Comments 2,690

Re: Soapbox: In Defence of Death Stranding


AAA games are pretty safe right now. They've always been like that whenever a new trend happens now yeah, but as time goes on and franchises are made and lasting, it's easy to predict what to expect for the most part. Heck, I remember when most games were kept under wraps until it was close to release, only getting snippets of info and gameplay from trailers. This really isn't the first time Kojima himself has done this- Remember how he hid Raiden prior to MGS2's release?

As for Kojima himself, I don't mean to sound like some elitist, but I dunno if I can say that his games are really for everyone. I don't like saying that, but even MGS can be an acquired taste, since they aspired to be more than a typical action game. I don't expect Death Stranding to be any different.

Worth noting while I am a fan of Kojima and have a lot of respect for him, I know he isn't perfect. I was one of those who felt disappointed by MGSV, enough that I didn't want to finish it. And even before that, Peace Walker was a game that I had mixed feelings for.

Re: Sony: PlayStation Exclusives May Need to Lean into Wider Install Base


I'm not sure that this will mean we'll see less total exclusives, but after mulling it over I can see this happening a bit more often. I think it can be a good thing for a multiplayer game because of how much a big and active playerbase means for titles like that. I'm sticking to my belief that there's still gonna be plenty of exclusives for a while yet. I'm not sure if that was ever in doubt.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? - Issue 285


Been a while since I posted in one of these.

I've been slowly playing Horizon Zero Dawn (as in, I've been playing on-off for two months), and I think I'm starting to get to the point where I really like playing the game. It's not a bad game by any stretch, it's just well, I think I've made my feelings on open world games clear by now, and it's been a slow burn to get me going on Horizon. But I'm starting to get into it now.

Re: Obsidian RPG The Outer Worlds Could End Up Becoming an Xbox Exclusive Franchise


Let's be real, Xbox really needs more exclusives. I'm never really a fan of a series going exclusive when it was previously multiplatform, especially if it's a platform I don't own, but a good system needs the right balance of exclusives and multiplatforms, which Xbox doesn't really have right now.

All the Xbox exclusives I've been interested in came out prior to 2016, since then, the well just ran dry from my observation.

Re: Death Stranding's PS4 Exclusivity Debate Rages On


@Juanalf I'm not talking about straight power, I'm talking about being able to properly run on a different system. Bad ports or versions to higher quality systems do exist (Metal Gear Solid 2 from PS2 to PC, The Jak Collection from PS2 to PS4, Batman Arkham Knight from consoles to PC), each with varying reasons that admittedly aren't always the dev team's fault.

@AdamNovice I'm not missing the point, I just don't make a big deal about it because as a PS4 owner, I can play it either way. The system already has a large lineup of exclusive titles, and already has sold many, many systems. I'm not saying they should stop making exclusives or selling units, I just don't see a reason to make a huge deal about it this late in the generation, when a ton of money has already been made. PlayStation is fine, not having it 100% exclusive isn't gonna kill them, and they'll always have more exclusives later on.

Re: DuckTales Remastered Demonstrates the Dangers of Digital with Delisting


I got a taste of this when Scott Pilgrim and essentially the whole Marvel Vs Capcom series initially got delisted years ago. The former I do own, but I never got the DLC, and never will because of this. Ultimate Marvel 3 got a rerelease on PS4, thankfully, but as far as I know, Marvel Vs Capcom 2 is still gone, which sucks because physical copies of that are pricy.

Re: SEGA to Showcase All-New AAA Title at Gamescom 2019


I want Jet Set Radio, dangit. I know I'm not gonna get it and it's probably Sonic or Yakuza, but I can dream. Too many people haven't experienced the concept....THE CONCEPT OF LOVE!!!

Virtua Fighter would be a good shout too. It's been over a decade since 5 came out. Kinda wish I saw it at EVO this past weekend.

Re: Random: Raging Zelda Fan Smashes PS4 Over Breath of the Wild 'Clone' Genshin Impact


Oh boy, more console fandom stupidity incoming.

The game does look way too similar to Breath of the Wild, I get that, but smashing a game console was an immature thing no matter how you cut it. He was probably some fame seeker, considering it's plain odd to carry a home system on your person.

Were this guy and the others who "protested" crazy fans? Yeah, but I wouldn't lump all of Nintendo fans as those kind of people, that's just dumb. Every fandom has those bad apples.

Re: Feature: 7 Ways Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled Needs to Improve Its Online Multiplayer


I only play online for the Wumpa Coins, so I don't really care about winning, especially since I get more coins from 4th than I do in 2nd (Why?). But I do agree with the article. If you're not playing with the bonuses, Wumpa Coins come too low.

Some skill level would be nice. Nearly every race I've played, there's someone who leads by a large margin. I was once lapped over despite being in 2nd place. I've only won 2 races so far, one because everyone else disconnected except for one weaker player.

@MrWick's idea of a no power ups setting is good too, for anyone who actually wants to test their skill, since like Smash Bros. it's hard to gauge skill with random items hindering players. I've also had plenty of experience getting hit with items right as I get over a pit, causing me to fall and lose time. If you do want to win, that is the most frustrating thing ever.

Re: Tifa's Chest Size Reduced in Final Fantasy VII Remake Per Square Enix Ethics Department Request


Article on Tifa's breasts. I'm pretending to be surprised. I thought "Ethics Department" was sarcasm.

They don't even look that reduced to me. They probably just look the way they do because she has a sports bra under her top now. It makes sense for a brawler like Tifa to have comfort while fighting. Knocking herself out doing somersaults with the funbags hanging loose wouldn't be helpful during gameplay, would it?

And I know I'm gonna, I dunno, get called names on the internet for saying what I'm about to, but whatever: When I played FF7 for the 1st time two years ago, I was blown away with how much I liked Tifa as a character, and how natural that character came across in the game's context. Even though she had a fanservicetastic design, it never really came up in the game (Granted, you couldn't really play anything for fanservice with graphics like that) or reflected her character that much.

And yes, Tifa is a very beautiful woman, I have no shame in admitting that. And the remake's design in my opinion is a great example of updating a design for a modern time while keeping the spirit of the original intact. There really shouldn't be any issues, but there's always something on the internet that has them.

Basically, I'm saying there's way more to her than a giant rack. For 20 years I've heard about how great everything about VII was amazing, especially the cast, and here we are, talking about Tifa's rack in 2019. C'mon, this Mako Reactor ain't worth blowing up.

Re: Crash Team Racing - Naughty Dog Created the Best Kart Racer on PSone


I started playing this again yesterday to prep for CTR Nitro Fueled, and I was surprised at how even after two decades, the handling feels so smooth. It's been a very long time since I've played it too, but it's a very accessible, fun kart racer with a well made skill based mechanic, with great visuals and music that sucked me back in after such a long time away.

I pretty much agree with everything the review states. The only thing I never got to do was a 4 player session, since I didn't have a multitap.