Comments 621

Re: Shadow Warrior 3 Pauses Trailer to Confirm 2022 Delay


I still haven't really forgiven them for leaving out the PS4pro patch for part 2, after they talked about how awesome the pro was. Devolver made the whole "greedy publishers suck" at E3, only to release part two before it was ready. The devs cited the reason the pro got left out as "time constraints". Nice, Devolver. Real nice.

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Far Cry 6?


I played every Far Cry except for 2 and Primal. I haven't finished 3, Blood Dragon and 4 though. I loved the first one back in the day. I built a brand new PC primarily for Far Cry, DOOM 3 and Half Life 2 😊

Re: Poll: Did You Buy Deathloop?


Yeah. Tell that to the 1000s of people who are on lists for notifications and what's not. Snooze I lose? I received two offers in 3 months. Both ridiculously overpriced. Are you a scalper? Your attitude seems to suggest it.

Re: Reaction: PlayStation Showcase 2021 Was Good, But Not Good Enough


To sum it up, it was basically "we have great stuff coming...eventually. Everything else is pushed back. Good night"

Pushsquare has lately turned into a kindergarten for fanboys who just can not tolerate anything but praise for everything Playstation. It's like they expect...nay...demand, that every article be 100% positive, lest they fetch the torches and pitchforks.

Edit - And I called the mediocrity of the show a good while before it went down (just to assert my superiority)

Re: Soapbox: I Don't Know How to Feel About This PS4-to-PS5 Upgrade Uproar


I haven't paid full price for a game since Horizon. I think I bought maybe 10 games at full price, out of 250 or so. I don't feel like doing it out of sympathy. I know too little about the cost of games vs Hollywood movies, but I simply wouldn't be able to afford my gaming hobby on the scale that I do, if I paid full price. I guess one could argue that people like me drive costs up, but there you go. Second hand for me.

Re: Shawn Layden Reveals Why He Left Sony PlayStation


Well,I get where you're coming from. But it has nothing to do with this particular situation of someone lashing out at everyone who has the slightest disapproval of anything Sony does. I am a Sony fan too, but that doesn't take away my right to have an informed opinion, like I'm some heretic who should be burned at the stake. I have seen no one in this section claim Sony is dead, yet this person claims it's all he hears people say. And that rethoric is then applauded by other blind followers who refuse the fact that their preferred company is capable of making bad decisions.

Re: Shawn Layden Reveals Why He Left Sony PlayStation


All you've done is conclude that any criticism directed at Sony is wrong and equals claiming that Sony is dead, even though no one has said that. You liken being an informed consumer to an almost personal attack against you yourself. I'll reserve my right to spend my money how and where I see fit, no matter how proud you are of your own lack of objectivity.

Re: Shawn Layden Reveals Why He Left Sony PlayStation


Oh, please. What does it mean? Do you remeber how Sony handled the PS4 launch pr? All about being pro consumer, as opposed to M$ who effed it up so bad they had to spend an entire gen doing damage control. What we're already seeing so early on in this gen is a whole different strategy. Next to no communication, $70 games on PS5 and a general sense they're willing to squeeze every single cent and gram of goodwill out of their loyal fans.

Re: Shawn Layden Reveals Why He Left Sony PlayStation


There's a difference between spelling DOOM and simply not approving of their new business strategies. Sony were much more transparent and pro consumer through the PS4 gen. Being on top has made them arrogant. And it's not the first time either. I'm still on the blue team, but that doesn't make me blind to these recent changes. Jim Ryan doesn't seem in touch with the community the way Shawn did. Not even close.

Re: GTA 5: All PS5 vs PS4 Differences


How about just writing an article when they spill the beans? I love this site, but drip feeding info on GTA V? Doesn't it come across as a bit click bait-y, or is it just me?
I assure you guys I mean no disrespect!!