Comments 1,261

Re: PS2 Compilation Metal Slug Anthology Runs 'n' Guns to PS4



The original Metal Slug 2 for the NeoGeo MVS/AES had problematic coding which artificially increased any frame the game suffers from some pretty massive slow down.

X is an improved version of 2 with a playable frame rate and some new weapons,.....and levels which were extended / or remixed. So it's pretty much the ultimate version of 2 (although 2 is still fun to play through and notice all the little differences).

The actual PS2 anthology is emulated with an increased CPU speed, so none of the actual games have any frame rate problems.

Re: PS2 Compilation Metal Slug Anthology Runs 'n' Guns to PS4



This is a much better way IMO.

Sure, you don't get online play (I could care less), but in return you get 1080p / 60 frames, and all seven games in the anthology.......and I highly doubt SNK would have payed a port house developer to bring the whole series to the PS4 like they did with 3, maybe we would have seen one or two more games at most.

Re: PS2 Compilation Metal Slug Anthology Runs 'n' Guns to PS4



They are both 2D run and guns, same genre and all. Gunstar is a bit more frenetic and you have the weapon combo options, Metal Slug is more deliberate and detailed in level design.

Gunstar is a 16 bit classic no doubt, I've beat it twice, but I don't think it's quite as as good as the Metal Slug series or Contra 3, or the Japanese/Korean version of Contra Hard Corps.

Re: Street Fighter V Free Story Mode Update Now Comes with Boxing Bruiser Balrog



At the end of the day competetive players ensure longevity, but casual fans create the financial platform to bankroll this whole thing......making it viable for publishers to continue on with the fighting genre. To cater strictly towards that 10% and ignore the other 90% is retarded, and you never go full retard. That's why SFV has like a 3.3 user rating on metacritic.

Re: Street Fighter V Free Story Mode Update Now Comes with Boxing Bruiser Balrog



They aren't valid though, Guilty Gear is a niche anime type fighter that despite having its following, will never eclipse SF in popularity on the pro scene. KI is local to the XB1 community,.......Netherrealm titles never give SF a run for its money on the tournament side either despite the huge sales of Injustice and MK X. Tekken is a 3D fighter so it wouldn't eat up its base either way.

Capcom could have ran with Ultra SF4 for another year and the hype for SF5 would have been just as big, if not bigger, than what it was in they would have had a critical darling which offered up a package that appealed to tournament players as well as to casuals. They didn't though, they became greedy.

Re: Brexit Could Mean a More Expensive PS4K for UK Gamers



To be honest I don't think hardly any Americans have an opinion on Brexit. The concensus (IMO), is that the EU is a governing body of overall good......but I'm far too daft on how EU regulations would actually affect my everyday life to make me want to throw in my theoretical two cents.

Re: You Won't Have to Kill Anyone to Reach the End of Watch Dogs 2


That doesn't sound very fun................hacking was kind of a novelty in the original Watch Dogs...........remember the actual hacking puzzles? Not very fun.

The best thing about the original Watch Dogs, and most likely this one as well, will be to actually transverse the open world.

Re: Hands On: Going Feral with Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands


I've heard this being compared to a modern take on Mercenaries: Tools of Destruction, which sounds absolutely fun as hell to me.

Thing is, I don't care about co-op or online play.............does it looks like this will be fully playable (and still fun) as a single player title???

Re: Tekken 7's Cinematic Fighting System Aims to Take Story Mode to the Next Level



I'm the same as you, KOF14 and Tekken 7 are on my radar..........I'll revisit Street Fighter 5 if they implement some kind of arcade mode or a variation of one.

I've re-downloaded Street Fighter 5 numerous times, it's not that it's a bad game, it's not, but it's so disappointing from the aspect that it feels incomplete, that I always end up deleting it after a few days.

Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness



I would say genre defining...

  • Super Mario 64 = really showcased how to make a 3D world, and how to control a character in that freeroaming enviorment. You had games like Jumping Flash, Bug!, and Crash Bandicoot at the same time.......but these titles were much more restricted and less ambitious. Super Mario 64 was above and beyond what people had seen to the point, and from camera control to general movement, it set the benchmark for 3D games in general.
  • Goldeneye 007 = I would argue it was the first console FPS to really do its own thing and not just be another Doom clone. In fact, compared to 3D accelerated 1997 FPS's on the PC, Goldeneye easily held its own. It set the trend on how to make a console FPS, and it was really the first successful title in its genre that just wasn't aping the Doom mold.
  • The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time = Like SMB 64, I think this title set in stone a lot of the conventions and methods we would use for 3D games afterwards. From Z targeting to a context sensetive button, it perfected, at the time, how to make a large, open 3D world.....and how to maneuver around it. You just didn't see games like this on the PS1, and Ocarina was another important step in the pathway to modern game design.

Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness


N64 is an odd one, I don't think many would doubt that, as a whole, the PS1 library had a lot more going for it.......I also don't think many would doubt that the N64 had some of the most genre defining titles ever, and an initial "wow" factor that the PS1 somewhat lacked.

I still remember seeing the drake lake course in Wave Race 64 for the first time in late 1996 and being absolutely in awe.

Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness



I'm not saying the PS4 is a bad console, it's a good one that also happens to be user it the best console of all time, thus far? That all depends on your personal experience.........but I reckon the vast majority of people would say, nooo...........


Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness



It's like, you can take a look at MGS 5...........I'll never play that game again, despite doing somethings fundamentally great (granted, it's kind of a overrated mess), overall, good game............something like Super Mario World, is timeless, arcade sensibility + fun factor breeds replay value. I'll give the Witcher 3 a nod as one of my all time favorites.

Still, the PS4 and XB1 are more or less the same box. Something like the Dreamcast, not only did it have an unprecedented amount of quality titles in such a short time span, it also had it's own unique feel and style.

Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness



With hardly any individuality, unlike the NES, SNES, Genesis, Dreamcast, and more arguably, the PS2.

The Xbox One and the PS4 are the same thing with a few exclusives (of which, only one or two have been really great), and yeah, game development is different these days, but they don't match the uniqueness of older consoles.

Re: Sony's New PS4 Commercial Is All About Greatness


What is greatness?.........waiting two and a half years into a lifespan for the first great game, Uncharted 4.........What is greatness?, paying 400 dollars for a peripheral so I can play gimmicky games while I wave my hands around with a Move controller (and paying an extra 400 so I can get the optimal experience).......

Ok, maybe I'm being a bit negative.

Re: Criterion's Teased Racing Game Has Been Cancelled



They aren't really taking a break though, let's be honest, Ghost now does the racing titles for EA..........Criterion is just being utilized how EA best see's fit, regardless of how old staff (not many left I recall) may feel about it.

Re: Criterion's Teased Racing Game Has Been Cancelled


So an EA exec walked up to us one day and said........"so we have this thing called the Star Wars license now, so yeeaah.....that whole passion project you guys had going on......yeeaahh, about that".

Don't worry Criterion, after you get whored out for nearly a decade in supporting Stars Wars related development, EA will also shut you down and let go or reassign most if not all of your workers!

Re: Mighty No. 9 Has Some Mighty PS4 Performance Issues



It's good to hear that, I feel like the gaming media was so hard set against this game before release that it wasn't really going to get a fair shake.....that's not a knock against the Push review at all, just that Mighty No 9 had a stigma before release, and continues, not that it didn't deserve it to a degree.

How is the level design so far?

Re: Sony's Considering a European PlayStation Experience Event


Why would you want to go to Europe when you could be in Nevada or California? Piff.

On a serious note, this would make sense though, given that Sony has made no announced plans for Gamescom or Paris this year. Have a European PSX somewhere between July and Sep, and keep the NA PSX for Dec.

Screw Japan though, they have TGS and only care about anime boobs and mobile games these days....