Comments 2,690

Re: Comicbook Legend and Co-Creator of Spider-Man Stan Lee Dies Age 95


I had to do a double take when I saw the news earlier. I just couldn't believe it.

To say Marvel Comics has had a large impact in my life would be an understatement. Spider-Man in particular was and still is my favorite superhero. I remember growing up looking at Spider-Man and the X-Men and wishing I could be as heroic as they were. Even today I still feel inspired by superheroes, and Stan the Man had a big part in that. It taught me that even guys like me can be a great person.

And while yes, he was alive for nearly a hundred years and undoubtedly lived a full life, he's also been around for so long that him leaving this world is still a surreal thing.

Rest in Peace, Stanley Leiber.
-Sincerely, A True Believer.

Re: Poll: Do You Buy and Play Single Player Story DLC?


If I have the cash to burn and I enjoyed the game, then yeah, I'll stump up for SP DLC. A lot of times whenever this stuff came out, I just never had the money to get it. I missed out of Sleeping Dogs' DLC when that came out, I missed Infamous Festival of Blood when that came out, but I can get them now that I have some extra money.

Re: Soapbox: Why the PlayStation Classic's Game Lineup Could Never Please Everyone


I won't be buying it, but I don't think the lineup is terrible. It may seem kinda naked not having more "big" names like Gran Turismo and Tomb Raider, but I've always thought that even in the PS1 era, PlayStation's biggest strength was having lesser known games shine.

The lineup has some games that don't really come to mind when I think PlayStation (with a few I've never played), but still are solid enough games.

Re: Marvel's Spider-Man: The Heist - More of the Same


Having already played through the story, I'll admit I was slightly disappointed. I wasn't expecting anything major, but I felt the story ended quicker than I thought, though I still found the story parts good and entertaining.

The extra challenges with Screwball I actually like so far, since they're just different enough from the Taskmaster challenges from the main game. New collectable I didn't mind either, since it's an extra bit of Spidey lore.

I'd say yeah, it could have been more, but what's there isn't too bad. Since it's basically episode 1 of the DLC trilogy, it'll probably look better once the rest are released.

Re: Rockstar Co-Founder Thankful He's Not Making Grand Theft Auto 6 in Trump Era


He has a point for sure, and frankly, I'm kinda glad it's not being made in this era either. In my opinion, both sides of the political climate are so loud, with seemingly everyone with an internet connection saying something about it, that whatever message or satire would just be another bit of noise among the rest.

I'll be the first to admit that I may not be qualified to speak about politics, but I wonder what can really be added to an already escalated discussion.

Re: Talking Point: What's the Background Behind Your PSN Username?


I've already talked about it a couple times, but I guess I'll repeat the origin of HeartBreakJake95, the fruitiest name on PSN.

For starters, my uncle picked the name while he was setting up my account while I was at school. "Heartbreak" is from pro wrestler Shawn Michaels, nicknamed "The Heartbreak Kid". He's my favorite wrestler. Jake (Which I hate being called) is obviously short for my given name of Jacob, and 95 refers to my birth year of 1995. Yep. I don't really hate the name, but if I had to pick a name, I would have done something else.

For extra lameness, he gave me the same name on 360, but with the Es replaced with 3s. That was true shame.

Re: Poll: Are You a Fan of Gaming Magazines?


Yep. I'm still subscribed to GameInformer, pretty much the only gaming mag left in the US.

I like to collect them, but It's also just nice to read a physical thing every once in a while. And come on, the art for the covers and pages are pleasing to look at. The Internet has made them less important I'll admit, but I still enjoy kicking back with a gaming mag.

Re: Soapbox: Can You Truly Appreciate a Game with Walkthroughs?


I used to use walkthroughs as a kid, since it didn't require too much effort to read a guide and follow instructions. Now, I rarely use them, because I want to figure the answer out for myself. It makes whatever difficult part I struggle with more satisfying because I got it without help. When I do use guides now, it's either because I'm one collectable short and WHERE ON EARTH IS IT I FREAKING COMBED THE WHOLE LEVEL. Or because I'm curious about any alternative ways of clearing a game after I already finished it. Experimenting, essentially.

I'm not an elitist about it though. If people want to use a walkthrough, that's up to them. Sometimes I don't blame them. Playing old RPGs without a guide of sorts it very difficult, and games like the first Zelda are basically impossible to enjoy without one.

Re: Soapbox: Kingdom Hearts III Was My First Taste of Kingdom Hearts


I don't think it's unreasonable to play the game without much care for the story beyond the basics. The hook for the series for me was always exploring the Disney worlds and the sublime gameplay. I care about the story but mostly on a surface level. I haven't really looked at it under a magnifying glass beyond whatever I've simplified.

Re: Talking Point: Is Astro Bot the Mascot of the PS4 Era?


@Kidfried and @rjejr beat me to it. Trying decide a mascot for PS4 is pretty hard. Yeah, you could say Kratos or Drake, but both have only appeared once, and the latter is retired. Same goes for Ratchet.

PlayStation as a brand has grown so much, I don't even think it needs a mascot to represent it's identity.

Besides, if this article didn't exist, I'd have forgotten Astro Bot did. Or never learn it's name.

Re: Soapbox: Publishers Want You to Pay to Play Early, And It's a Worry


I rarely ever play games on a proper release day, so even if I wanted to I would never pay early to play a few days earlier than the rest! Especially if there's no added incentives for the extra price.

You know my issue is? The potential of spoilers being higher with this. Spoiler dodging is already painful, but some games could possibly be spoiled before the actual release if it's short enough.