Comments 1,411

Re: Colossal Flop Babylon's Fall Hasn't Changed Platinum's Plans for More Live Service Games


@nessisonett its only a flesh wound.

In all seriousness I just don't get this. Everyone is practically yelling at platinum for more games like Metal Gear Rising, Vanquish, Nier Automata and they are just going down the live service route. Yes Valhalla has some elements of this and while I enjoyed the game it was already an 80 hour game that didnt need them imo. Heck even the great support for the game started to get negative responces because we just wanted it to end XD

Re: The Last of Us PS5’s UK Physical Sales Half of Saints Row


The price has to be the biggest sticking point. Even Skyrim and GTA had the sense to release cheaper for the rereleases. I know this a remake and has had effort put into it but still it didn't need much improvement honestly

Also i do think Part 2 has soured alot of people on the franchise