Comments 850

Re: Ghost of Tsushima Will Kill You Quickly


I am pretty pleased with that. I was worried that it would be too hack and slashy. I like challenge in my games (maybe not sekiro hard cause if I wanted that difficult samurai game I would buy that). Combat and story are the main 2 things that will make me buy this game. Now that combat sounds good i am waiting for story reviews

Re: Soapbox: The Outer Worlds Highlights Just How Far Fallout Has Fallen


@Kidfunkadelic83 no worries yeah I know how it is. I was like that with a few so called amazing games. I tried my best to get into it but it just didn't grip me. I usually give a game 3 -5 hours depending on the genre (RPGs you have to give a little more time) but at the end of the day games should be fun and not a time waster

Re: Sony's Sending Lucky PS4 Fans a Free Game


@Frigate there are a few games that are a no go for me mainly RIGS, star wars mission, and that one space one with VR worlds. However there are so many great titles that wont make you sick especially if you go for shorter sessions: superhot, thumper, headmaster, moss, no mans sky, beat saber to name a few. I even get car sick easily so I am always cautious with new games. Tips for less sickness include playing with a fan or ac, eating ginger candies and to not play when u are tired, hungry, hungover etc