Comments 93

Re: PGA Tour PS5 Game Tees Up EA Play Release on Thursday


Even with AI difficulty set to 1 they still go -7 , it's ridiculously hard on the lowest level, not a beginner friendly game at all, I'm grinding and grinding and only now getting a par on each hole, I like to dominate games in their easiest setting while getting used to them, this game doesn't do easy

Re: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PS5) - The Apex of RPG Adventuring


Three days into Horizon Forbidden West and am loving it, so so awesome, there’s also the new dlc that’s just come out?
I’ll be spending quite a lot of time with this game so by the time I eventually complete it there may be a decent discount on Dragons Dogma 2
I refuse to pay £60 for a game these days and haven’t for over a decade

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 520


Im a glutton for punishment so am continuing with Ea PGA tour, it’s crazy hard right now and the broken difficulty setting doesn't help
I have it on 1 and the ai golfers are still going -7 lol
I will master it eventually but the ridiculous difficulty setting does nothing to make it more appealing to new players

Re: Helldivers 2 PS5, PC Almost Matching Marvel's Spider-Man 2's Sales in UK


I got Helldivers this morning and managed to get a few missions in before the servers were having issues and not letting me log back in.
The game is fantastic, so much fun, I can’t explain why when my teammate accidentally blows me to pieces I can’t do anything except laugh, in any other game my rage level would be off the charts but in this game I just burst out laughing, it may in part be because of how easily I can get back in the match but never experienced anything like it before.
This game is going to get its claws deep into me and I’ll be hooked in no time at all and I can’t wait
Superb 9/10

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 518


Have recently decided to give Warframe another go since the last time I played was years ago and then it was a stuttering pile of trash, walk into a relatively small populated area and my PC would grind to a halt.
Nothing to do with my pc spec it was the game being horrendously optimised, anyway I digress as I installed it again five days ago and haven’t played anything else since, love it, such a good game, anyway must dash I have an egg incubating and need to see if it’s hatched haha

Re: 13 More Games Coming to PS Plus Extra, Premium This Month


I find it hilarious that people feel the need to share they're cancelling their subscription, nobody cares
If you cannot see the insane value at 27p a day which full price PS extra is then there really is no hope for you
I just gotta year of extra for 40 odd quid and know I'm robbing them at that price
Was going to buy AC Valhalla off eBay last week for a tenner so that's a tenner I don't need to spend now

Re: PS Plus Extra Loses 9 Great PS5, PS4 Games Next Month


Ps plus extra is 27p a day, 27p, on what planet is that not incredible value?
There isn’t a single other item available for 27p that gives anywhere close to as much entertainment
I cannot believe people actually type PS plus isn’t good value, yeah you right it’s not “good value” it’s exceptional value, just stop already you looking like a fool lol

Re: Fortnite Fans Can't Believe the Price of the Game's New PS5, PS4 Microtransactions


What people want and what they need are two entirely different things, you don’t need to spend money to take advantage of hundreds of thousands of hours of completely free content.
My kids have put in thousands of hours in Fortnite, absolutely love the game and besides me giving them V Bucks at Xmas and birthdays they have spent nothing in game but had incredible entertainment value for precisely nothing

Re: PlayStation Users Set to Lose Hundreds of TV Shows They Paid For


The days of wanting to own physical copies of media have long since past for me, I’ve the ability to see anything I want whenever I want, I see no reason to own actual copies
Things are a little different with regards to music as I have all Led Zeppelin’s albums and all Queen albums on vinyl, for everything else I use Tidal Hi-Fi plus
Games I have on rotation, when I’ve completed the copies I have here they will get sold on and replaced with the latest bunch

Re: Court Rules £5 Billion Lawsuit Against Sony Can Go Ahead, Following Years of 'Excessive' PS Store Prices


Good, these company’s have no interest in fairness unless forced to so I am all for this legal action being brought
But they know they can get away with it as people don’t collectively stand up to these companies
The consumer could have it so awesome if they had a collective backbone
Have no idea how powerful we as the consumer can be if we stood together but it never happens or almost never happens so these companies get away with it time and again

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