Comments 2,690

Re: Poll: Do Developers Betray Fans When Player Choice Suddenly Doesn't Matter in an RPG?


If player choice is integral and the central way of shaping the game and it's world, it's definitely a problem if it's taken away from the player at a crucial point. It's very difficult to have a fixed outcome without potentially clashing with the choices players make. They want their choices to matter, and I understand that the development team wants to tell a story, but they need to account for that. Nothing's more irritating than carefully deliberating your decisions in a game, only to find out it means nothing.

Re: Guide: The Best PS4 External Hard Drive Upgrades


I want to give a warning for anyone using this as a reference for buying a drive: Do not buy a "hub" drive (such as the Seagate Backup Plus Hub) as it is incompatible with the PS4. I bought one late last year while looking for a drive, and the console would not format it even though it recognized it.

If you need a 8TB drive, get another option like the Seagate Expansion. The 8TB version of that is also cheaper than the Backup Plus Hub.

Re: Talking Point: Could Sony Lease Out Its Dormant Franchises?


I'm firmly in the Maybe category. I'm ok if it actually does justice to the series, but it's not guaranteed to work. Not a perfect example, but Sly Thieves in Time came out of "dormancy", and proceeded to be a low point for the series, and that was actually published by Sony.

I'm also of the opinion that not every dormant series needs to return, as some either wrap up their story or just did what they came to do. I wouldn't mind if a series I like such as Jak or especially Sly returns, but it has to live up to the quality the rest of the games set, otherwise it's better of sleeping.

Re: Poll: Push Square Staff and Community Predict PlayStation's 2019


Hoo boy....

1. No. I still think we'll see it in '20 at the latest, and there's still life left in PS4.

2. Yes. I think there's gonna be at least one conference. It seems odd to be absent a whole year.

3. Gonna say Yes. It's something I can see happening, but it ain't a guarantee.

4. No. If they know what's good for them and the game, they should take their time with this.

5. No. But I am open to being proven wrong.

6. No. There still isn't a clear enough picture on it's progress to say it will.

7. Gonna say No, because I'm getting the feeling that they'll feel it's been in development long enough and release it on time, for better or worse.

8. No. This seems way out of possibility to me, and even if it was, it probably sailed by now.

9. Yes. I think that survival horror is rare enough that critics will appreciate it, and with RE positively rebounding, I can see a high score.

10. Yes. I think with the hype, it'll be a good seller.

11. No. Despite the hype, the series never really reached high tier reception, so I'm expecting lower scores.

12. Yes. Japan.

13. No. Far Cry seems to be on a downturn right now.

14. No. Mostly because I think it won't be a big seller. Or it won't beat Rockstar and soccer.

15. No. I'm expecting a downturn for Bioware and the scores to reflect that.

16. Yes. This was a gimme, right?

17. Yes, again, I think the genre is rare enough for the critics to score it favorably.

18. Gonna say No. I'm not expecting The Division the light up reviews.

19. Yes.

20. No. There will be a guest character, but they've always been DLC in Netherrealm games, and I don't expect the trend to be broken.

21. No. I'm not expecting Rage to light up sales. It doesn't seem likely to me.

22. No. It's a Sonic game. Critics hate Sonic. The sky is blue.

23. No. He doesn't have thumbs. He can't handle a steering wheel.

I'm kidding. I'll go with Yes.

24. Yes. I hope it does, anyway.

25. No. BioMutant just seems like a cult classic at best to me.

26. Yes. That was also a gimme, right?

27. Gonna flip a coin. No.

28. Yes. I hope it is, anyway.

29. No. This definitely needs time before we get it.

30. No.

31. No. If only because I forgot it existed.

32. No. I feel like we would have heard something about a new AC already. It should take a break this year, anyway.

33. I wish it would, but sadly, No.

34. No.

35. No. Don't see it getting any significant acclaim.

36. No.

37. No. Even though XV released a couple years ago, it's still to early. I'd rather they focus on FF7R.

38. No. They really want you to beg for it.

39. Yes. I think it's the right time for it.

40. No. I don't want girl scout cookies.

Re: Talking Point: What Should PlayStation Do to Replace E3 2019?


Honestly, PS Experience feels like a natural substitute for an E3 conference. They have free rein for themselves, can announce essentially anything and get some degree of hype, whereas with E3 they probably could only get the announcements that would matter. It also came across as more fan focused than E3, so reactions and such would feel more natural. It to me seems like something where both the company and consumer can win in the end.

Re: Guide: Best PS4 Fighting Games


Surprised to see T7 top the list. I love playing it, but I thought other games would overtake it.

I want to make a recommendation myself: Under Night In-Birth. It did come out on PS3 first, but it's latest iteration is available on PS4. Like Guilty Gear, it's an easy to pick up anime fighter with plenty of depth, style, and one of the better tutorials I've seen, and plenty of modes. If it's still on sale, I hope people give it a try.

Re: Square Enix Boss Says Game Streaming and Subscription Services Will Be Key to Future Growth


@Amplified I feel like there's a good point, but would the money saved offset the potential losses? My major concern about a subscription based future is how many subscriptions are going to be needed to keep up with gaming? For example, will we need to buy EA's service, in addition to Ubisoft's, alongside Square's, to get their game catalogs? Will we need a subscription on separate consoles? Will we need their subscriptions too? And then there's stuff like PS+ and Xbox Live Gold.

There's a chance it could be like @Rhaoulos's suggestion, but nothing is set in stone, and if it turns like how I fear it would, gaming could be a financially draining hobby, and that's the last thing I need it to be.

Re: Spider-Man PS4 Dev Pushes Back Against Fan Criticisms Regarding DLC


I feel the need to state the because of the nature of written word, it's a lot easier to come across as a jerk on the web due to how straightforward a statement appears. The tweet from Insomniac can be read as a harsh "pushback" even if it's meant with sincerity. A lot of blunt statements can fall victim to that.

It would be another thing if the tweet was actually said in a video by one of the devs and actually sounded harsh, rather than reading words on a post. The above tweet can be said in a polite manner.

Re: Street Fighter V's In-Game Ads Are the Latest and Greatest Gaming Controversy


The screen cap above looks so much like a mockup I have to laugh, but it apparently isn't.

eSports, particularly the business side of it, has been discussed a lot in the FGC pretty much since SFV came out. There's been quite a divide over it, so I imagine this is going down well as we speak.....

Personally, even if it's optional, I still think it looks silly. The logos on the outfits are easily the worst aspect of this. I mean, Akuma shilling tournaments during the Raging Demon looks so wrong. I'm just waiting for a fan edit with the CPT emblem during the win animation after that.

Re: Soapbox: I'm Tired of the Constant Teasing in the Lead Up to a Video Game Event


I can understand the frustration. I constantly lament how there's few genuine surprises in the industry now. Even some of the most out there things seem to end up on everyone's prediction list. At the same time, the teasing doesn't always result in what's expected, and people can do it just to twist your expectations and pull a swerve. I keep that in mind whenever these big events come around.

Re: Poll: Is E3 Still Relevant, Especially Now that Sony Has Abandoned It?


It's a bit hard to say that the loss of one company means the death of a whole event, but it does kinda say something when they back out of it.

Personally I enjoy E3 enough, but it does lose it's relevancy as time goes on. Lots of companies hard their own events, and they're more likely to give attention to those first and foremost rather than E3.