Comments 238

Re: The Fantasy 6 Remake Talk Has Started Again


@Cashews It's fruitless here man. I mean, there are two different simultaneously developed remakes for Final Fantasy VII and they haven't even finished part 2 of the main remake (the other is Ever Crisis), And there are rumors swirling about remakes for FF6, FF8, FF9 and FF10.
That's pathetic. I'm not even sure if that's an opinion or an actual fact, but that's pathetic.

Re: The Fantasy 6 Remake Talk Has Started Again


I feel like this site covers Square disproportionately when there's other RPGs to cover, but whatever, that's just one reader's feedback.

Also, gotta butt heads with y'all commenting, a 7/10 is NOT a stellar game. It's usually "good - fans of the genre will be pleased, but others may not be convinced"
A 7/10 being hailed as great is pure echo chamber. No. It is. By definition.

Also, FF14 is over 10 years old, disqualified. FF16 is still too new, recency bias. The average gamer is finishing up now and their reviews (just from the comments here on PS) suggest a 7/10 game, which is a bit off from the diehards out the gate assessment. It's also incredibly divisive fanbase wise (what isn't tho amirite?)

I will agree the Octopath games are very good, but they are honestly too little, too late since I was thirsty for that type of game for 25+ years. And they're SaGa games! Not at all FF, just turn-based. The dissatisfaction with the new direction goes deeper than just turn based, and if you don't get that, you were never an old school fan. (Will die on this hill)
But again, the games are 7s. They might have scored higher, but the fact that the media is constantly covering square for little to no reason other than to keep them top of mind should suggest to the rest of you that the scores are over-inflated a bit.

We mean certified bangers. 10/10s like everyone acts like the next FF will be. Indeed. A legit 9 or 10 game. Not a "7 or 8 par for the course" for a legacy AAA company. A game that absolutely everyone should experience.

Like Final Fantasy VII was.

And all the last decade yielded on that upper echelon was from Yoko Taro and Platinum games. Nier Automata deserves all the praise. The books, anime, all dat. It is true excellence 👏

Our Chip - We are the old school fans who were "sacrificed" for the new fans' tastes. Read into that however you want. It's one of those concepts that if you won't understand it without an explanation, then you won't understand with one either.
Je ne sais qois.

That's enough nonsense from me, have a great whatever it is where you are when you read this. But know that Automata is the only certified banger in the past decade. ✌️

Re: Killing Treasure Goblins Is About to Become a Lot More Rewarding in Diablo 4


@HonestHick @kyleforrester87 Yeah, I totally get that and I wasn't actually trying to attack the game itself, I was just taking shots at blizzard because they are kind of one of the first companies to do the patch as you go model. But as you said it's an online always game and that's a necessity.

I kind of misspoke and meant to say something like Drop it now and patch it later not release it broken so that's on me.