Comments 621

Re: RAGE 2 Looks Fun But Pretty Darn Predictable in 10 Minutes of New Gameplay


I've been very excited about this for quite a while. I really thought it looked amazing. Now, with the latest gameplay footage, I've noticed some stuff I'm not too happy about. I thought it looked a bit like mad max, which is a gorgeous game. But this new footage is a bit less convincing. I noticed bland textures, very harsh pop in and such. If this game ends up looking anything like Just Cause 4 instead of Mad Max, I'm out. Guess I'll just have to wait for Digital Foundry to enlighten me. I can deal with 1080p on pro, if they have have a great looking game on their hands, with some real impressive post processing. But if it's another 720p looking show like jc4...well... count me out

Re: Guide: All PS4 HDR Compatible Games


Assassins Creed Origins has had HDR since release. Clearly visible when capturing gameplay. Ubisoft are masters of tone mapping, so it can be hard to tell. But the oversatureated reds in gameplay capture is a clear indication in most cases. This is clearly visible in most games with solid HDR implementation. Origins and Horizon are good examples of this. Also the PS4 will state that colours might look wrong whenever you save a gameplay video

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Pro Games


Ghost recon wildlands! Phenomenal draw distance. And the bumped res helps it a lot too. And Far Cry 5 is a really good looking game as well. I think it runs at 1600p

Re: Far Cry: New Dawn - Yeah, It's Okay


I see it more as DLC of sorts 😶 I love Far Cry 5, and this gives more stuff to do, and a bit of fresh paint to go along. The expeditions are an entertaining addition as well. Reminds me of Wildlands. I really enjoy it, mostly because it's a good excuse to, in a sense, play more Far Cry 5

Re: Site News: Push Square's Game of the Year 2018 Coverage Starts Now


2018 has been an incredible year! I personally love open world games, and this year gave me some of the best I've ever played. Far Cry 5 is a gorgeous world and Red Dead 2 is simply a phenomenal achievement on so many different levels. I haven't even gotten around to Spider Man yet, but that is one handsome game too. Now I just need Avalanche to patch Just Cause 4 on console so I can give that one a go too. GREAT time to be a gamer. And 2019 already looks like an incredibly exiting year as well...

Re: No, Sony's Holiday Theme Probably Isn't Teasing PS5


Of course it's a PS5 tease. If it was to celebrate the PS4s 5th birthday, they'd be much more direct. It would say stuff like "happy 5th birthday to PS4" or something like that. Make special birthday deals and what's not. This is not a coincidence. This is a proper tease.

Re: Yet Another Sale Begins on European PS Store


Sometimes I wish I was banned from ever buying another game (except for red dead, Days Gone, cyberpunk, Metroid Prime 4, Bayonetta 3, dpwtba, gptezhav, vlfrewosj.....bla bla bla)
Just so I was forced to finish my 100+ back log of shame ...