Comments 850

Re: PlayStation Temporarily Pulls the Plug on Facebook, Instagram Advertising


@SirAngry totally agree. Trickle down economics is disproved time and time again. It is a scam told to the less educated because a lot of them dont understand economics in general. Most economists will say it doesn't work and the ones that do? Well take a look at their dealings and you will find they are funded or work with large corporations

Re: PlayStation Temporarily Pulls the Plug on Facebook, Instagram Advertising


@Collette yes exactly so you need to take that up with the courts and such. Facebook is a company and should be held to different standards than a private individual. I mean people can say what they want but they are not allowed to go to work and say what they want. No one is forcing you to use facebook. People can create a hateful website if they want. The issue here is that companies need to be held to different standards cause they are companies and no company should be allowed to profit off hate speech

Re: PlayStation Temporarily Pulls the Plug on Facebook, Instagram Advertising


I just have to shake my head at some of these comments. Hate speech is pretty self explanatory. Some people are saying but who enforces that. Well That is up to the courts to decide not average Joe keyboard warriors. Also some of these arguements such as "but where does it stop?" Is the same as saying "if we legalize gay marriage where does it stop? Will we have bestiality next?".

Re: The Last of Us 2 Director Discusses Online Vitriol


I thought the game was pretty good. I didn't like the ending and wish they had gone a different direction but I see why some people liked it. Also why are people freaking out about a LGBTQ store in the game. Have you guys been to Seattle? It's super liberal. If you dont like naughty dog then just dont buy their games and move on. I dono I think a small section of gamers are actually mentally unstable. I have never scene a fanbase lose their minds like gamers and that includes sports fans

Re: Site News: Yes, We're Playing Ghost of Tsushima


For me it's all going to come down to the combat. I want it to be semi difficult with some bloodborne influence (not too much but you get ny drift). I want encounters to be challenging but fair.

That and the story needs to be be decent. Not expecting red dead or the last of us (part 1) levels of good but hope it's slightly better than horizon or days gone which I enjoyed for what its worth.

Re: Site News: Yes, We're Playing Ghost of Tsushima


@kyleforrester87 I was the opposite. The first 10 hours I was pretty bored with the game and then I started having fun.

I would say experiment with different ways to take out camps and hordes etc. You can get quite creative especially with trip mines, berserk bolts, and bear traps.

Re: Best PS4 Games of 2020 So Far


I'm sorry but in no way is the last of us pt 2 better than the FF7 remake. It's just not. I'm sorry but that game is amazing from start to finish. I couldnt have asked for a better remake.

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


But can we all just take a moment to respect the awesomeness of the AI. I mean they keep you moving and constantly aware of them. No place is safe to hide. Checking under trucks, fanning out the long grass, interweaving routes. More game developers need to create that sense of tension

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


I think ND need to seriously hire a story editor for their next project. A couple of edits here and there to the story and game length and this could have been a masterpiece. I think the main reason I am disappointed is that it was so close to being a 10/10 but some of the story failed to deliver. A solid 8/10

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


@carlos82 yeah to me it kind of felt like they blew their load for the first part of the game. The infected also just seemed like an afterthought too. I was hoping that they would focused on more of the infected storyline mixed in with a revenge plot. Maybe ellie actually sacrificing herself at the end to the fireflies or something I dono. Overall I am glad I played the game but I it still falls short over the original which makes me wonder if the sequel should of ever taken place

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


@DrClayman I agree. The whole abby section could of been more streamlined. It basically felt like I was starting the game from scratch again (build you skill tree up, slowly find new weapons etc). Also I like ellie so no matter what I think of abby (I thought some of her story was decent) I still want ellie to come out on top so the fight scenes when u play as abby have no impact when they are against ellie.

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


@carlos82 no I understand their perspective of the story but it just didn't flow with me. I still think they could of finished the story in seattle. I didn't mind playing as abby but half the game? By the end of her section I was just wanting the game to be over really and is the story great if I am bored with it?
I dono it just felt half baked. Again I did enjoy everything else about the game and was constantly blown away with the visuals and details. I also enjoyed the gritty violence.

Re: Talking Point: The Last of Us 2 Spoilers Discussion


The gameplay, set pieces, sound design, attention to detail and all of that was absolutely mind blowing and I do appreciate.

The story on the other hand just felt forced. I mean it's not terrible and I didn't hate it but it definitely is not a 10/10 game.

The whole abby section went on for way too long and I had to roll my eyes as I knew what they were doing to the plot. The santa Barbara plot was just pointless and I feel they could of tweaked the story so that it had a better flow with abby actually dying at the end.

I mean ellie lost everything and everyone and she still isnt going to get revenge? The whole game happened so that she could move on? PTSD doesn't work that way and abby would just be another notch on the murder belt

Re: The Last of Us 2's Aerial Kills Are Wowing the Web


@thefirst I'm in the same boat. Everything is mind blowing except the story. It's okay I guess but I felt like the ending fell flat a bit. It's a good game and the first 10 hours are really good but then it kind of fizzles out. I liked it but near the end I was thinking "yeah I would like this to end now please".

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us 2?


@Col_McCafferty I actually really enjoyed days gone. I am one trophy away from the platinum but its definitely a step below this. It's also a different game. Where as in that game I feel like I can take a horde on with ease. This game makes me want to rather sneak around and save ammo

Re: Poll: Did You Buy The Last of Us 2?


I just finished days gone before this and after playing a few hours I am absolutely amazed. I mean this game makes days gone look like a ps2 game and I thought that game looked and played great. The little details are amazing. Like when ellie tunes the guitar. The tuning head actually turns and you see the string tighten. I mean who does that lol. Superb

Re: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Adds Black Lives Matter Screen


@cashflowx that was very incoherent. So you are angry at me cause I support the fact that black lives matter. The system is broken. People day that black people committed crimes and violence etc but the main problem is poverty and a system that drives people to commit crimes for survival. The black lives matter movement understands that all lives matter but they are trying to get their voices heard