

Also, modern games work so much better? Dunno, want to play Burnout 3 or watch amother dude bro FMV from Need for Speed 2016 because it needed narrative and a modern edge? Modern though? Modern games are wonderful, but so are games from the past, venture out and play the classics a bit more.

Re: Here's What You Can Expect From DOOM's Action-Packed Single Player Campaign



Different developer, although both are Id IP's. Doom's single player is being developed by Id proper while another team is doing the multiplayer with Id oversight. Wolfenstein 2014/2015 was created by MachineGames, a bunch of Scandinavians who had previously worked on the Riddick FPS's. They all fall under the Bethesda portfolio though.

Re: Here's What You Can Expect From DOOM's Action-Packed Single Player Campaign



I think that's the point, bring back the old PC FPS style, you know, where your moving three times faster than a normal human being and the kill count goes into the hundreds quite quickly.

Nobody wants a story driven Doom 3 like experince, it's the black sheep of the franchise for a reason.

Simplicity + Speed + Kill Count......that's what made games like Quake 1/2/3, Unreal, UT, Sin, etc, great.

Re: Don't Expect DOOM PS4 Reviews Any Time Soon



Hnm, there is nothing wrong with an hour or two of game play without being interrupted by a cut scene, that's why I really liked the Old Blood.

Not everything needs a ton of narrative, gameplay trumps all in the end.

Re: Don't Expect DOOM PS4 Reviews Any Time Soon



I've said it before, but I think Wolfenstein sometimes leaned a bit too much towards the story telling field vice gameplay.

That's what I want in Doom, story be damned, give me 6-9 hours of fast paced frags and gibs and I'll be happy.

Re: Everything You Need to Know About Battlefield 1 on PS4



I think I'll get this one, near-future FPS's are feeling as tired as WW2 FPS's circa 2006. Picking WW1 as the setting is a pretty risky move for the likes of EA, or anybody really,....but I like it.

I just hope that they overplay the role of the US during WW1, why? Because we deserve it........

Re: Sony's Bought an Entire Channel 4 Commercial Break for Uncharted 4



Yeah, I believe the only one to get above a 90 on metacritic is Bloodborne, which is basically a FromSoftware title (we all know Studio Japan could not pull off that kind of quality alone, lol). The rest are good, not great (great like Uncharted 4).

Sony isn't Nintendo when it comes to it's own software.

Re: DOOM's PS4 Launch Trailer Needs More Double Bass Pedal



I played the beta and it felt great, it played as it should. Take Quake 2, update it with some modern mechanics, give it a Doom makeover under a new graphics engine, and that's all you need to do to please me.

Does it play like Doom 1993, no,.....does it play like a modern take of a Id FPS from the late 90s or early 00s, yes, yes it does.

Re: More Single Player Content Is Coming to Street Fighter V, Says Capcom



I saw the Capcom trailers detailing story and survival mode......what they didn't mention is that the character story modes would be like 3 single round matches against stupidly brain dead AI, plus some sub-par illustrations, all wound up in 5 to 7 minute packages. They also didn't mention that survival would be single round matches against pre-set backgrounds, for 5 fighters in a row, until survival beats you down in badly programed AI spikes.

That fact that a 2016 fighter is released without the option to even do a double/triple round match against the CPU, in any way, is unbelievable.

Re: The King of Fighters 2000 Punches PS4 as PS2 Classic Next Week



I think we will have to wait on the "master" versions of 98 and 2002 on the PS4, in the west at least........SNK wants people to buy and play 14, not a emulated PS2 game for 15 dollars. Which is why they probably picked 2000 to release, it's a good introduction to KOF, but it's not the most sought after version either.