Comments 850

Re: Promising PS5 FPS Deathloop Delayed Until 14th September


@rjejr Yeah if R&C gets delayed i will know for sure that the delay is not due to work being needed. Also I understand that this pandemic has made things tough but a lot of people are actually working twice as hard from home and getting more work done (programmers, lawyers etc) so some delays are a little fishy.

Re: WiLD Developer Is Busy Hiring New Talent


Yeah this is just vaporware now. This was one of my most anticipated games but the studio doesn't event communicate about their projects anymore. Not even a "we are busy working on the game and are excited to show you more soon". Just silence for years which is not a good sign.

Re: Game of the Year: #1 - The Last of Us: Part II


Technically the game blew me away. The first part of the game had me so engrossed and then it kind of got predictable and the last part of the game was unnecessary. Good game but I didn't resonate with it like some people. I'm excited for naughty dogs next project.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Really Enjoying Cyberpunk 2077


I like the game, not love it, but the crashes really take me out of the experience. Everytime it crashes I just turn off the console and do something else. I want to get immersed in the world, not be pulled out every 30 min.

Re: PS5 Fans Hope New Firmware Update Fixes Issues


I didn't do anything differently. I installed the update and then after about 20 min of Miles Morales it crashed. Seems to work fine after that. Was just ironic that my first crash was after the update. It could of been the game itself. Will see.