Comments 850

Re: Round Up: What Was Announced at Ubisoft's E3 2019 Press Conference?


I'm starting to think it was very wise of Sony to skip e3 this year. This has been a very lacklustre event. I usually have e3 on the background while I'm doing work. This year I just pop on to YouTube every once and a while to take a quick browse or come here to see what has happened during that day. Let's just say not much lol

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Graphics


I'm sorry but the last guardian and shadow of colossus look like trash compared to some games that didn't make it. They look washed out and the environments look like they belong on the ps3. I like the games but I always thought they looked poor in the graphics department. Still blows my mind that GOW and Horizon can run silky smooth while TLG and SOC barely chug along.