Comments 1,439

Re: UK Sales Charts: Saints Row Claims the Throne, Sells Best on PS5


I bought saints and it just seems to lack the personality the previous ones had. I dont mind them scaling back on the madness but the new characters suuuuuck and no its because of woke etc. They just feel bland. Didnt help the male voice selection sucks. Where's my british cockney voice? I wanted to make my Saints Statam again XD

Re: First Impressions: The Devil in Me Is a Bigger and Better Dark Pictures Title


Date aside im looking forward to this. House of Ashes was vast improvement storywise (with the first two basically having the same reveal that kinda killed replayability).

Kinda laughed at Kates item being a pencil tho

Chalie - i can open new areas
Mark - i can find and catalogue new evidence
Jamie - i can get the electrics working
Kate - imma just doodle

Im aware itl probably be really useful in game but that popped in my head lol