Comments 282

Re: Best PS5 Games


@sjbsixpack Anyone who says otherwise is just mad they can't find a PS5, bc the upgrades are totally worth it. Its not something I can explain to people besides recommending them to experience it for themselves.

Re: Forspoken (PS5) - Messy Action RPG Is Massively Hit and Miss


@Deoxyr1bose I can agree with this 100%. The standards and expectations are much higher. Especially when you compare this to PS5-only games like Demon's Souls, Returnal, and A Rift Apart that perform exceptionally well. This game reminds of those early PS3 games that were coming out in the beginning of the cycle. This probably would've got a 9/10 in 2006.

Re: 'AAAA' Title The Callisto Protocol Reportedly Falls Short of Expected Sales Figures


Its almost laughable reading through comments and gamers questioning a corporation's financial forecast. I'm pretty sure they expected 5M units based on how much they spent developing this game. Sure, let's just make a $200B game and hope it ships 500,000 units. Consumers & spectators, please stay in your lane LMAO. Everyone wants high end graphics, but it comes at a cost and risk, and this happened to be a bust. Its no surprise why low risk indie games are on the rise.

Re: Dead Space PS5 Looks Like a Remarkable Remake


@Northern_munkey Very condescending! Yet, you continue to prove my point over and over again. I don't know (or care) about where you stand with Last of Us Part 1. I personally skipped the game myself due to lack of interest, but the fact that you feel complaining about something you can simply skip is pure entitlement. There's gonna be lots of non-gamers checking for The Last of Us Part 1 after the show starts on HBO, and I understand that 1. its going to make SONY more money than a Bloodbourne remake, and 2. i'm not the audience for this game. You my friend, are an entitled gamer, and you should just embrace it. There's nothing wrong about it, and I won't look down on you bc of it.

Re: Dead Space PS5 Looks Like a Remarkable Remake


@Hundred_Hand_Slap Dead Space has been dormant since 2013. The Last of Us has been rereleased twice since 2013. Familiarity breeds contempt. I do feel The Last of Us Part 1 has received a lot of unwarranted hate from entitled gamers though.