Comments 850

Re: Soapbox: Screw Sony's PS5 Game Pricing, I'll Just Wait for Sales


I'll stick to my 2 -3 day one purchases and get everything else at a 50-75% off sale price. I think what publishers like Sony and EA don't realize is that this year hit hard for a lot of families and Xmas is going to be tight. So instead of a kid getting 2 games they may only get 1. I have a feeling we are going to see some IPs go dormant in the near future as "they didn't meet sales expectations"

Re: PS5 Is Breaking Pre-Order Records at Some Retailers


Yeah the frustrating thing is that not everyone was just sitting around on social media. A lot of us have busy lives and were told one thing and wake up to them being sold out everywhere. I didn't even get a chance to add an item to a cart and be sold out etc. I literally woke up to the news that they are sold out literally everywhere. Its not the end of the world but the past week Sony has left a sour taste in my mouth from all their omissions.

Re: PS5 Pre-Orders: Where to Buy PlayStation 5


2020 just gets better and better. For all of us in the US who work jobs and have to grind during this pandemic we basically got screwed as most the pre ordering happened late into the night. I guess I just have to wait like all the other plebs

Re: Sony Won't Follow Game Pass Model on PS5, Doesn't Believe It's Sustainable


@captainsandman dude I work in the audio industry and this is so true. People think it was torrents that killed the music industry. Nope, it was Spotify. Spotify is the disgusting stain that just keeps getting bigger. Subscription services only do not work. I'm sorry but they don't. They may be great for a consumer but they suck for the creative teams and talent making the media. Just look at netflix (not too bad at the moment but getting there), how many shows get cancelled after a season or 2? How many crap original movies and series do they have? Too many. Quality of their titles is not up to par with the likes of say: The Office, GOT, Californication, Weeds, The Wire, South Park etc etc. Yeah there is a gem every once in a while but it's not common. Its gonna happen to gaming if we are not careful

Re: Sony Confirms PS5 Games Will Cost More


I mean we all knew this was coming eventually. I will just stick to my 2-3 full price I purchases a year and then get everything at 50% off in a sale. Sometimes having no time to game is a blessing cause you end up saving money.